Although he really didn't want to admit it, Teacher Zida could never imagine that there was anything in him that was worth making friends with.

What a cruel reality!

Hikigaya Hachiman couldn't help but laugh at himself. Thinking about it this way, he had nothing to be afraid of.

Because I have nothing to lose, I naturally don’t need to be afraid of anyone taking anything away from me.

In this case, Mo Yi and An Yilun can come over to their home whenever they want. At most, he can ask Komachi to cook for two more people.

"My own home, Komachi..."

A bolt from the blue flashed in Hikigaya Hachiman's mind. He froze there and shouted with a face like a demon:

"No, absolutely not -"

"You can't come to my house!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Sure enough, Comrade Hikigaya Hachiman, your situation is already very dangerous. You have noticed my intention so quickly, but this just shows that you will be in danger of short legs at any time.

My decision was indeed right. Only using thunder and lightning can I cure a perverted girl like you.

"Hachiman, there is a kind of love called letting go——"

Mo Yi no longer concealed his purpose and decided to convince others with reason. He looked like he was doing it for you and said sincerely:

"True maturity is giving up."

Don’t listen, don’t listen, that bastard is chanting sutras!

You guys want to take away my most precious sister, Hundan. No matter how nice you say it, you just want to take away my most lovely sister!

Go to hell, you wishful thinking scum!

Have fun with your playful Blue Moon and stop dreaming.

"I'm sorry, I have decided to move out tomorrow and live alone -"

Facing Mo Yi's smile, Hikigaya Hachiman finally came up with the perfect answer after a few seconds and said:

"So, when you come to visit, you shouldn't be able to see my sister."

Mo Yi: "..."

Teacher, don’t think that this can stop a man from pursuing happiness. No one can stop what someone wants to do.

Even if you moved out, I could still use the name of visiting you, and because I didn’t know you had moved out, I went to your hometown.

From your description, your sister should be the Xiaojiabiyu type. Faced with friends who come to visit your brother, she will naturally come out to greet Lun Ye and me.

Hum hum——

You are still too naive.

Plan C was instantly formed in his mind, and Mo Yi once again smiled confidently at Hikigaya Yakumo, making him smile until his anus tightened.

"Classmate Mo Yi——"

Xue Miao, who had been watching the show and worrying about how to get along with Mo Yi in public, finally couldn't help it anymore.

Do you think I would thank you for not flirting with me in the audience?

How dare you ignore me? Placement on me?

Did you, Mo Yi, start drifting because you thought you could defeat me, or did you think that I couldn't hold Yukinoshita Yukino's fist tightly!

What made Xue Miao even more angry was that the other party actually blocked his face and took advantage of Hikigaya Hachiman's sister.

This is simply unreasonable. Mo Yi, you are such a perverted girl control. You already have two sisters at home, and now you have to go out to hunt other sisters. It seems that the first guinea pig after you mastered the fat-reducing magic eye trick should be Mo Yi.

Since the fat can be reduced, there should be no problem with the corpus cavernosum, right?

Face the needle, Mo Yi!

Only then will you know that I am the only one willing to accompany you no matter how bad things get.

"I also had a relationship with Hikigaya's sister. If you want to visit, remember to take me with you."

After saying that, he still showed a kind smile in front of everyone.

Her smile only startled the surrounding Hikigaya Hachiman and other melon-eating students——

Damn it, the snow girl Yukinoshita Yukino can actually laugh, and her smile is so charming!


At this moment, Mo Yi didn't know that he seemed to have made Xuemiao unhappy. This kind smile was clearly aimed at this master.

"Front desk gentleman——"

As an excellent cat slave, Aimiao naturally wants to comfort him when he is angry.

When Mo Yi was about to talk about other topics and please Xue Miao, a voice that sounded cute, charming, um, and a little deliberate interrupted Mo Yi's words.

Then, when my ear hurt, someone pinched it.

"Come with me, I have something important to tell you."

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, it is you as expected. You are the only one with the voice of such a royal sister, Mr. Shizizi.

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——"

Xue Miao looked coldly at Teacher Zhen Shizi who was pulling Mo Yi's ear. After all, she was only defeated by the opponent in one round yesterday.

At this moment, the other party actually dared to come over and disturb me from happily correcting Mo Yi. A mix of old and new hatreds came to my mind, and I was naturally very unhappy.

It was just Bai Miao’s whine, and Teacher Zhen Shizi didn’t pay attention to how Xue Miao was feeling at this moment.

This lady is not happy, and you guys don’t want to be happy either. Don’t think that if you know how to do it, this lady will be afraid.

With the front desk gentleman here, I'll see if you dare to take action. This time, it's safe!

"Shiyu, can you let go of my ears?"

Mo Yi naturally noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene. Everyone around him was looking at his ears being pulled by Teacher Zhen Shizi.

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