Teacher Zhen Shizi rolled her eyes at Mo Yi, but the smile on her face had already betrayed her, and she was indulged in the joy of tax evasion.

"This song is the first time you sang it to me. I spent a lot of effort to perfect it and change it into a song of my own style."

"Why don't I sing it to you now?"


At this time, does Mo Yi have a second choice? Of course not!

But, which song was the first time I sang to Teacher Zhen Shizi?

You know, I often hum songs in front of Teacher Zhen Shizi, such as "The Most Dazzling National Style", "Sickness Named Love", "Little Apple", "Love Business" and so on, and the other party has already learned it from her own mouth .

Sometimes when working with her, I just need to hum a piece of divine music, and the other person will soon hum along with me unconsciously, performing the divine version of the harp and harp "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" live.

At this time, Mo Yi felt inexplicably panicked, and his stomach twitched strangely.

"Are you pretending to be lonely?"

"Why is your heart so drawn to you——"

Teacher Zhen Shizi leaned on Mo Yi's shoulder and sang softly in Mo Yi's ear:

"When I came back to my senses, before I knew it, I was deeply attracted to you——"


"This love is still difficult to achieve."

Mo Yi: "..."

Although Teacher Zhen Shizi sang a cappella, it did not affect her performance level at all. As the lingering singing voice sounded, how could Mo Yi still not remember which song it was?

"Unreachable Love", which can also be translated as "Unreachable Love", is the OP of "White Album 2". It is a divine song composed by Dong Ma, written by Chun Ge and sung by Xuecai.

I remember that back then, I was tortured to death by the season of the White Album, and I was depressed for four or five days. Now that I heard Teacher Zhen Shizi sing this song with the voice of my senior sister Aiyi, my stomach trouble recurred again.

Moreover, Mo Yi finally recalled the memory of singing to Teacher Zhen Shizi for the first time.

At that time, Teacher Zhen Shizi was not Zhen Shizi, but Kasumi Shizi, a pure child who created the most touching stories for love and dreams.

I still remember that the other person was stuck in a creative bottleneck and didn't know how to write. Mo Yi thought that the person behind the desk had heard wrong, or that she was very talented, so he wanted to teach her how to write novels.

Coupled with some bad taste, Mo Yi taught the other party step by step the essence of Bai Xue, story structure, and golden sentences.

Finally, he enthusiastically sang "Unexpected Love" to the other party, jokingly saying that he must write this song into the story if he has the opportunity in the future.

Mo Yi can license it to her for free.

I still remember that the other party was looking at me dumbfounded at that time. I never imagined that there were creators with such sinister intentions in this world. You are here specifically to torture those little readers!

"I'm not going to use this song—"

In the memory, Teacher Zhen Shizi looked at Mo Yi with great contempt, and as if he was on guard against perversion, he opened half a meter away from Mo Yi and said:

"Even if I, Kasumi Shiko, were to starve to death, be slapped to death by the editor urging me to write, or jump to my death from the teaching building, I would never abuse readers with such stomach-drug plots and songs."

Ever since, Teacher Zhen Shizi's debut novel "Metronome of Love" came to its final conclusion and choice under the song "Unreachable Love".

"Mr. Front Desk, do I sing well?"

After Teacher Zhen Shizi finished singing, he looked at Mo Yi with expectant and moist eyes and asked:

"I wonder if you've reached the deadline?"

The standard answer is, of course, it won’t reach that point!

No, I don’t need standard answers or anything like that——

"The deadline has arrived and it has been conveyed."

Mo Yi said quickly:

"Shiyu, you sing so beautifully."

You can say nice words for free, and Teacher Shizi's singing is indeed beautiful. She is indeed the talented girl from Fuyuki High School, Kasumigaoka Shiu. She will definitely not lose money if she marries her into the family, whether it is before turning off the lights or after turning off the lights.

"Do you really understand?"

Teacher Zhen Shizi looked at Mo Yi with a smile on his face, and after a moment he murmured with peace of mind:

“It’ll be great when the time comes…”

How could Mo Yi still not understand that the other party was singing such a song at this moment.

Before, I confessed my own affairs to the other party, and at the same time gave the other party a chance to choose.

Now, Teacher Zhen Shizi used a song to tactfully tell herself her final choice.

Not only that, "Unreachable Love" not only expresses her final choice, the content of this song also tells a kind of bitter love, a love that cannot be responded to.

Under this metaphor, Kasumigaoka Shiyu is singing to Mo Yi that she will not regret her current choice, even if she ends up like the ending in the song, her love is unresponsive and cannot be conveyed to Mo Yi's heart.

Faced with the passionate confession of Teacher Zhen Shizi, a smart woman, how could Mo Yi not be moved, and how could he forget this gentle and indomitable love.

Although Mo Yi didn't say anything, Teacher Zhen Shizi, who knew Mo Yi's temperament well, couldn't tell that the other party was completely moved by his confession just now.

Hum hum——

There is no sense of machismo, even though he is moved to tears in his heart, he still insists on showing a calm and composed look on his face.

Teacher Zhen Shizi thought sweetly in her heart.

Of course, the feelings and actions she expressed before were 100% sincere and not half false.

But when it was time to be proud, Teacher Zhen Shizi was still very proud.

My teacher, the flying dragon rides on the face, as steady as an old dog, so I asked Xue Miao, you little girls who don’t understand tricks, what can you use to fight me!

So, the two of them once again shamelessly ignored the strange looks of passers-by and leaned on each other and hugged each other for several minutes.

"Mo Yijun——"

Teacher Zhen Shizi woke up from the dreamlike happiness and watched Mo Yi ask an important question that had been bothering her for more than ten minutes before. Well, Mo Yi hadn't come yet. She had just been thinking about it in the Fuyuki University team.

"If you don't brag, you can be reincarnated, then you can live forever and have a lifespan far longer than ordinary people, right?"

Mo Yi: "..."

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