However, I have handed over the baton of being a righteous partner to the real Hero Emiya, and I just need to call 666 properly from now on.

"Yin, long time no see."

Mo Yi looked at the other person's hairstyle and said meaningfully:

"It seems that you have become a lot stronger."

Dojima Gin: “…”

Although he didn't know what the other party's strange look on his head meant, Dojima Gin could still feel the full malice.

This guy is still the same as before, always saying strange things and doing things that others can't understand, but he can ignore other people's abnormal looks. Well, it feels like he always looks at the people around him like a monkey. Since other people's opinions are monkeys' thoughts, humans naturally don't need to pay attention to them.

What a nasty guy.

However, what made him even more unhappy was that he really couldn't beat the opponent, no matter what aspect, even the cooking and fighting skills that he was most proud of.

To this day, he still can't imagine that ten years ago, he was actually abused by a six or seven-year-old kid. First, he couldn't beat the opponent in cooking, and then in a fight, he was pinned down by the opponent until he called him daddy. You win.

This is simply the darkest time in my life!

Ten years have passed, and I thought I had forgotten it. In the past, I could use these past events to mourn my lost youth, and to inspire and remind me that I was still far away, and there were countless peaks ahead of me waiting for me to climb.

But when he saw Mo Yi's soulless moment again, his heart, which had been tempered like steel and glass, finally started to tremble crazily again. He not only thought of the terror of being dominated by Mo Yi, but also wanted to defeat his imaginary enemy.

The young man looking at him with evil eyes in front of him is the one he must challenge and defeat in this life!


The atmosphere at the scene exploded again because of the scene where Mo Yi and Dojima Gin met unexpectedly!

"Sure enough, he is very strong!"

Medicine King Yukihei Soma heard the hidden meaning from their brief conversation, and his heart began to beat crazily. The other party was not older than himself, but he had already dealt with a strong man of Dojima Gin's level.

Could it be that this is what his father said, the world outside is very big, and there are even some geniuses who are not yet adults, but have existences that surpass his cooking skills!

I must not miss such a good opportunity. I must challenge the boy in front of me whose name I still don't know!

Not only the students, but also the other leading teachers were also attracted by the mysterious appearance of Mo Yi, who successfully attracted their attention.

"Dojima-senpai, he is Erina's boyfriend? One of our future bosses?"

One of the leading teachers in a classical kimono, Hinatako Miki, curiously approached Dojima's silver ear and whispered without a whisper:

"Senior, please don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I'm the best at keeping secrets!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Because he had been away from Totsuki Academy for so long, Mo Yi only knew Gin Dojima among the teachers who led the team. Mo Yi didn't recognize this kimono-clad woman who knew how to keep secrets and whispered loudly enough for the Totsuki students around her to hear clearly.

The Totsuki Academy in my memory was a strict hierarchy, with cowardly students and ice-faced teachers. This was the normal style.

Could it be that in the past ten years, even Totsuki Academy has taken the path of making complaints about people?

Of course, the question asked by Hinatako was also something that most people present, even those serious teachers with iceberg faces, were extremely curious about.

"You don't know Mo Yi? But that's right, he has disappeared from the cooking world for so many years."

Even Dojima Gin was made uncomfortable by Miki Hinata's unattractive style of painting.

However, thinking that Mo Yi's matter was not taboo, he took the initiative to explain. Of course, it was also to solve the problem of those people at the scene who seemed to be taking hormones and hated Mo Yi.

"He is Miss Erina's brother Mo Yi."

"Oh, it turns out it's my brother, no, it should be my uncle--"

"It scares me to death. As long as it's my brother, there will be no problem."

"That's not right, even an older brother can't just sign Miss Erina's hand!"

After the students at the scene heard about this, they started talking again.

Mo Yi: "..."

I'm not the brother or uncle of you guys. Don't make excuses to try to get along, you bastards!

What does it have to do with you bastards if I hold my sister-chan’s hand?

Not to mention holding hands, I am often cute and have sex in the future! You guys with no reputation, just die in jealousy!

"Huh? The commander-in-chief actually has a grandson? Do you only have two granddaughters, Erina and Alice?"

Miki Hinata was also confused by the sudden situation, but she soon discovered another blind spot, and that was——

"Then the other person's last name is not Nakiri, but instead looks like the name of a flower grower?"

"Because the other party is adopted——"

Dojima Gin helplessly looked at Miki Hinatako, who was burning with the flames of gossip. Of course, he did not mention that the other party's name was won from the commander-in-chief through shokuji.

How come I didn't know before that my juniors were so nosy?

"Oh, it turns out they were adopted, no wonder——"

Miki Hinatako said to herself in sudden realization:

"Isn't it possible to be together and get married?"


"Damn it (〃>Van<), brother-in-law, hurry up and let go of the eldest lady's hand!"

After the cruel facts were revealed, the friends at the scene could not accept such cruel facts and started shouting, causing the scene to get out of control again.


Dojima Gin helplessly looked at Miki Hinata who had just finished her work, but she was sticking out her tongue with an innocent look on her face. She then looked around at the participating students and shouted sternly:

"Now that everyone is here, let's go to the designated venue!"

After Dojima Gin stopped, the brutal incident of Mo Yi and his group beating up three thousand Totsuki students did not happen.

"Erina, aren't you here to be the referee?"

Mo Yi, who was walking behind the team with Erina, asked:

"Why are you going to a competition venue now? Besides, since Totsuki Academy is in District 11, no one should be able to challenge its status in the culinary world, right?"

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