After Erina heard that Mo Yi agreed to be her assistant, she was of course very happy, but she still said in a tired tone on her face:

"This is the duty of a brave man."

Mo Yi: "..."

Isn't it the duty of the hero to defeat the devil and rescue the princess who was captured by the dragon in the castle?

When did you become a servant of the goddess?

Um (⊙o⊙)..., Mo Yi suddenly remembered that he seemed to have read many stories about the goddess rewarding the brave after the brave defeated the devil.

Opposite Erina just now seemed to be lines from a book called "The Goddess's Service".

It turns out that this is still my fault!

The happy time is always short-lived, such as the ten-minute break after class, going to the bathroom, pretending to sleep on the desk, peeking at the back of the class star in the upper corner, and disappearing after a while.

In the same way, the time of walking hand in hand with Erina that they had not had for many years ended soon.

They soon arrived at Totsuki Academy's team.

As one of the most famous schools in District 11, Totsuki Academy will naturally participate in this hundred-school exchange competition. As one of Totsuki's representatives, Nakiri Erina is naturally one of them. However, the more important role is Go through the motions and be a mascot.

The ten most outstanding students in Totsuki Academy will be named the 'Top Ten'. This is not only an honorary title, but also a position with a lot of power. Erina is the tenth of the Ten Elites. seats.

Of course, it's not that Erina's cooking ability is only tenth among the students, but that she has no interest in competing for the so-called first place. If she has this time to do such trivial things, she might as well go to Yakumo House and chase Mo Yi. New episode.

If it weren't for her grandfather's reputation, she wouldn't even get the tenth seat. It's really troublesome. It's such a big deal in the school. It's a waste of divine life.

Regarding these situations, Totsuki's teachers and students all know very well that Erina's strength has long been beyond comparison with them. Some people even speculate that the other party may have reached the so-called realm of God, and is no longer a novice like them. The final big boss that brave men who farm monsters in the village can challenge.


Seeing Totsuki's team ahead, Erina was very confused. Should she let go?

If she doesn't let go, won't the goddess persona she has had in front of Yuanyue's teachers and students for many years disappear?

But if he let it go, would Mo Yi misunderstand him? More importantly, he was a little reluctant to let go, well, just a little. After all, he and Mo Yi had been walking peacefully holding hands for a long time.

It’s really a confusing question!

After a few seconds of thinking, Erina finally thought of the best solution, which was to ignore the gazes of Totsuki's teachers and students. How could the glory of this goddess change due to the gazes and thoughts of these ignorant humans?

Me, that’s me, just a different kind of fireworks!

Feeling Erina holding his hand firmly again, Mo Yi looked at Erina in amusement as she walked towards Totsuki's teachers and students with the look of a powerful goddess.

Mo Yi shouted in his heart——

What a cute little sister-chan!

Tired of being a goddess, she is the most loving!



The teachers and students of Totsuki, who were noisy at first, fell silent at the same time, because their eldest lady Totsuki actually walked over holding the hand of a boy.

There is nothing scientific or magical about this!

How can a boy hold the eldest lady's hand?

Obviously we can't even realize our beautiful and tragic wish of being looked down upon with contempt by the eldest lady, and being called 'trash', 'scum' and 'bug' by the other party, let alone the delusion of being stepped on the ground by the other party!

But how could the handsome young man in front of them, whom they had never seen before, hold the hand of his goddess so brazenly?

Moreover, the eldest lady’s face actually looks like the heroine in a girl’s manga, with two bright red flowers. This is really unbelievable!


We will definitely use the fire of Yuanyue to burn to death the soul in front of us who dares to tarnish the innocence of the young lady’s little hands!

Chapter 246: As long as it’s a brother, there’s no problem

"It's the boy from before——"

Tadokoroe, who was in Totsuki's team, hid in the crowd and looked curiously at Mo Yi, who was walking from a distance holding Erina.

Even a soft and cute girl like Tadokoroe still can't avoid the common attribute of women, 'gossip', but Mo Yi and Erina, who are afraid of being peeked at by them, are very confused when they notice their rude eyes.

"The light actually appears here?"

The somewhat crazy Medicine King Yukihei Soma also has to admire Qi Moyi. Even though he is not interested in Erina, who is respectfully called Miss Totsuki, he is also well aware of her popularity in Totsuki Academy. , as well as the fanaticism and breadth of fans.

Isn't the guy in front afraid that those guys around him who are constantly gnashing their teeth will rush up and beat him up?

However, he was more interested in whether Mo Yi was also a superb chef.

According to his logic, Erina is a chef with unfathomable abilities, so the person who plays with her should also be a super chef!

Hmm--, based on his own circle of interaction, this seems to be the case.

So the question is, should I wrestle with him later and try my own special shredded squid for him?

Just as Yukihira Soma thought, someone on the scene wanted to jump out and teach Mo Yi a lesson for daring to tarnish the goddess he could only fantasize about in the middle of the night. However, this was taken at Totsuki Academy, which has stricter regulations than the military. The majesty of the team teacher meant that no matter how unhappy he felt, he could only endure it.

Huh, I hope that the other party will also come to participate in the Hundred School Exchange Competition and the cooking competition. Then I will torture this pretty boy severely to make him understand that people without strength are not qualified to stand next to the eldest lady. , not to mention tarnishing the innocence of the eldest lady’s little white hands.

"Hey, Shirou, no, I should call you Mo Yi now——"

The man in the team, who obviously looked like the leader of the team, looked at Mo Yi and Erina with a surprised look on his face, and took the initiative to say hello:

"It seems like we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"About ten years—"

Mo Yi looked at a tall man who looked like a strong man at first glance. After all, the man's hair was almost bald, so he must be very strong. If he works harder, he might become the next bald devil!

He is Gin Dojima, the graduate with the highest score in Totsuki's history, and the first among Totsuki's ten outstanding students in the 69th term.

Many years ago, I often practiced with him and learned some cooking skills from him.

If it weren't for the selfless dedication of the other party, Mo Yi really wouldn't have been able to improve his cooking skills to the level of luminous cooking so early. Naturally, he wouldn't have been able to leave the Nakiri family through the method of eating halberds and come to Fuyuki City, where he met Shredded Shreds. Rake.

Thinking about it this way, the other party is still his benefactor.

Mo Yi couldn't help but feel nostalgic when he called out a name that only a messenger of justice could bear.

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