I am not targeting everyone here, but everyone here is rubbish!

"But, they have been standing there staring at each other for almost ten minutes——"

Gan Hinatako once again represented the broad masses of the people and asked the questions in everyone's mind:

"What's going on, miss?"


Erina had a look of arrogance on her face, as if everyone in the world was drunk and I was alone, she crossed her arms and said:

"Chefs' competitions are never just about the final cooking results. The cooking process is also a competition to test the chefs' true strength——"

"Do you think they are just standing there looking at each other affectionately?!"

"Wrong, absolutely wrong!"

"They are having a spiritual duel. This is a spiritual duel about cooking!"

Inui Hinatako: "···"

Why can't I see it? This is obviously a passionate look at each other!

"If you can understand this state, you can truly enter the world and become a real chef."

Erina seemed to see what Hinatako was thinking. She put her hand on Hinatako's hand helplessly and said:

"Now you look at them—"

If your ideological awareness is pretty good, this goddess will not pay attention to you with a combat power of only five.

"This is--"

With the blessing of Erina's divine power, Miki Hinatako finally opened the door to the new world——

They are looking at each other!

I saw two purple and blue air currents between Mo Yi and Dojima Gin, constantly colliding and rubbing. Countless purple and blue lightnings broke out between them, and the one who had the upper hand was obviously Erina's Ultraman Onii-chan, the purple air ball almost pressed in front of Dojima Gin-senpai's face, lighting up the sweat beads on Dojima Gin-senpai's face.

Obviously she didn't feel anything before, but now she could feel the huge air flow and pressure caused by the collision of air masses emanating from the two people, and she could even hear the lightning and thunder.

This wasn't the most amazing thing. What shattered her perspective even more was that there was a strange humanoid creature behind them.

The muscular devil man behind Senior Gin Dojima kept facing Mo Yi, the goddess whose whole body was coded by the holy light (the moment Gan Hinata saw the other person, she thought that the other person was a goddess for no reason in her mind) He waved his fist, but before the iron fist that could shoot electric light could get close to the goddess behind Mo Yi, it was absorbed by the holy light used by the opponent to hit the code, and it was ineffective at all.

"Eula Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola——"

The brother behind Dojima Gin kept shouting 'Ola' and waving his iron fist, but it was of no use.

"What's going on? Is it an illusion?"

Miki Hinata stared at the scene in front of her in stunned silence, her face turned pale, and in the end she could only seek help from the eldest lady next to her, hoping that she could be cured of her broken outlook on life syndrome.

Fish-lipped humans! Always labeling things beyond one's own knowledge as delusions.

However, since she no longer wants to be the goddess who responded to everything and had millions of angels under her command, Erina feels that she needs to train some of her subordinates, otherwise when she gets into a fight with Demon King Alice Fitz, she will have to fight from the beginning. Isn’t it embarrassing for the other party’s younger brother?

Although Hinatako looks a bit stupid, she has a high level of ideological awareness and is not afraid of low-strength subordinates. She is afraid that all of her teammates will be stupid and stupid, or that she said, "I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a good person." young.

"This is a competition of cooking skills. The correct opening posture-"

Erina's tone contained divine power, causing the other party to cool down quickly and accept the new setting, saying:

"The battle between purple and blue air masses is a spiritual competition between the two of them in terms of their momentum and understanding of cooking."

"And the goddess and brother behind the scenes are substitute messengers."

"When the fluctuation of your own thoughts is strong enough, you can materialize the thoughts in your heart. This is the so-called substitute messenger."

"One of the abilities of the Stand is that only the Stand can see the Stand!"

"Of course, momentum and substitute messengers are just a small branch of the cooking competition. If you want to become a real chef, there are still many things you need to learn."

Chapter 250: If there is something to do, the secretary will do it, but if there is nothing to do -

“Miss, I want to learn to cook——”

After opening her eyes to see the world, her outlook was shattered, and she discovered that the industry she was engaged in was so dangerous. In order not to die from unknown AOE when fighting with others in the future, she made the most correct choice rationally and decisively— —

Giving up the last bit of moral integrity, he bowed his head to the big one next to him named Erina and said:

"Please let me be a real chef!"

Tian Suo Hui: "..."

Shouldn't the correct line be, please let me become a real man?

As the best female friend of Medicine King Yukihira Soma, Tadokoro is naturally concerned about this game and is also very curious about the unsolved mysteries that happen on the field.

Let me explain here first that Tadokoro is a student who is favored by Gan Hinata, and she also has the idea of ​​​​recruiting him to join her restaurant in the future.

Therefore, Tadokoro was also brought to Erina by Miki Hinata, giving her the opportunity to show off her face in front of the young master's family. If she was attracted, she might become her thigh in the future.

Therefore, a woman's mind is really responsible, especially an older girl like Hyugako who knows how to be cute.

Because of this, Tadokoro also witnessed some inexplicable interactions between Erina and Miki Hinatako, with a chuuni atmosphere. However, she has a soft and cute personality and does not show anything on her face, silently acting as the background.

"Although you are the least qualified chef I have ever seen——"

Erina finally surrendered to a new younger brother. Erina was very happy, but she couldn't show it. Just like everyone thought that when they were in school, they must have heard their homeroom teacher say something like this, "You are the worst class of students I have ever taught." In the same way, if I don't step on you, how can I frighten the crowd in the future?

"However, I still have to accept it reluctantly."

"My shoulders are a little tired—"

"Roger it, Miss——"

Having said that, Ganhinata dared not sit next to Erina. She immediately came to Erina, helped her shoulders, and asked:

"Miss, is the intensity moderate?"

"Yes, Not Bad--"

Erina said with satisfaction:

"Teacher, I'm optimistic about you. Work hard, and you'll have both bread and wealth."

Tian Suo Hui: "..."

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