"I only want to have him as my friend."

Teacher Zhen Shizi first gave a helpless look at Mo Yi, who was pretending not to be pregnant and was as motionless as a clever girl. Then he looked at Xue Miao proudly and said with a smile:

"It's enough to have a confidant in life."

"So, Yukinoshita-san, you really don't have to worry about me. If you have the energy, you should pay more attention to yourself."

Having said that, Teacher Zhen Shizi looked at the lower part of Xue Miao's neck with pitiful eyes. There was a big pun in her words, "I hate that iron cannot become steel. My child, Mommy is very worried about your future intentions."

Mo Yi: "..."

It seems that I miscalculated. In theory, I should be able to pass the test perfectly. I can obviously enjoy the happiness of Teacher Zhen Shizi and Xue Miao. Why does it become like this?

It has obviously been simulated countless times in the brain, so it shouldn't be like this!


In fact, all that changed was the smile Mo Yi gave her when he passed by Teacher Zhen Shizi.

It was precisely because of this smile that Teacher Zhen Shizi felt that she had been insulted, detonating the full anger in her heart and becoming the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Without that smile, Teacher Zhen Shizi would not have launched the first dirty cat war directly in such a public place.

Of course, Mo Yi didn't consider the impact of his confession with Zun Shizi half an hour ago. When normal people face such things, regardless of whether they are happy or unhappy, their mood swings will definitely be much greater than usual, so it is naturally easy Do things you wouldn’t normally do.

To put it simply, all this is Mo Yi's own fault. This time, he really doesn't care about the time when he may become his father-in-law in the future, or the world of Xiyuan Temple.

What should I do at this time?

Mo Yi looked up at the day and thought about life. His brain was running at the speed of light, trying to find a solution so that they could understand——

You are all my wings, none of you can be missing.

Do you really want me to jump up and shout——

Stop arguing. What are the benefits of Jin Gaola? Whoever is right will accompany you tonight!


Xue Miao had to admit that Teacher Zhen Shizi was the person who made her so angry. The speed and intensity of his hatred points were no worse than Mo Yi's.

"Let me go to the members of my service department——"

"Without the consent of me, the president, no member can fall in love!"

Chapter 241: Senior sister and bunny girl are more suitable

As the verbal war between Yukinoshita Yukinomia and Teacher Zhenshizi became more and more intense, the atmosphere at the scene became even weirder. At this time, not to mention Dango, even a fool knew that something was wrong.

Just because of the prestige Xue Miao and Zhen Shizi had accumulated over the years, the crowd pushed aside and left the battlefield to the two of them.

Of course, the more reason is to watch the excitement. Watching the excitement is not only a favorite hobby of Chinese people, but also a hobby of people all over the world.


The moment Xue Miao shouted, "Members are not allowed to fall in love," she had already lost, at least that's what Teacher Zhen Shizi thought.

Because this kind of powerful violence is often a cover-up of one's own powerlessness.

"Yukishita-san, I have never heard of any club director prohibiting members from falling in love. Besides, have I ever said that I want to go to the woods with Mo Yijun to fall in love?"

After saying that, he tightened his grip on Mo Yi's arm and looked at Xue Miao even more proudly, with an unspoken sense of ridicule.

After Mo Yi's frank explanation, she already knew that this world was different from what she had imagined before, and that it hid all kinds of incredible things. The cold-faced girl who was trembling in front of her was the legendary magic. Master, no, according to Mr. Front Desk’s explanation, the correct title is magician.

Yukinoshita Hirano, even if you can hit me a hundred times by yourself, so what?

Love wars cannot be solved by violence. I don't believe you dare to hit me in the face with a fireball.

How can you, who don't even know how to cry, understand that only girls who know how to act cute and pretend to be pitiful can win every battle.

It's impossible for you like this to defeat this teacher who has been in Yakumo's house for many years and has read all the movies in the world.


In desperation, after saying what she just said, Xuemiao already regretted it. However, Teacher Zhen Shizi caught the shortcomings in her words and launched a fierce counterattack. Xuemiao immediately didn't know how to refute the other party's words.

Could it be that this is a unique rule of the Ministry of Service? This is not the legendary FFF group. How can such a rule be convincing to others?

Then if you continue to speak harshly, others will not understand that you are using strong words to make excuses.

At this time, Xuemiao had no choice but to change the strategic target and looked coldly at the instigator, Master Mo Yi, who was still thinking about life and sleepwalking.

Although she didn't speak, Mo Yi had already received a warning from the other person's eyes——

Which side are you on? !

To be precise, get rid of that vixen beside you quickly, so that I can forgive you generously, otherwise, haha——

Mo Yi: "..."

I knew things would turn out like this in the end. I had no choice before, but now I just want to stand in the middle and be a good person.


At this point, I have no choice but to use Han Paopao and Wang Laomo's special skill - slipping away. I will come back after I have mastered my magical skills.

Of course, the current situation is that since there is no way to coax both happy wings at the same time, it is natural to take away one, coax the other, come back to admit the mistake, and vote for the other. This is what Taizu said about concentrating superior firepower to solve one, and then come back Set out another strategic thought.

"Xueino, I'll talk to Shiyu about something first, and I'll be back soon."

After that, he just pulled Zirty Shizi away with his head held high and his chest high, showing off his sense of superiority.

Teacher Zhen Shizi also knew how to measure things, and she followed Mo Yi very cooperatively. At most, when she turned to leave, she looked at Xue Miao and showed a proud smile like a big bad wolf about to eat Little Red Riding Hood.


This was the sound Xue Miao made when she couldn't help but tighten her grip.

Fortunately, Mo Yi said she would be back soon, so she did not give up the image of an iceberg literary girl she had created for more than a year, and would chase after her whenever she disagreed.

Teacher Zhen Shizi is undoubtedly the girl who knows how to grasp the situation best among the girls Mo Yi knows. Thinking about the Dirty Meow War just now, they only used poisonous tongues to attack each other. After the victory, they did not stalk each other. Because she knows that boys can tolerate girls' willfulness, and moderate willfulness is cute and quirky. If you don't know how to advance or retreat, and take other people's tolerance for granted, no matter how deep your love is, it will turn into boredom with repeated tolerance.

Men, even though they say they don’t want it, in the end they still like well-behaved girls to satisfy their desire for control.

Teacher Zhen Shizi, who understands people's hearts, naturally chose to let Mo Yi pull her away, and even showed the appearance of a well-behaved little daughter-in-law, which only shocked the eyes of the people around her.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu actually showed such an expression——

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