Forget it, I'll just watch the game honestly.

"Based on what you see, young lady, is it the young master who has the advantage now?"

While Hinatako helped Erina squeeze her shoulders, she did not alleviate the fierce battle scene looking up ahead.

Although the elder brother was still punching Mo Yi ineffectively at the scene, the goddess behind Mo Yi, whose whole body was marked by the Holy Light, did not make any counterattack?

As a newbie, I must not be arbitrary. The scene was Mo Yi holding down Gin Dojima, and this kind of battle that no one else could see, what effect did it have on the final dish?

Even if the so-called momentum and the substitute determine the winner, the final victory is not determined by the cooking score?

Hinatako asked Erina-sama, who was so comfortable that her eyes were half-closed:

"Does this invisible competition have any special significance for the competition between chefs?"

Erina looked at System-chan behind Mo Yi and couldn't help but smile——

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you, fish-lipped Onii-chan.

Although after losing my godhead, I need to re-condensate a new one, my figure has been with you forever, just like the shadow and the master, never separated, even if you go to a new world or reincarnate again , even time travel, I can find you.

In other words, I have never left you, Mo Yi.

Erina couldn't help but sigh in her heart. She was too smart. The failure in her previous life was also due to the incompetence of her teammates and was not a crime of war.

Now that I am fully aware of myself, there is no longer any possibility of failure.

"has no meaning?"

Erina heard Miki Hinatako's silly questions and said with a smile:

"In the dark days of the past, the competition between chefs was never that simple. As long as everyone cooked a dish, whoever's dish was delicious would win."

"The reason why the shokuji is called the shokuji is that it is essentially a duel, just like the swordsmen in ancient times used the swords in their hands to distinguish between life and death. However, the shokuji uses its own cooking skills to distinguish itself, and in the process, the hand is broken. It is an ordinary thing, but if it is that kind of dark eating halberd, no matter whether the dog is injured or not, as long as the loser loses his life, it will be used as a sacrifice to the heaven."


I can't buy Hinata anymore. She swallowed her saliva. She was just cooking properly, but she could kill people no matter what. What's going on!

"In ancient times, people who could be called chefs were all strong men with special skills or superb martial arts. Otherwise, if the person was killed by the other party before the cooking was finished, then he would naturally lose."

"Take this competition as an example. If Onii-chan wasn't a Buddhist player, he wouldn't have to attack the opponent with a substitute behind him. Otherwise, he could stun the opponent with just one blow. And Yukihira Sou, who can't even feel the energy fluctuations, Really, needless to say, even if you can’t see, Onii-chan can defeat the opponent in 10,000 ways if you just think about it, is there any need to continue this match?”

"So, teacher, you are still too naive to ask such an obvious question."

Inui Hinatako: "···"

What you said makes sense, but I am speechless!

As long as the general is killed, the champion of the competition will naturally be himself!

Chef, it turns out to be such a dangerous profession. Otherwise, if I work hard for another two years, I will sell my restaurant and go to Totsuki Academy to be a full-time teacher, and then I can use my beauty to cheat a ten-year-old man. If he is tall, rich and handsome at the age of eight, wouldn't he be happy in his next life?

What kind of chef do you want to be?

What if one day when she was eating a halberd, she was beaten to death by someone else's unknown attack, which would be an injustice to Dou E.

"It's almost done, now we just have to wait for the rice to be cooked."

Medicine King Xing Ping Soma completed all aspects of his own cooking, and under the pressure, he handled it much better than before.

At this time, he finally had time to observe the situation of the two people not far away.


Medicine King Yukihei Soma discovered a shocking fact, that is, there are less than ten minutes left. Are Mo Yi and Dojima Gin still looking at each other?

MMP, I want to compete well!

Why do you want to give up treatment?

"Xingping Sozhen has completed the cooking competition."

Dojima Gintou can't stand it any longer. If he delays it any longer, even he won't be able to finish his pan-fried foie gras dish. It seems that the gap between him and his opponent in the cultivation of theorems and mysterious powers has not been closed in ten years. .

Thinking of this, Dojima Gin couldn't help but laugh, but that's right. The other party was still an elementary school student and he could beat himself up as an adult who had graduated for many years. After so many years, he commanded the other party with the growth rate of his talent and strength. It shows exponential explosive growth, how can it be compared to an uncle like me?

Now, I can't even see clearly the appearance of the substitute messenger behind the opponent. I still remember that ten years ago, my platinum messenger could still have contact with the opponent.

However, I finally remembered something that I hadn’t figured out for a long time?

In the past, I always felt that Erina's appearance was very familiar, and as the other person grew up, this strange feeling became stronger.

And after meeting Mo Yi's stand-in today, even if he couldn't see his face clearly, he could be sure that the stand-in behind him was clearly the grown-up Miss Erina? !

It seemed that he had discovered something extraordinary.

It's better to keep this kind of thing in your heart and let it rot. I always feel that if you are discovered, you will be beaten into a vegetative state.

"I'm going to start studying."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

After seeing that the other party was not quarreling with him, Mo Yi smiled teasingly:

"A real man should carry a forty-meter-long sword and just go ahead and do it!"

"What to cook? As long as you use Wushuang to kill the chef who is competing with you during the competition, isn't it a victory?"

"If someone discovers it, beat the person who discovered it and the referee to death. Wouldn't it mean that no one will have a perfect victory?"

Dojima Gin: “…”

Oops, this is a heart-pounding feeling!

Why do I feel that what the other person said makes sense, as if this is the correct way to open the Shoji!

No, I don’t want to be ambushed and lead to such a path of no return!

"the world——"

Dojima Gin regained his composure and suddenly assumed a handsome bro-noble pose, and then an invisible wave emanated from his body.


Dojima Gin looked at the black and white, still world around him, but found that there were actually two people in the audience who maintained a normal color painting style. One was Mo Yi, and the other was Miki Hinata who was pinching his shoulders from behind. Erina, who didn't understand the time being stopped and looked dissatisfied, said helplessly:

"Even time-based abilities are ineffective against you?"

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