But the name of Erina's eldest lady is not only a title, but also the most direct description of her influence on Totsuki Academy.

The Ten Elites of Totsuki, they are the best students in Totsuki Academy, and they also have huge power to influence the various operations of Totsuki Academy.

In other words, offending them is tantamount to offending the authority dog. It may be impossible for others to kill you, but it is simply a basic operation to make it difficult for you to move in the academy or even expel you.

Don't forget, Erina is not only one of the ten heroes, she is also the heir of the Nakiri family, simply put, the heir of Totsuki Academy.

If you dare to offend her, you don't want to hang out in Totsuki Academy anymore.

Even with Totsuki Academy's influence in the culinary world of District 11, I'm afraid I won't be able to continue working as a chef.

However, as the son of destiny, Medicine King Yukihira Soma does not think so much. He is determined to climb the peak and will not miss any opportunity to challenge the masters.

In the past, it was because of Totsuki Academy's school rules that challenging the other party would have to pay a high price. He was reckless and not stupid, so naturally he would not use his newbie outfit and level to eat Erina, who already had six levels of gods.

But today, isn’t it the best opportunity?

Since you want to challenge, you have to challenge the strongest one. Miss Erina, who is said to be omnipotent by Totsuki Academy, is naturally a good choice.

"Please promise me!"

Medicine King Xing Pingchuang really doesn't understand love, so he stood in front of Mo Yi and his sister Jiang and said such vulgar words.

Don't you know that anyone who stops others from showing affection and abusing dogs will be beaten to death?

Just as Mo Yi thought, the bad-tempered sister Jiang was very unhappy at this time. It was such a rare opportunity for me to be alone with Mo Yi. A light bulb like you was simply asking for death.

"Excuse me--"

Erina looked at the war-minded Medicine King Yukihei Soma with arrogant eyes, and said in an unhappy tone:

"I reject!"

"Chuangzhen-kun, let's find someone else to challenge."

Tadokoro took the drug king Yukihira Souma, who suddenly jumped out and wanted to make a big deal, and nervously persuaded:

"Miss Erina, you are very busy right now."


Sister-chan looked at Tadokoro and thought; There are still sensible people.

"Nakiri-san, why don't you accept my challenge?"

As the male protagonist of a hot-blooded comic, I naturally won't give up easily. If you say you don't accept my challenge, then you won't accept it. Wouldn't that mean I have no face?

How will I defy the odds in the future, defeat the strong with the weak all the way, and beat all the masters who can't be handsome for more than a quarter?

"I challenge you sincerely."

Mo Yi: "..."

At this time, even Mo Yi felt speechless.

Boy, if Sister-chan is a hot-blooded comic style, I must have agreed to your challenge. However, Sister-chan is a youth love painting style, and she is also a representative of tiredness. How could she be moved by such tough words? Woolen cloth?

"You are too weak."

Erina thought to herself, I don’t have so many things to do to cook with you. I have so much time, so why not take a walk with Mo Yi? Maybe during the walk, when the mood strikes, we accidentally walk to nowhere. Wouldn't it be better to do some things that are beneficial to physical and mental health in a small forest?

Therefore, Erina gave a convincing reason and said:

"You can't make me want to compete now -"

Medicine King Xingping Chuangzhen: Damn it (〃> dishes<)!

But I couldn't find any reason to refute it. It was really cruel.

After Erina said that, she ignored Soma Yukihira, who had her head lowered, and pulled Mo Yi away to start the happy refereeing work.

Because the referee invited to her by the conference is one of the chief referees, she does not need to sit in a specific place all day long like other referees responsible for specific events. Instead, she can move around at will and buy oranges whenever she wants. Participate in the refereeing work of any exchange game.

"Senior, it seems that the challenge of your favorite student was rejected by Miss Erina."

The teachers leading the team will naturally pay attention to what is happening around Erina, who has her own aura. Among them, Inui Hinatako said to Gin Dojima, who was also paying attention to the situation ahead and seemed to be thinking about something:

"Aren't you worried?"

"For newcomers, it is easy to lose the courage to move forward if they face a desperate opponent like the eldest lady so soon."

"do not worry--"

"If he can't even overcome this psychological dilemma, how can he--"

Dojima Gin stopped talking halfway through.

"What, where's the back?"

Miki Hinata smelled the big news, but the other person stopped talking about it halfway, which made her feel like being scratched by a cat.

Eunuchs are the most annoying!


Dojima Gin didn't say the following words: "How can he be worthy of being his son?" Given Hinata's temperament, the other party would definitely

Get to the bottom of things.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Gan Hinata made a sound of displeasure and complained:

"You big shots like to talk half the words and not the other half. It seems that as soon as you finish talking, you will be taken away."

Dojima Gin: “…”

As long as you know it, why expose it?

Fuck Hinatako-senpai, don’t you know there is a way to die called ‘talking too much’!

'"Please wait a moment——"

As Dojima Gin imagined, Medicine King Yukihei Somaya was not directly hit by Erina's words and became depressed. The smile and fighting spirit on his face did not fade much, and he stopped in front of Mo Yi and Erina again.

"I already said I would not accept your meaningless challenge."

Erina was in a bad mood. She just wanted to have a love that spanned two lifetimes. Is it so difficult?

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