"This is too fragrant-"

Medicine King Yukihei Souma, who was still feeling unwilling and blaming himself and wondering what he could do better, sniffed his nose in disbelief, analyzed the fragrance in the air, and said to himself:

"But there is no way to distinguish the specific aroma produced by those ingredients. What is going on?"

"This is the legendary 'fifth flavor'."

Dojima Gin, who was beside him, said with his eyes closed, enjoying the smell in the air.

"Fifth flavor?"

Medicine King Xing Ping Sozhen asked in confusion: "What is that?"

"So your father hasn't mentioned this kind of thing to you yet?"

Dojima Gin opened his eyes and sighed:

"That's right. Understanding something of this legendary level too early will do you no good."

"However, since we have met, let me explain it to you."

“The taste of food is all kinds of weird, but after so many years of research and summarization by chefs, it can be roughly divided into four flavors: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy. No matter how we cook food, we constantly combine these four flavors to create the combination that people like the most. This is probably the ultimate taste that our chefs pursue.”

Having said this, a look of fanaticism and desire appeared on Dojima Gin's face, and he continued:

"However, no matter how much we improve our cooking skills, we are just carriers of the flavors contained in the ingredients themselves, and we cannot rely on the realm of mortals."

"However, since ancient times, with the development of cooking, human beings' pursuit of taste has never stopped. When a chef can break the four inherent tastes, rely on his own power to break the inherent attributes of nature in the ingredients, and then By combining them according to your own ideas, you can create a fifth flavor that does not exist in nature.”

"How can this be?"

Medicine King Xing Ping Soma felt that his attempt had been defeated. He sniffed the lingering fragrance in the air again and said incredulously:

"Is this really something a human can do?"

After hearing Souma Yukihira's words, Dojima Gin showed an expression of 'Young man, you are still too naive' and said with a smile:

"Many years ago, we believed that the most basic components of the world were the four elements of earth, water, wind, and fire, followed by ether. It was not until the development of modern science and technology that we realized that the world is made up of molecules, atoms and other particles that are invisible to our naked eyes. . But this is not the end. Under the particles, there are more basic existences, such as electrons, quarks, etc."

"The same goes for cooking. It has always been a road with no return. As our ancestors and we explore, more and more incredible miracles will be discovered and created."

"Teacher Gin Dojima, you know so much——"

Medicine King Yukihei Soma was shocked again by Dojima Gin's words. Everyone learned cooking from Totsuki, why are you so good!

How could I, who studied cooking, know such profound knowledge as physics?

Do you mean that as long as we use cooking skills to break the particles that make up ingredients into electrons and quarks, and then recombine them, we can create new flavors?

We all understand the truth, but this makes things difficult for those of us who are learning to cook!

"But I still don't quite understand how the fifth flavor is produced."


Dojima Gin sighed after hearing this and said:

"It's not time for you to pursue these things yet."

"And I know what to do."

King of Medicine Xingping Chuangzhen: "..."

Don’t you know that if you are still fooling me, your conscience won’t hurt? Is it really okay for you to fool your good friend's son like this?

Dojima Gin seemed to see that Yukihira Soma kept saying 'MMP' in his heart, and he did not feel angry. Instead, he said calmly:

"Rumors say that the only person who can do this is a chef who breaks the limits of mortals and reaches the realm of gods. No, it should be the God of Cooking."

Xing Ping Soma: "..."

You're fooling me again, always talking about legends. In theory, shouldn't you masters be responsible for what you say?

Don’t you know that bragging can make an ignorant young man believe it to be true and waste his whole life for something that is fictitious?

Yukihira Soma: "Does the so-called God of Cooking really exist in this world?"


Dojima Gin saw the other party's disbelief and smiled:

"In the history of the culinary world, there have been records of several beings who have reached the realm of the God of Cooking. In modern times, there are Liu Angxing, a young Chinese master from the Western Continent, and Stephen Zhou, the God of Cooking. In front of us, aren't we standing like this? Does one exist?"


Medicine King Xing Ping Soma swallowed a mouthful of saliva. No matter how unbelievable it was at this time, he could only accept this fantastic fact.

That's right, Mo Yi's cooking process just now proved that the other party's cooking skills and skills were no longer at his level.

To be honest, until now, he still couldn't understand Mo Yi's previous cooking process.

However, as the hero of a hot-blooded comic, he quickly regained his strength from his shattered outlook on life. He clenched his fists and looked at the thin back of the young man standing casually not far ahead.

Said to himself: "It turns out that this world is so wonderful——"

"One day, I will catch up, challenge you again, and then surpass you, Mo Yi!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Naturally, what Medicine King Xingping Chuangzhen said could not escape Mo Yi's ears.

After hearing such words, Mo Yi felt relieved. It seemed that the other party was not knocked down by the cruel facts, but instead set a goal that was so ambitious that it was impossible. This just showed that his mission had been completed and he had successfully convinced the other party.

In this case, is the day when Yao Wang will enter the Yakumo House cooking class still far away?

However, at this time, no one at the scene noticed that Medicine King Yukihei Soma had set ambitious goals, because Erina finally completely opened the lid of the pot.

"What's this?"

"My 24k krypton gold dog eyes are going to be blinded!"

As the lid of the pot was untied, thousands of five-color divine lights shot out from the lid, blinding the eyes of the people eating melons until they could not open their eyes.

"The legendary luminous cuisine actually exists?!"

The scene was immediately attracted by the bowl of food that was still emitting five colors of divine light, but had become much lighter.

"It is rumored that only by making luminous dishes can one become a special chef in the ancient Western Continent——"

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