Mo Yi: "..."

The words were spoken by Tuanzi, Xue Miao, why are you staring at me?

If it were the ancient times where the three obediences and four virtues were emphasized, if you dared to glare at me like this, I would have hung you up and slapped you.

"Xiaoxue, don't be so harsh——"

After Yuigahama Yui realized that she seemed to have caused a war, she quickly made peace:

"Xiaoyi is also too busy. He has to write novels and help with game club affairs. He is not as free as us."

"It's understandable that I don't come to the service department very much."

Xue Miao naturally knows what Tuanzi said, because she runs between the service department and the game production club every day, so she naturally knows that the fledgling game production club cannot do without Mo Yi at all, and he needs to arrange all the arrangements for this project. Follow up and schedule.

In addition, Xue Miao, who lives with Mo Yi, also knows that even after Mo Yi returns home, he still has things to deal with at Yakumo House, not to mention creating new works and daily and new works.

After spending time together this week, she realized how exaggerated and intense Mo Yi's day was.

In fact, Xue Miao secretly admires her in terms of her work ability and attitude, although she doesn't understand why she has to work so hard day and night to cultivate immortality when she already has great power and can get what she wants at will.

Xue Miao understands the truth, and she even complains that the other party is a workaholic and doesn't have much time to play with her or learn membrane techniques.

All in all, Xue Miao's speech just now was just to cover up Tuanzi's words that she cared about Mo Yi.

He couldn't let the other person know that he cared about him so much, and even often mentioned him in Tuanzi. Otherwise, Mo Yi, this soulless person, would definitely become more complacent and confident.

How will I face him in the future?

That's right, I, Xue Miao, didn't say this just because I was tired and hiding my true thoughts.

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——"

Xuemiao looked at Yuigahama Yui with a smile on her face. She was not really angry in her heart, so she snorted and said nothing more.

Mo Yi felt Xue Miao observing him secretly, and was afraid of his angry gaze, so he couldn't help but laugh to himself.

Xue Miao is really getting cuter and cuter, much more interesting than before when she looked like it was all the world's fault.

And Yuigahama Yui, who caused all this, finally breathed a sigh of relief. If she had caused a conflict between Mo Yi and Yukinoshita Yukino because of her inadvertence, she would definitely feel guilty.

After seeing that he had prevented another war, he was quite proud.

Of course, she didn't know that Xuemiao was not as angry with Mo Yi as she imagined. Even if he was angry, it was the kind of 'come and coax me, coax me and then forgive' kind of anger.

Tuanzi's changes in mood were all written on the other person's face, and Mo Yi couldn't even see through it.

However, Mo Yi will not tell Tuanzi that things are not what you imagined. You know nothing about the love and hatred between Xue Miao and me.

The reason is, of course, that it feels so good to fall in love secretly, which is one of the reasons why office romances are so popular.

Because there were a lot of people present, and there were also Tuanzi and Big Teacher, Xue Miao would naturally not let Mo Yi bully her like she did when she was alone, with a cute expression of pitiful but pretending to be strong. It was more likely that she would just be cold. He snorted and ignored Mo Yi's words.

Mo Yi also knew and understood that Xue Miao was an easily shy child, so he didn't ask the other party about the Go match. Since everyone was already here, could Xue Miao still run away?

In other words, will Xue Miao let Mo Yi run away?

"I'm also happy to see Yui and Hachiman -"

No matter what, Yuigahama Yui has good intentions towards herself and Xue Miao.

Although Tuanzi is often silly and cute, Mo Yi has regarded him as his friend.

Well, as for Teacher Da, who is a secret little fan, Mo Yi also has a very high initial favorability.


Mo Yi turned to look at Hikigaya Hachiman, who was thinking about life and avoiding everyone's gaze, and showed a meaningful smile.

I'm sorry, for the sake of Mr. Dai, you don't have your legs broken by your father and sent to Texas Orthopedics, for your sister, Hikigaya Komachi, to escape from your vicious hands, and for An Yilun to believe in love again and no longer sink into paper. In the false tenderness of wives.

The organization has decided to assign your sister, Hikigaya Komachi, to Eren Aki as his wife!

Don't thank me, everything is the wise leadership of the organization.

The great teacher suddenly felt an inexplicable chill rising from his heart. He raised his head and looked around to see if it was the unruly man, and wanted to pay him back.

It was okay if he didn't look at it, but when he looked at it, he faced Mo Yi's malicious smile, and his whole body felt bad.

What's going on?

I don’t remember that I ever offended Mr. Mo Yi. When he and Yukinoshita Hirano were at odds with each other on a daily basis, he always remained neutral but supported the other side mentally.

Boss Mo Yi, I don’t want to be neutral, but Yukinoshita Hirano is too cruel, and his goddess Totsuka Ayaka is still training tennis skills under the opponent’s control. In order to protect his goddess, he has endured the humiliation and burden, no matter It is wrong to dare to be too peaceful.

Otherwise, the other party who is unhappy may turn this unhappiness into harsh treatment of Goddess Ayaka.

For the sake of the goddess, I had no choice but to succumb to the lustful power of Yukinoshita Hirano.

So, Mr. Mo Yi, can you stop smiling at me like this? My anus is so scared that it shrinks to a point.

"Hachiman, long time no see."

Of course, it was impossible for Mo Yi to guess what the other party was thinking through the teacher's usual dead-eyed expression. However, the other party's thoughts were not important, what was important was the other party's sister.

"My famous friend An Yilun also wants to get to know you. In the past two days, I will take him to your house."

Hikigaya Hachiman: "..."

Mr. Mo Yi, in your last sentence, did you miss half of the sentence 'I don't know if you like it or not'? You didn't ask for my opinion at all, Kooya!

Hum hum——

Great Teacher, you are still too sweet. I won’t do anything if someone doesn’t take action. Since I am going to take action, it must be a thunderous blow and I will not give others a chance to refuse or resist.

"An Yilun too?"

Hikigaya Hachiman naturally knows the name of Aki Rinya. He is one of the weirdos from Fuyuki High School like himself, and is known as the 'King of the Two-thorned Ape'.

However, I don't seem to have much interaction with the other person. Although I am also a two-spined ape, I have never shown it in school. In other words, no one will notice whether I am a nerd or not.

Suddenly I felt a little hurt... No, real men never need tears!

So here comes the question, why does An Yilunye, who theoretically has no intersection with him, want to know himself?

What is it about me that is worth knowing?

Chapter 240: The First Dirty Meow War

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