
Mo Yi's right hand was placed lightly on the table, but the table made a muffled sound, which made Xing Ping Soma have the illusion of an earthquake.

Under the reaction force of the table, all the ingredients on the table were immediately blown away. However, under Souma Yukihira's unbelievable gaze, Mo Yi, who was standing straight, transformed into several Mo Yi in an instant, and then followed a specific rhythm. , and then the food in the air is processed.

"This is--"

This was not just a question posed by one person, Medicine King Yukihei Souma, who was stunned, but also a question posed by all the audience present.

"Miss, how did you do this?" - BY Gan Hinatako

"This is a martial art from the mysterious West——"

In fact, Erina doesn't know how to explain it. Isn't this kind of thing something you can do if you want to?

You suddenly asked me for theoretical analysis, and I don’t know how to explain it!

But he had just accepted the other party as his younger brother, and then said, "I don't know, I can just do it if I want to do it." This kind of answer would be very embarrassing to the goddess. I don't know, the other party's loyalty is still there. will decrease.

However, this is not a problem for the wise and wise Erina-sama. She is familiar with all the classics on Yakumo House, and can make up a set of well-founded theories for the other party on the spot.

"In the ancient Chinese mainland, so-called magic, power systems such as superpowers, substitutes or fighting spirit were not popular. Some were just martial arts that had reached their peak!"

"In a flower garden, any chef who doesn't understand martial arts is not a good chef——"

"Onii-chan's move seems to have countless incarnations, but because his movement speed is fast enough, the capture speed of our eyes cannot catch up with his movement speed, which results in the illusion of afterimages and clones."


Well, anyway, Miss, I believe what you are saying now, teacher. Although I don’t know what you are talking about, I can feel how powerful you are.

"So, what is the specific name of this move that can change the body's afterimage, and what is its principle?"

Hinatako, who had just come into contact with the new world, was as curious as a child, so she asked Erina with an inscrutable expression on her face.

Sister-chan: "..."

You, Teacher Xiong, who likes to pretend to be young, even though I already look so profound, why are you so ignorant and still keep asking?

Don’t you know that the big guys like to tell half of what they say and leave the other half to you newbies to understand on their own?

Forget it, I'd better work harder. When I train a team in the future, I'll leave this kind of thing to the old employees to fool.

"Brother's move is called 'Three Thousand Thunderbolts'. Its principle is to use the bioelectricity in the human body to stimulate one's own neural responses, coupled with the electromagnetic field's all-round training of the human body, so that one's body can withstand the Exhibiting this kind of speed that is far beyond the limit of the human body."

Erina looked at Miki Hinatako and Tazoe next to her, showed a surprised smile, and continued to explain:

"If you want to cultivate into Three Thousand Thunderbolts, you must temper your body with electric current. After practicing to the end, you can truly achieve perfection after being tempered by Three Thousand Heavenly Thunders. Even my brother has been practicing for ten years. Electric shock training can achieve this state.”


Miki Hinatako sighed again.

Someone must have made up a story on the spot to explain the story, and the audience member closest to Mo Yi, Yaowei Yukihei Soma, looked confused——

It turns out you can still cook this way!

However, Mo Yi didn't slow down his movements without the other party's shock, because the clone's cooking was just a basic operation.

Next, under the gaze of everyone, they performed a series of basic operations - Tai Chi kneading dough, cutting ingredients in the air, frying eggs with palms, Qigong to burn natural gas and other techniques.

————The dividing line a few minutes later————

Medicine King Xing Ping Soma was shattered at this moment. Although he finally knew how Boss Mo Yi completed a pasta dish in a few minutes, he was not happy or excited at all!

Because he discovered that they were from two different worlds, and they didn’t have the same style of painting at all. He was a daily cook, and the others were already in the Chinese and martial arts style, so how could they compare!

Moreover, this has no reference meaning at all, because he can't do the other party's most basic clone operation!

The Medicine King Yukihei Souma, who had a look on his face that doubted life and was about to survive a disaster, patted his face hard and encouraged himself:

"Others are just good at special effects. In the final analysis, cooking is still about color, flavor and flavor!"

After saying that, Medicine King Yukihei Soma took his exquisite rice bowl and placed it in front of Erina, letting her taste his confident creation.

Mo Yi looked meaningfully at Soma Yukihira standing in front of Erina and muttered:

"It seems that the other party has been blown away by the way he cooked it just now. As long as he beats the other party in terms of the color, aroma and taste of the food, he can successfully complete the mission of System Sauce."


Erina gracefully picked up the rice bowl made by Yoshihei Soma, took a bite, chewed it carefully and swallowed it.

"not bad--"

This is not the first time Erina has tried Yao Wang's cooking. Erina herself served as the examiner for the opponent's entrance exam. She thought that compared to the previous egg dishes, the opponent's cooking ability has improved a lot.

However, it was still far from enough, and it did not put Erina into a drugged state!

If it was in the usual state, Erina might still fall into the trap, but now with Mo Yi's competition, she naturally concentrated on controlling all the energy in her body. Things like this used to make her feel good and make her Now that she has entered the ascension mode of cooking, it is impossible for her to be easily satisfied.

"Poor hospitality—"

Medicine King Yukihira Souma clenched his fists hard, partly because of nervousness, and partly because of Erina's calm expression.

Although she knew that being able to get a "fairly good" review from Erina, who has the 'God's Tongue' and is known as the number one gourmet in District 11, is already the dream of countless cooks.

However, Yukihira Souma, who had seen the other party's ascension mode after eating first-class cuisine, knew that the other party was not satisfied with his own cuisine.

It seems that I am really going to be cool this time.

Of course, the King of Medicine didn't know that Erina was looking forward to Mo Yi's cooking at this moment, and the evaluation standard was also adjusted to Mo Yi's most stringent standard. It was absolutely impossible for him to only reach the level of drugging but not shining. Make Erina feel satisfied.

That's right, the only person in this world who can truly satisfy Erina physically and mentally in all aspects is her boss Onii-chan, Mo Yi.

While Medicine King Yukihira Souma was walking aside in despair, the Totsuki students present were already excited——

"How come the eldest lady didn't use professional and venomous words to point out any shortcomings?"

"The strength of this new student should not be underestimated!"

Of course, some of the stronger students, such as some members of the Ten Elites, couldn't help but pay attention to the existence of Medicine King. They thought that he was just a self-proclaimed genius and supernova who met a few every year. As a rookie, I didn't expect that Dui Ang could get such comments from the eldest lady.

After taking a breath of cold air, they suddenly sighed - if this child is not eliminated, he will become a trouble in the future!

"Next, do you go up first, or do I go up first?"

Dojima Gin held up his pan-fried foie gras dish and asked with a smile:

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