
Erina thought for a while, half an hour was a bit long, but it was acceptable, and nodded in affirmation:

"Since you have no objections, the topic is to use the ingredients on site, and the time limit is half an hour."

Medicine King Yukihei Soma, Dojima Gin: "MMP——"

We didn't have a chance to speak at all, so we brought objections! This is too dark!

However, the conditions proposed by Mo Yi were very fair. There were no specific questions, and naturally there were no so-called advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, in Zhengping's harmonious atmosphere, the three of them quickly assigned the competition positions and selected their own ingredients.

"Miss Erina—"

While the three of them were picking out ingredients, teacher Ini Hinata walked up to Erina and started a conversation:

"Why haven't I heard you mention Young Master Mo Yi before?"

Erina looked at Miki Hinata who was leaning next to her. After all, the other person was one of her few acquaintances, so naturally she couldn't just ignore the past.

Of course, they are just acquaintances, acquaintances who can chat with each other for a few words.

Naturally, Erina would not talk to others about something as private and important as Mo Yi's, especially to an old woman like Hinata who likes to pretend to be young.

The fish-lipped Oni-chan seems to be good at this, otherwise she would have run away from home for the pseudo-loli Ilia and not come home for ten years. Thinking about it is a miserable feeling. In order to prevent Mo Yi from being pestered by more vixens How could Erina talk about Mo Yi with other unfamiliar girls.

"Brother has his own career outside, so he doesn't appear at Totsuki Academy very often——"

Erina used tactful words to maintain Mo Yi's image. Naturally, she would not say that the other person ran away from home, so you didn't know him.

"Besides, we don't know each other very well. Why would I bring up things about my brother in front of you? Teacher Hinatako?"

After saying that, like a tigress guarding its prey, she stared at Kanhinatako with vigilant and dangerous eyes, which only made Kanhinugako feel uncomfortable.

It seems that the nonsense he said before seems to have come true. Miss Erina's cute look can no longer be explained by her severe brother-control.

I was just curious to gossip about the information, but the other party gave me a warning with a "beat the vixen to death" look. If I showed that I cared about the other party, wouldn't I stop hanging out in Yuanyue tomorrow?

But snap!

What I control is beyond the comprehension of mere mortals like me.

However, as a traditional woman, Hinatako would not give up such big news so easily.

"Young Master Mo Yi, you look like a perfect match for Miss Erina—"

Gan Hinata expressed his attitude inadvertently.


Inui Hinatako still looks quite handsome and has a good outlook on things. This kind of clever and well-spoken person can be accepted into his camp.

Erina snorted softly and said nothing more, but her eyes when looking at Miki Hinata became kind, just like the kind eyes an old leader would have on a sensible new employee.


Miki Hinata exhaled secretly. It seemed that she had guessed correctly. The other person was Miss Erina's adoptive brother. He was clearly his love brother.

Fortunately, I am smart. The way the other person looks at me now is much more cordial than before. This is obviously the look of the team's success and being accepted as a younger brother. It seems that I will get a salary increase, marry a rich and handsome man, and start my life. The day of peak is not far away.

"Is the eldest young master also engaged in cooking-related industries?"

Inui Hinata wanted to ask Mo Yi how strong he was and why Senior Gin Dojima would challenge him.

But the person I'm asking about is a serious brother-controller. Isn't it a little offensive to ask this question, and it may also make Erina think that she has some bad intentions. Otherwise, why do you care so much about my Onii-chan?

In Miki Hinata's view, fancy girls like Erina will naturally think that their sweetheart is the best, and will not allow others to question anything about their sweetheart.

Do you dare to play devil’s advocate?

Well, draw your sword!

However, how did Miki Hinata know that the mantissa of Erina's true age was countless times hers.

However, her guess was quite accurate——

After Erina is reborn, you can be disrespectful to Erina. As a goddess, she will naturally not care about the ignorant thoughts of mortals and just ignore the existence of these scum.

But if you slander Mo Yi in Erina Mo Yi, Erina will immediately explode, which may hit the doubtful life, or directly purify it with a single blast of holy light.


Erina held Bai Jiu's chin with one hand, and her eyes only saw Mo Yi, who was leisurely selecting ingredients, and said calmly:

"Onii-chan's journey is like a star and a sea. He is busy changing the world and educating all mankind all day long. How can he have time to pay attention to such small things as cooking."

Inui Hinatako: "···"

Based on your description, Miss, the only jobs I can imagine are Ultraman and Kouga!

Moreover, as the heir to Totsuki Academy, is it really okay for you to describe doing "such a small thing" for the sacred cause of "cooking" that we strive for all our lives?

I have a saying about MMP that I don’t know whether I should say, brother-control or something, it’s so cool!

Chapter 249: The chef’s correct way to open the door

Facing the fanatical Erina, what else can Teacher Hinata do? She is also desperate!

Although Erina looked at her with very gentle eyes at the moment, she had no doubt that as long as she dared to deny the other party's praise of Mo Yi just now, the other party would definitely let her understand immediately what it means to treat heretics and enemies like the cold winter. Ruthless'.

As long as you are happy, Erina, your brother Fumi Cheng Taketoku has benefited all people and has dominated the world for thousands of years. You say he is an Ultraman who beats little monsters every day. If I fuck Hinata, I will clap and applaud. Don't say anything about changing the world. , such a small thing as educating human beings.

Anyway, just follow the leadership's instructions and let the other party be your young master.

"Well (⊙o⊙)..."

Erina looked at Miki Hinata's cooperative expression of surprise and belief with satisfaction, and couldn't help but feel relieved. It seemed that she had met another talent. After some observation, she could barely pull her into her own Goddess Guards team. .

"Although cooking is just an insignificant thing for Onii-chan, his talent is beyond what a mortal can imagine. When this competition is confirmed, there will be no suspense for a long time."

"It's so awesome(*?▽?*——"

In order to please her boss, she worked hard to please Hinatako's teacher. She tried her best to pretend to be shocked and cute, and couldn't help but murmur to herself:

"As expected of Miss Erina's brother."

In fact, Erina was not only surrounded by Hinatako, there were many curious people, such as other leading teachers, but they were also embarrassed by the shameless performance of Erina and Hinatako at the moment.

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