"I'm here to be a referee, but I'm still one of the Totsuki Ten Elites. Naturally, I also need to represent Totsuki Academy in the 100-school exchange competition."

Erina pretended that she didn't care and held Mo Yi's hand, with a strange blush on her face. She looked at Mo Yi with contempt and said tiredly:

"With Totsuki Academy's strength in the culinary world of District 11, no other academy can match it, but it still needs to do what it should do, and precisely because of its own strength, Totsuki cannot let such a good person go. , an opportunity to show one’s strength in the culinary world.”

"I probably understand——"

Mo Yi quickly understood that this was a political necessity. On the one hand, he wanted to give face to the 11th District Government. On the other hand, participating in this 100-school exchange day, regardless of whether there was no one to challenge Yuanyue, was an excellent opportunity to perform. .

If someone challenges, they will naturally use their own strength to tell other schools that in terms of cooking, District 11 only serves Totsuki Academy, and all others are scum.

If no one is stupid enough to challenge Totsuki Academy, it also means that Totsuki Academy is already invincible in the world and is the true uncrowned king of District 11 Culinary Academy.

The principle is almost equivalent to the combat effectiveness standard of flower growers’ table tennis——

The combat effectiveness of ordinary people, enthusiasts, national teams, Olympic competitions, Chinese provincial competitions, and Chinese national competitions increases in sequence.

What will happen next is probably that the participating teams from Totsuki Academy will arrive at the venue for the cooking competition, and then start a vigorous civil war.

In Totsuki Academy, if you want to challenge players of the level of the Ten Elites or Teachers, you need to pay a huge price. To put it simply, it means blocking the shokuji with certain conditions.

Otherwise, no one else will have time to play with you scumbags. If you have time, you might as well go to Yakumo's house to catch up.

Today's Hundred Schools Exchange Competition is a great opportunity for those who want to counterattack and risk losing a lot of money to challenge those famous masters.

It's natural to lose, just try harder next time, but what if you win?

Although there is no actual reward for passing the Shiji, you can get a great name by defeating a famous master. It is not an exaggeration to say that you become famous overnight.

In the end, it’s risk-free!

Therefore, students from Yuanyue participated in this hundred-school exchange day so actively.

"Onii-chan, let's go through the motions later and leave—"

Erina stood on the field and said to Mo Yi next to her.


At this time, Mo Yi discovered the details that moved him——

That is, when there are people around, Erina calls herself 'fish-lipped Mo Yi' or 'fish-lipped Oni-chan' as usual, although she doesn't care, and this addition is very cute.

But details like this from the other party fully demonstrate that the other party has been protecting and caring for him.

Erina was not like this ten years ago. At that time, she didn't care how the people around her felt or what others thought.

In other words, only the people she cares about are considered people. People who have nothing to do with her are no different from ants on the ground in her eyes. (Ant: MMP, why do you fish-lipped humans always compare us to weak scum? What’s wrong with us? You always use various ways to slander us, the ants!)

With the on-site referee's whistle, the cooking competition among hundreds of schools officially began. Just as Mo Yi thought, there were no contestants from other schools at all.

All those present were students from Totsuki Academy.

"Chacha, I've long since stopped watching you. Come here quickly and have a 1VS1 solo with me!"

"Hmph——, I am going to knock out the teeth of you, a green tea bitch, today!"


The atmosphere at the scene was very lively, perhaps because the school rules of Totsuki Academy were too strict. At this moment, these handsome students could finally vent their usual depression and pressure.

Dojima Gin: “…”

Although he has led the team to hundreds of schools exchange days several times, Dojima Gin still feels very painful every time he faces this scene.

This is not an exchange competition!

This is clearly a sense of déjà vu for all the little gangsters, or the yellow-faced woman and the disappeared scene!

It is precisely because of this situation that Totsuki Academy was afraid that these students would lose control in the process of venting, so they sent Dojima Gin, who finally calmed down the situation, to be the leading teacher this time.

Chapter 247: Medicine King’s Challenge

As the exchange competition started, the students from Yuanyue around them started to challenge each other by looking for the goals they had set long ago, causing the scene to become very lively.

"Well, let's walk around and we're almost ready to go."

Erina helplessly faced Mo Yi, who was acting as an assistant at the moment and followed her behind with a serious poker face, and said:

"Also, why are you standing behind me? It's very annoying, you know."

Looking at Mo Yi, who was standing behind him, his daily routine was uneventful, and his brain circuit was starting to become strange again, it was strange that Erina was in a good mood.


Mo Yi kept a poker face and explained in a serious tone:

"I promised to be your assistant for a day before, and now I naturally have to be an assistant worthy of the goddess Erina."

"As long as I promise you something, I will do my best no matter what."

In this routine, I will ask Erina if you want to cum in Megumi!


A single inconsistent routine suddenly pushed Erina's mood from the lowest point to as high as the Himalayas.

The reincarnated goddess Erina, who had been debuffed by love, was still struck by Mo Yi knowingly, and she almost couldn't maintain her majestic and arrogant look in the hearts of Totsuki's teachers and students.

"You'd better stand by my side."

"We're ready to leave and go to other venues, so it doesn't matter."

Sister Jiang said, and her hand movements were not slow at all. She directly took Mo Yi's hand and pulled him to her side. She then looked at the people eating melons around her covertly, and her fierce and cute eyes spoke directly to the surrounding people. The appraising eyes were forced to retreat, and I didn't dare to look at him anymore.

With Sister-chan's pressure in Totsuki Academy, theoretically, no student present would be able to catch up and challenge her, not even the best students, including the top ten.

After all, Erina has already performed in front of everyone countless times the truth of 'you know nothing about real cooking' and 'cooking that doesn't shine is not good cooking'.

Therefore, Erina said she was just going through the motions.

However, once the "theoretical" idea appears, someone will definitely jump out to break this theory.

"Nakiri Erina-san, I want to challenge you——"

The medicine king Yukihira Souma, who could no longer bear to be fed dog food, finally jumped out at this time and did what most of the boys present wanted to do but dared to do.

Although today's exchange match was different from the usual Shoji that required a conditional bet, it didn't matter even if he lost.

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