Teacher Shizizi, haven't you heard that boys' ears can't be pulled casually?

If it falls off, how can I conquer readers all over the world with my glorious beauty?

"I'll talk to you later."


Teacher Zhen Shizi is a real woman who is decisive in killing. How could she let go of Mo Yi who dared to ignore her just now and came over to flirt with Yukinoshita Yukino? Moreover, she was demonstrating now so that Yukino Meow knows that Mo Yi is my destiny-designated toy, Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

"I want to--"

Having said that, Teacher Zhen Shizi didn't care at all about other people's strange looks and whispers. She licked her red lips and took Mo Yi to the woods to solve some very personal problems.

I didn’t expect that Mr. Zhen Shizi, you have so many needs. I only satisfied you half an hour ago, but you want them again so soon.

But I’m very busy now, can’t I wait until evening to talk about this kind of thing?”

It was still too shameful for me, a traditional and pure man, in broad daylight.


"As expected——"

"I knew something was wrong between them, but I didn't expect it to be so intense-"

After Dirty Shizi said the classic line "I want", the atmosphere instantly became heated, and the audience started to exclaim. Of course, there were also many boys or girls who looked like they were having their runes melted away by their girlfriends.

My own goddess (male god) was fucked by a pig^(* ̄(oo) ̄)^ like this.

Even though I have heard such rumors for a long time, creatures like humans, when faced with cruel facts, often comfort themselves that they are all lies and rumors, and they cannot deceive me!

Until the facts are in front of me, I am willing to believe that the goddess with a bright smile on the screen of my mobile phone is no longer in the arms of others.

"Kasumigaoka-san, please don't do such shameless behavior in public!"

Xue Miao gritted her teeth and looked at Teacher Shi Zizi, who was teasing her owner Mo Yi and secretly mocking her with a proud look. She didn't even hit him with a 'serious punch'. She had already had a breakup with Mo Yi recently. Credit goes.

Damn you guy, do you dare not rub Mo Yi's back with your shameful fat? Don't you know that a proper distance should be maintained between people?

And with such thick fat, it must be very hot, and it is easy to sweat and cause rashes.

In the spirit of humaneness, I have changed my mind. When my fat-reducing magic eye is completed, you will be the first sacrifice, and the second one will be my sister's goat's milk.

Let you guys complain about tired shoulders, running, and falling easily because you can't see your toes when walking. Let my righteous partner Yukinoshita Yukino solve the stubborn problems that have been bothering you for many years!

No need to thank me, I'm just a righteous fat hauler.

Although Xue Miao kept thinking MMP in her heart, she still had to use the most righteous words to criticize the other party's behavior at this moment.

"You are now one of the representatives of Fuyuki High School. Please realize this."


How could Teacher Zhen Shizi let go of Mo Yi's ears just because of Xue Miao's words?

If I take a small step back today, how will I, Master Shizi, conquer cities and territories in the future, dominate the world, and intimidate everyone!

You are really brave, you can't be cowardly, if you step forward recklessly, you will be struck with a Star Explosion and Abandon Healing.

"I'm Mr. Front Desk's best female friend, or girlfriend for short, so why can't I pull his ears?"

"Isn't this how children always play?"

"I think it's Yukinoshita-san that you have an impure mind and that's why you look dirty."


Xue Miao lowered her head, her black hair hiding her eyes in the darkness. She wanted to yell out——

Shut up, shameless old thief!

She obviously admitted that I am the future mother of our child. Wherever you come from as a girlfriend, get out of here!

"Kasumigaoka-san, but you are no longer children."

"Is it possible that your body is ten years old but your mind remains that of five or six years old?"

Teacher Dirty Shizi: "..."

What a snow cat, he actually turned around and called me a retard.

"Yukoshita-san, if you can't speak, don't talk nonsense."

Teacher Zhen Shizi felt unhappy, and the seal of the poisonous tongue was gradually released. He looked at Xue Miao with contempt and said with a smile:

"No wonder Yukinoshita-san doesn't have any friends anymore."

Snow Meow: "..."

As the saying goes, it’s better to slap someone in the face than to slap someone in the face, or to scold someone without scolding someone, but the cruel fact that I have very few friends has just been revealed.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, congratulations, you have successfully angered me, you are seeking your own death!

"Kasumigaoka-kun, you don't seem to have any friends either."

Come on, everyone, come and hurt each other!

"Kasumigaoka-san, who has few friends, you should take care of yourself first. Self-admiration is not a word of praise."

Hum hum——

Yukinoshita Hirano, you are still too naive. Is Shiko-sensei the kind of person who will feel sad just because he has no friends?

Although I have no friends, I have thousands of book friends. Every day, I don’t know how many people call me queen on the ground because they want to be taught by me. How can I feel uncomfortable because I don’t have those superficial friends? ?

Only a guy like you, who is obviously very honest but doesn't want you, would feel empty, lonely and cold because of the problem of having few friends.

Haven't you ever heard of a mere tsundere being ruined for life?

Under my teacher's evil intentions, I am so exhausted that I am fighting against the five scum!

However, since you want to have a verbal exchange with me, Mr. Shishizi, then let’s hurt each other, so that you can understand that my style of painting, Mr. Shishizi, is better than yours. I’m a young European guy. human rights.

"Yukoshita-san, you have misunderstood. I have never thought of admiring myself alone——"

Teacher Zhen Shizi finally let go of the hand holding Mo Yi's ear, and turned to hold Mo Yi, who was trying to pretend to be dead, looking up at the starry sky during the day, thinking about life, and smiled sweetly:

"Because it's enough for me to have Mo Yijun as my friend."

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