According to the general routine, the procedure for competing between oneself and the opponent is to first use a combat power that is half a point higher than the opponent's, and then gradually reduce the opponent's potential.

When the opponent showed his comeback strength, Mo Yi smiled calmly, his temperament changed, and his strength suddenly rose a few points. Anyway, he was stronger than the opponent.

Under Mo Yi's pressure, Medicine King Xingping Chuangzhen exploded again. However, Mo Yi showed a look of relief and said - it's good, I finally understood something, but it's still far from enough, and so on.

What follows is that I just used one percent of my strength. Be careful, I'm going to increase my strength to 2% now.

After saying that, the combat power immediately doubled.

Faced with Master Mo Yi, who could immediately explain what he had learned every time he exploded, and how powerful he was, but also upgraded on the spot, Medicine King Xing Ping Soma naturally gave up his heart and knees. Defeat in state.

Finally, Mo Yi affirmed and encouraged the other party's efforts, plus——

"Young man, you are very talented, come and learn how to cook with me!"

Under such a set of procedures, Medicine King Yukihei Soma's only possibility is to be conquered by Mo Yi, and eventually become another unpaid royal chef of his Yakumo House.

However, such a perfect plan was broken by the sudden appearance of Dojima Gin.

Naturally, Mo Yi was not willing to deal with Gin Dojima, whose painting style was obviously biased towards Hong Kong comics, and wrestle with others. How could Ultraman be as happy as teasing a little monster?

However, after Dojima Gin walked up to Mo Yi and said - he is Seiichiro's son.

Mo Yi agreed to the other party's request.

Yukihira Seiichiro, the father of Medicine King Yukihira Souma, is also Dojima Gin's lifelong good friend and rival, and his cooking skills are on par with him.

More importantly, when Mo Yishang was learning to be a chef, the other party taught him many useful things.

Since he is the son of an old friend, Mo Yi naturally can't turn Yao Wang Xingping Chuangzhen into a social animal without wages.

As for Dojima Gin's hidden meaning, Mo Yi probably understood it. He just wanted to train his friend's son well and let him see a real master's duel. This was a good way to educate him.

Even though Mo Yi is not familiar with the other party, after a few short conversations and observing his expression, it can be seen that the other party is a man with fascinating confidence. Simply put, he is a typical male protagonist of a passionate comic. .

This kind of character is not bad. For example, the protagonists who become the Bandit King or the Hokage King all have similar characters. Otherwise, they would not become kingly protagonists.

However, if such a passionate protagonist were placed in the real world, they would probably fall down not far from the Novice Village if they lost the halo of the protagonist.

And now, Yaowang Yukihei Soma is like this, a young man full of drive and optimism. When he encounters an enemy, he doesn't care and just goes ahead and does it.

If you are lucky, you will always encounter wild monsters with a similar level to him. Naturally, you can level up and fight monsters smoothly, and reach the peak of your life at the speed of light. But what if you encounter the Four Heavenly Kings as soon as you leave the Novice Village? Go up and challenge the opponent to death, and then you can happily play GG.

All in all, Dojima Gin likes to use this competition to let the other party clearly understand his position and learn to look at things with awe.

Don't think about what you did before, go up and challenge a full-level boss like Erina if you disagree.

Doesn't he know that there have been countless chefs who were disqualified from continuing their career as chefs just because of Miss Erina's words, "You don't have the talent for cooking (just go home and sell sweet potatoes)".

Fortunately, Erina didn't have time to talk to him today. Otherwise, don't look at how calm he was dealing with Hyugako just now. In fact, he was really panicking just now. He was afraid that Erina would be in a bad mood today, so he conveniently took the medicine king. Xing Ping Soma used it as a prop to vent his anger, which made him doubt his life. When he got home at night, he would just go home with a big bag and sell sweet potatoes.

Of course, in addition to educating his gay friend's son, Dojima Gin also wanted to challenge Mo Yi once to see how far behind he was after ten years of hard work.

After Mo Yi agreed to Dojima Ginya's request to join, Medicine King Yukihei Souma, who was determined to challenge the strong, of course happily accepted this fact.


My stupid Onii-chan was being criticized and had to waste time dealing with these weirdos. My sister-chan was naturally unhappy, but after seeing Mo Yi's expression, she had no choice but to comfort herself. First, she wrote down a few of today's events in her little book. In the future, just find an opportunity to let them understand the anger and kindness of the goddess.

"Since the competition is conducted in a private name, let me be the referee this time!"

Erina crossed her hands, looked around, and said proudly.

Although some precious alone time was wasted, it was also a good thing to be able to taste the food cooked by Mo Yi. After all, I hadn't eaten the food cooked by Mo Yi for a long time.

The other team teachers and exchange competition referees present were shocked by Erina's invisible domineering look, and the idea in their hearts that they wanted to become one of the referees was instantly extinguished.

Because, just when they were about to say this, their brains were frantically reminding them that they could not continue, otherwise some unfortunate things would definitely happen, with men silently crying and women crying!

After seeing that no one objected to her opinion, Erina nodded with satisfaction. Not everyone can try her own Oni-chan's cooking. You mortals who don't have a bit of Basaka in your psychology should stop dreaming.

Dojima Gin: “…”

It's terrible now. My young master's family is obviously unhappy.

Seiichiro, I paid a high price to help your son this time. Do you know that I am not married yet, so do you have the reason to keep exercising every day?

I will raise your son.

"It is an honor for us to have the eldest lady with the 'God's Tongue' as the referee."

Dojima Gin quickly expressed his stance.

"no problem--"

Since Medicine King Yukihei Soma wants to challenge Erina, he naturally knows the opponent's deeds. Considering the opponent's legendary cooking skills, the opponent's reputation as a gourmet is undoubtedly more famous.

Being able to have such a big influence as the referee, Yaowang Xinghei Soma naturally agreed happily.

Thus, this competition was reached and carried out under the disbelieving eyes of teachers and students of Yuanyue.

"It actually happened."

As the leader of the team, Hinatako found it somewhat unacceptable to think that Ginko Dojima, known as the strongest graduate in the history of Totsuki Academy, was now having to deal with a young master of the club who suddenly appeared without warning, and a group of people. A first-year student competed.

How do they accept the back door of Dojima Gin Shinhwa after listening to it for so many years?

"Could it be——"

Looking at Miki Hinatako, she still had a warm smile on her face, and her expression was as relaxed as if she was going to go out to the Internet cafe with her classmates for five and a half hours. She boldly guessed that the other party was a well-hidden master, master, master?

"The question of the competition——"

Erina ignored Medicine King Yukihei Soma and Dojima Gin and asked:

"Any comments?"

Yukihira Soma, Dojima Gin, and everyone who eats melons: "..."

This black whistle is too obvious!

Although the partial Erina-sama is also cute, this preference does not belong to us!

"Then just feel free to use the ingredients on site."

Mo Yi directly suggested:

"As for time, let's take half an hour as the deadline."

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