High, it's really too high. I can't help but admire Mo Yi. He is worthy of being the big devil of Fuyuki High School. The legendary flower of the high mountains is almost conquered by him into a gentle little wife.

Not to mention, another snow girl Yukinoshita Yukino who is also famous in Fuyuki High School seems to be competing with Kasumigaoka Shiu because of him.

I thought that the rumors about Demon King Mo Yi and the snow girl Yukinoshita Yukino that suddenly spread in school yesterday were false. It seemed that their courage limited their imagination.

No wonder it is said that as long as you are brave, everyone can take maternity leave together——

Damn, it’s so fucking awesome. The big devil of Fuyuki High School is so terrifying. He simply doesn’t give us losers a chance to counterattack. He occupies so many resources by himself, and requires us to rely on our imagination every night to sleep. How can ordinary high school students survive happily!

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Of course, Mo Yi would not take such a rotten dog's whine to heart, or in other words, he had never thought about this issue——

How do you understand the pain of being too popular, and how much courage and wisdom it takes to face such a bleak life?

I don’t understand, you guys who are smart, envious, jealous, and hateful don’t understand anything.

Occasionally, I also want to spend a day of my own, watching new shows, drinking Feizhai Happy Water, eating junk food such as Fighting Chicken potato chips and fried chicken, and enjoying my own tranquility.


Otherwise, Mo Yi would be beaten by the angry melon-eating crowd.

"Dear Shiyu, if you keep doing this, I will be beaten to death by Xuemiao."

When he came to a place where there was no one around, Mo Yi let go of Teacher Zhen Shizi and turned to look at the irritated little daughter-in-law. He felt angry somewhere in his heart and laughed at himself, laughing and crying:

"You don't want your unborn child to become a child of a single-parent family so soon."

"Xue Miao?"

Teacher Zhen Shizi felt relieved when she saw Mo Yi's expression. The other party was not angry because of what happened just now, but her attention was obviously different from what Mo Yi had imagined.

Should you be careful at this time to see if it’s a child that hasn’t been born yet?

Why do you pay attention to the nickname Xue Miao?

Teacher Zhen Shizi chuckled, glanced at Mo Yi, and said:

"What a vivid nickname——"

"Mo Yijun, aren't you afraid that Yukinoshita Yukino will beat you to death if he finds out?"

"Not afraid-"

Mo Yi looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu speechlessly, smiling so brightly. Can I think that you are hinting at me, Mr. Shizizi?

Moreover, jokes like the child's mother really can't make the other person shy like teasing Xue Miao. She is indeed a dirty teacher, even I can't stand it!

"I'm better at fighting——"

Mo Yi thought for a while and answered truthfully.

"You are so bad, Front Desk-kun."

Teacher Zhen Shizi hummed with a peach-like face:

"But, I like it."

Mo Yi: "..."

You drive when you have a disagreement. It's broad daylight now. Is it really okay for you to drive like this?

Besides, the bad in your words may be different from the bad in my understanding.


Mo Yi looked away, I won't be tempted by you, otherwise I will be ridiculed by your vicious tongue again.

Don't think that I don't understand your routines. Have you forgotten that the teaching materials for your further studies at Yakumo House, Mr. Shishiko, were all written by this master?

"Shiyu, what's the problem with calling me out?"

"if there is not--"

"Don't say——"

Before Mo Yi finished speaking, Teacher Zhen Shizi tactfully stretched out his right hand and directly covered Mo Yi's mouth to prevent him from continuing to speak.

"Are you so anxious to go back and have sex with Snow Miao?"

After saying that, Teacher Zhen Shizi looked like he was about to cry. Although he knew that the other party was acting, he was acting very carefully. In Teacher Zhen Shizi's suddenly heartbroken eyes, Mo Yi could even see the gradual brewing of up to tears.

It seemed like they would start arguing if they disagreed.

Mo Yi: "..."

Classmate Shiyu, your behavior is very unhygienic. I know you have a bad habit of eating bread and licking your fingers after eating.

Moreover, why should we say such a classic death question so quickly?

Tell me, is it better for me to say yes or not?

"Mo Yijun, tell me, what is my nickname when you think of me?"

When Teacher Zhen Shizi saw that Mo Yi didn't say any more and had a winning look on his face, he stopped acting.

However, Mo Yi was not happy because Teacher Zhen Shizi quit the Ying Ying Ying mode, because the other party asked a question that was difficult to answer.


Because I had accidentally mentioned the nickname Yukinoshita Yukinoshita before, and the other party asking this question now was obviously out of a comparison mentality.

Women love comparison the most. Even if their relationship is comparable to that of biological sisters, it will not change their mentality of comparison.

Nicknames often represent the most direct and true impression of a person in the minds of others, and such a cute nickname as Xuemiao fully reflects the image of Yukinoshita Yukino as a arrogant and cute cat in Mo Yi's mind.

Regarding this, Teacher Zhen Shizi naturally started to compare, and at the same time, he was trying to embarrass Mo Yi and take revenge on the other party for ignoring him and trying to start a harem.

"Shiyu, you have a pure and sacred image in my mind. How can I give you a nickname?"

Mo Yi looked at Teacher Zhen Shizi with sincere eyes and said word by word from the bottom of his heart:

"That's why there is no such thing as a nickname."


After more than a year of getting along with each other, Teacher Zhen Shizi still doesn’t know what Mo Yi is thinking about. If the other party becomes serious, he cannot guess and confront him in terms of IQ and EQ. Therefore, no matter how he looks now, How sincere he sounded, how sincere his tone sounded, they were all fake. Even if he only believed 10%, he would have sold him long ago and helped him count the money.

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