"According to the scientific theory of human taste, the person who gets there first has an advantage——"

After hearing Dojima Ginhe talking about science to himself, Mo Yi smiled and said nothing, stretched out his hand to the other party, indicating that you can do whatever you want.

In the two-dimensional painting style, someone actually talked to me about science, maybe it was Shi Lezhi!

Moreover, according to the laws of gourmet shows, the one who serves the dish first and is commented on will lose, because if he wins from the beginning, what else is there to watch?

So, Teacher Gin Dojima, you are asking for death!

Your strength is not as good as mine in the first place, but now you add plot killing, and you have no chance of making a comeback.

"Whether it's the heat, cooking techniques, etc., it's almost perfect in every aspect—"

Erina cut off a piece of foie gras and tasted it carefully. Bai Jiu's face seemed to turn a subtle blush because of the delicious taste in her mouth.

"As expected of Gin Dojima, the strongest graduate in the history of Totsuki Academy. This is one of the most delicious foie gras dishes I have ever tasted."

"Thank you for your compliment——"

Gin Dojima was not surprised by Erina's comments.

As an important person in Totsuki Academy, he certainly knows how different Erina is from her normal state when she is serious. And the other party is obviously in a serious mode now. It is impossible to be like in the academy because of the student-level cooking. He looked satisfied.

Being able to get this level of recognition from the other party already shows that you have performed beyond your level.

She had seen that Miss Erina's comments were almost at this level even if it was the food cooked by her grandfather, the Food Demon King.

"As expected of Teacher Gin Dojima, he was able to receive such recognition from Miss Serious Mode——"

After hearing Erina's comments, the Totsuki students who were watching around whispered in awe:

"It seems that Dojima Gin-sensei won this competition."

"The flying dragon rides on the face, I'll ask Dojima Gin-sensei how to lose!"

"Sure enough, a master who has been famous for a long time is not something that young people like us can compare with!"

"Long live Totsuki, long live Miss Erina!"


Dojima Gin: “…”

No wonder the Totsuki students present felt that he was as stable as an old dog. You must know that facing the serious Erina, just the "not bad" comment made by Medicine King Yukihei Soma just now, as long as it is spread, is enough to make Erina... He became a rising star in the culinary world of District 11.

Dojima Gin looked at Yaowang Yukihei Soma's disappointed look and knew that his original goal had been achieved.

As for the extravagant hope of defeating Mo Yi, it has been an extravagant hope from the beginning. It is just a hope that I will regret it. What if it comes true?

When he saw Miss Erina taking only one bite and quietly looking at Mo Yi with expectant eyes, he knew that he could also sing "Liang Liang".

Now that Dojima Gin’s dishes have been reviewed, what’s left is of course the finale, Mo Yi’s mysterious dish.

Although most of the students on the field were already celebrating, thinking that Mr. Dojima Gin had won the competition, there were still many teachers and students who were more observant than ordinary people, and they could see some clues from the expressions of Dojima Gin and Erina. .

It seems that the truth is not as simple as they imagined!

"Have you been waiting for a long time, Erina?"

Mo Yi took the food covered with a lid and put it in front of Erina, who was looking at him with watery eyes, who was hungry, and said with a smile:

"This is one of your favorite dishes."

Dojima Gin, Miki Hinatako, and Totsuki teachers and students present: "..."

Let me go and be serious, we are having a sacred competition now!

Moreover, uncle, when you speak like this, you are indirectly cheating and selling your feelings!

Even if Joan of Arc is here today, we will still shout loudly——

It's not fair!

This is a black whistle!

"Could it be——"

After hearing this, Erina couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, and her mind couldn't help but think of the beautiful days of life in the first few years of her rebirth——

At that time, no matter what he said, Yuchuan Mo Yi would say yes and then help him do it.

For example, when sleeping, you can hug each other every night and listen to various stories from each other. If you are not happy, you can act coquettishly and ask the other person to coax you to sleep.

Not to mention food, as a member of the Nakiri family, delicious food is essential!

Of course, Sister Jiang's favorite thing is the food that Mo Yi makes for her.

At that time, I didn’t eat anyone’s food except his!

Woohoo (┭┮﹏┭┮)!

I really want to go back to the past——

Still remember the heavy rain I missed in those years, the love I missed in those years——

If you wake up early and let go of your unnecessary arrogance, maybe you and the other person's children can have a good relationship.

I really want to tell you, tell you, I have not forgotten——

I really want to go back in time, hold you tightly, and tell you——

I am no longer so willful and I no longer want you to tell me stories every night and cook for her every day, just once in a while.

Let me tell you, I am willing to tell you stories every night and cook for you when you come home from work.

Once she thought of the past, Erina felt sweet and uncomfortable at the same time. If she had not had trouble with Mo Yi, there would not have been so many things today, and naturally there would not have been no-name vixens like Illya!

All I can say is, I regret it!

Chapter 252: Heroine, spare your life!

When Sister Jiang's right hand touched the steel pot lid, she once again felt the almost forgotten temperature, and couldn't help but think of the memory of the first time she ate Mo Yi's cooking.

On the Moyi Continent, it was still a sunny day. Human beings were busy slashing and burning, fighting against the sky and the earth, and could only eat enough. But those meat eaters were addicted to the game of chicken, thinking about how to get rid of it every day. Kill the neighbor next door who is richer and more powerful than you.

On the other hand, the monster girls of another race on the Moyi Continent are busy on the road of squeezing juice, or looking for targets for squeezing juice.

In fact, the above matter has nothing to do with my sister-chan, the great Ilyas-sama. That day she still had enough time to go to the Demon King's house and break in, and then she was beaten by the crowd.

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