This is human nature that no one can change.

If it were normal, if he found a school girl who was famous and understood him, Mo Yi would definitely not mind getting to know him in depth, and maybe he could gain a pure friendship.

However, this happiness knocked on the door at an inappropriate time.

After listening to Leiden Meiyi's speech, Jing Keai looked at Mo Yi with more and more dangerous eyes.


Mo Yi, who has a strong desire to survive, naturally does not want to start a daily love and death plot with Jing Keai during this rare holiday. You must know that Yusa Emi, Teacher Zhen Shizi and Xue Miao are all looking at him, just like Dong Xuanzi San Sixteen forms and many other methods are not very convenient to use.

"Junior girl, I'm exaggerating. In fact, apart from my flexible brain and nice speaking skills, I really don't have anything that I'm good at."

Mo Yi doesn't care whether Jing Keai believes it or not, he just says what he needs to say and pretends to be tender when he needs to. I don't believe that Jing Keai dares to do such indiscreet behavior in a public place.

"I have only played tennis two or three times."

“The level is really average.”


Jing Keai wouldn't believe Mo Yi's nonsense. As far as she knew, as long as he was involved in anything in school, there was nothing ordinary. Just talking about the physical education exam, she was nagged by the physical education teacher in the class——

"Mr. Hiratsuka, you must persuade Mo Yi to join the school team. If he is willing, the army championship will be within his reach."

"His not participating in the World Cup is simply a loss for sports in District 11."

It's just that she knows Mo Yi's character, so he won't become a sportsman for the so-called national reputation.

Moreover, her family and the Nakiri family are family friends. They know Mo Yi's situation. As long as others marry their sister, they will immediately become CEOs and reach the top of their lives. They only need to think about how to spend money every day. There is no need to become an athlete. Such a useless thing.

No matter how outstanding the other party is, as long as he goes home and works as a chef, he is not comparable to an athlete who is a senior and dangerous profession.

However, Hiratsuka Shizuka once discussed this issue with Mo Yi, but was naturally rejected ruthlessly by Mo Yi.

However, Shizuka Hiratsuka was still very unhappy when he heard that Mo Yi had such ability, but was late all day long, didn't listen to class, and wandered around doing whatever he did. He felt like he was in trouble with his boyfriend. When I was washing clothes, I forgot to check my pockets and washed out the lottery ticket that won 100 million yuan.

I wish I could push the other person to the ground and beat him to death.

However, if the other party is unwilling, Jing Keai has no good solution. After all, the other party's attitude towards her has always been very sincere and polite, even though the other party still doesn't know how to ridicule her and can't help him.

"Your tennis skills are more than enough to play professionally——"

When Mo Yi took a step back and showed humility, school girl Ya Yi was touched by Mo Yi's humility again. She put her hands together on her chest and said with great emotion:

"As expected of Senior Mo Yi from the Celestial Dynasty, only the sea of ​​stars is qualified to be your target."

Mo Yi: "..."

At this time, Mo Yi finally understood what "one pink top and ten black ones" mean.

After Miss Mei's words of admiration, Jing Keai felt that she had been deceived, and her eyes that had given up on treatment became dangerous again, constantly shooting rays called anger towards Mo Yi's body.

"Ha ha--"

Mo Yi has realized that if he stays any longer, Jing Kei will sooner or later become stronger and wiser, transform into the invincible Jing Kei with an iron fist, and fight him for 300 rounds.

Moreover, it is not possible for me to comfort the other person with words as usual.

There is a fanatic fan beside him who keeps giving out assists, so he should sneak away first as a respect.

"I still have some things to do. Let's talk about it next time, Mr. Hiratsuka Shizuka and Mei-senpai."

Having said that, he quickly left everyone behind, leaving only Leiden Meiyi, who looked at Mo Yi's handsome junior like the wind with admiring eyes, and Jing Keai, who was gritting her teeth.

Xuemiao, Teacher Zhen Shizi and others have been secretly observing what happened here at Mo Yi.

After seeing Mo Yi and Jing Keai walking towards him after talking, Teacher Zhen Shizi still looked up at the stars and thought about life, but she was still very happy in her heart.

Fortunately, Mr. Front Desk, you are sensible and know how to come to me.

However, Mo Yi walked past her, and then walked past her to the location of the service department.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "···"

Suddenly I felt so tired. Why on earth did I fall in love with such a bastard?

If he had a forty-meter-long sword in his hand, he would definitely point it at Yukinoshita Yukinya, who looked cold but had narrowed eyes.

It was obvious that she had been honest with herself more than ten minutes ago, and now, more than ten minutes later, she was walking by him like this, and she smiled so sweetly!

Do you think you are Fatty Yang?

Can you smile so beautifully that hundreds of flowers bloom?

I haven't personally agreed to the other party's shameless pursuit and become her wings, so I treat myself like this.

If he succeeds in the future, will he still have a status in the family?

In the end, wouldn’t she end up becoming a yellow-faced woman who cooks and takes care of her children at home every day? !

At this moment, Teacher Zhen Shizi’s will to fight became even stronger——

It's impossible to give up.

How could I possibly give up on something that I, Master Shizizi, likes.

As long as you defeat other unknown guys, you can become the opponent's only one. Of course, this is the highest pursuit.

In the reality that the road is tortuous and the future is bright, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's current strategic goal is to become the biggest winner and form a super-powerful structure.

"Xiaoyi, why are you here today?"

Yuigahama Yui, the pink dango member who is responsible for the lively atmosphere of the service department and a member of the big dango family, waved her hand to Mo Yi who was about to walk over and said happily:

"This morning Xiaoxue complained about you always being absent from the service department activities."

"I also saw that she was very unhappy because of this. It would be nice if you came now."

"Xiaoxue, isn't it?"


Xue Miao was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. It immediately became furry and glared at Mo Yi fiercely, explaining:

"I don't remember that there is Mo Yi in our service department."

"Except for someone who has never been to the Service Club activity room since the first day, I, Yukinoshita Yukino, will not admit that he is a member of the Service Club."

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