Mr. Front Desk, do you think I don’t know what you are thinking?

Isn't it just that I'm afraid that I will write down what you said to coax me, and then find an opportunity to show off in front of Xuemiao?

That's why I said I don't have a nickname. Your funny character who often spits out psychological things has already made my nickname clear.

It's not that easy to fool me, Mr. Front Desk!

"Isn't it Teacher Zhen Shizi?"

Teacher Zhen Shizi folded his arms and stood sideways next to Mo Yi. He looked like I was very angry, come and comfort me, and said:

"Why is Yukinoshita Yukino's nickname so cute, but my nickname is so weird-"

"Teacher Shizi is not convinced by me!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Shiyu, you even call yourself Teacher Shizizi, you clearly accept it.

You are causing trouble like this!

What's wrong with the nickname "Dirty Shizi Teacher"?

It fully reflects your personality, it is catchy and specific, and combined with your black stockings, big black breasts and long straight personality, it perfectly shows the contrast between your perfect appearance and your inner personality.

Senior sister and so on, how could Teacher Zhen Shizi be so nice.

Not to mention, the title of senior sister is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will turn around.

Besides, the attribute of senior is too broad, unless you add a bunny girl or something, it will look unique.

However, I think, Shiyu, you can try the bunny girl attribute and find that it suits your character very well. In addition, you can also neutralize your original attribute of being a loser and become the heroine designated by the author.

Of course, it's a boy's basic duty to complain and make his girlfriend happy.

"I am Master Yakumo, and you are Teacher Shiko. This is a strong alliance, just like the standard combination of the Demon King and the Witch."

Mo Yi put his hand on the other person's shoulder and gently turned him back, making Teacher Zhen Shizi face to face with him again, and said with a evil smile:

"What will Master Yakumo do without Teacher Shiko?"

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

"Just say nice things."

After hearing this, Teacher Zhen Shizi could no longer maintain her pretended angry expression and showed a sweet smile, but she still didn't spare Mo Yi.

You know what I mean!

What the other party said makes sense. Master Yakumo and Mr. Shiko are the standard ones. They write the novels and plots themselves, and Mr. Front Desk is responsible for the novelization and animation. These are the best partners.

Yukinoshita Hirano, can she do it?

No matter how cute the snow cat is, it is just a pet. How can it be compared with my soul mate who can go out into the hall, into the kitchen, have a warm embrace in bed, and can share worries with each other during the day? !

Therefore, I, Teacher Shizizi, am the heroine of the new world!

Seeing Teacher Zhen Shizi's appearance, Mo Yi smiled mischievously, put his hands on the teacher's shoulders into a posture of hugging him, and said:

"Thank you, Teacher Zhen Shizi——"

"Since I have you, I won't feel lonely anymore."

October's new episode "Adolescent Idiots Don't Dream of Bunny Girl Seniors", let's take a sip of poisonous milk first, why isn't the voice actor Ai Yi?

Chapter 242: Unexpected love

Naturally, Mo Yi's sweet words couldn't deceive Teacher Zhen Shizi. You know, no matter how sweet the words were, Teacher Zhen Shizi didn't know how many times he had written them in novels.

But she still smiled happily and allowed the other party to hold her in an ambiguous posture.

Many times, your girlfriend wants to hear the sweet words you have said for a long time. What she wants is not the content of the sweet words. Anyway, what you can say is probably 'You are the most beautiful and lovely in my heart', 'I love you', 'The most beautiful thing'. With cliche compliments like "I like you" and "I like you being gentle and kind", what she really wants is your attitude, the attitude that you are willing to spend countless time and brain cells saying sweet words.

There is an obvious way to judge smart women and stupid women, and that is to know when to act stupid.

When Mo Yi chose to come out to talk to him first, Teacher Zhen Shizi forgave the other party's previous behavior. Since he was willing to accompany him out, doesn't it mean that he is more important than Xuemiao in the other party's heart.

Of course, it's hard to say whether Mo Yi thinks so in his heart, but Teacher Zhen Shizi believes it anyway.

Only those who know how to lie to themselves can live happily.

A serious person, living a tiring life, is prone to hair loss in middle age and becomes a bald teacher.

"Front desk gentleman——"

Teacher Zhen Shizi and Mo Yi didn't speak. They just kept hugging each other and stood there, listening to each other's heartbeat and the slightly noisy wind today.

As for the differences among the students passing by, who would care about them.

Just like this, after several minutes, Teacher Zhen Shizi reluctantly raised his head from such a peaceful and warm embrace, and looked at Mo Yi closely with watery eyes. If someone didn't know the situation, he would see Teacher Zhen Shizi's eyes were so moist that she thought Mo Yi had just done some envious act to the girl in his arms.

In fact, Mo Yi really didn't. Just now, she just hugged each other gently and enjoyed a wave of basic ways for literary couples to fall in love. She really didn't wet each other's mouth by herself!

Teacher Zhen Shizi laughed and said:

"Did you know that I'm going to compete with that song today?"


Why did Mr. Shizizi suddenly ask this?

According to my understanding of the other party, there must be deep meaning in it. Could it be that the other party's song has something to do with me?

However, this problem is too broad!

In the absence of in-depth understanding and communication at the level of sex, Mr. Zhen Shizi please forgive me for not being able to provide tactful services for the time being.

However, Mo Yi, who came across the battlefield, would not be stumped so easily.

"No matter which song you perform, I will be there to help you cheer up."

I always feel that I have set a flag again, but at this moment when the beauty is in my arms, a man cannot say no. This is because he has a great mission to continue the inheritance of mankind. Even if he is broken into pieces and devoted to his life, he must complete this sacred mission.

Popular version - I have a date with you, and I have to finish her off on my knees!

"I am your number one fan, Mr. Shizizi——"

"Just say something nice—"

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