"Why are the villains in your stories always gods?"

"Your thoughts are very dangerous. Do you know that the brave man is Mo Yi?"

Lady Ilyas was very confused. The other party's story was very exciting, but the final boss of six or seven stories in each story was called a god? Demigod? Or the gods, sons of gods, etc.?

The goddess who is always being hacked complains every day:

"Great gods don't have time to care about mortals. If they have time to wipe out all mankind, they might as well study new dishes at home or create some new races to play with."

Mo Yi: "..."

That's because you don't understand the loneliness of God - I am so powerful, if I don't beat some humans and those heroes who dare to resist, how can I express the emptiness, loneliness and coldness of God?

Don’t think that everyone is as boring as you, commanding people to eat and pinch the figures. Where can the figures be fun with real people?

Of course, you can't say this casually in a different world where gods exist. If a god passing by your window hears it, wouldn't you be in tragedy?

However, if it's a story, it doesn't matter. Mo Yi had heard several legendary stories in Novice Village where gods acted as villain bosses, and they changed themselves after being moved by heroes and sleeping with them.

As long as we don't directly express the straightforward conclusion that "gods are bad guys", there will be no problem.

If the person beside Mo Yi was not a goddess, there would probably be no problem.

Perhaps the inspiration for Sister Jiang to become a second grader in the future and to destroy all mankind and create a world she wants came from the story told by Mo Yi.

After all, Mo Yi has told a lot of "I want to be a Cammy in the new world" or "My sister can destroy all mankind" stories that are full of secondary flavor.

"Lily, do you think the most powerful being in the world is a god?"

Mo Yi took another ugly big dumpling from the opponent's hand and asked.


Lady Ilyas raised her head and chest, and said with pride:

"Gods are existences that cannot be erased by time, so they are naturally the most powerful in the world!"

Hum, if you can speak, I will forgive you once more, you brave man with fish lips.

Mo Yi continued:

"Then as the final boss of the story, shouldn't it be so powerful that it makes people despair, in order to meet the other party's qualifications as a clearing boss?"

Sister Jiang thought about it for a while, and there was no problem with this. She had to answer with the saucy words she learned from Mo Yi——

"Yes, as the final boss in an adventure story, it is natural that he must be so cool that he can be defeated by the protagonists."

"In that case——"

Mo Yi said matter-of-factly:

"Then isn't it natural for a god to be the final boss? Is there anyone in the world who is more suitable to be a cool and awesome level-clearing boss than God?"

Lady Ilyas: "..."

What you said makes sense, but I am speechless. Today, I heard what you said, and I realized that all these years have been in vain. Although I am so cool and awesome, I have wasted my role as a person who can destroy all mankind and overthrow the tyranny of mankind. Such a meaningful responsibility for the government.

Seeing Lady Ilyas's confused look, Mo Yi continued telling the story:

"After one adventure after another, the first boss, Mo Yi, brought his second boss, Lily, the third boss, Yatogami Tohka, the fourth boss, the fourth boss, No, the fifth boss..." (Anyway, a series of names of two-dimensional wives )


Lady Ilyas couldn't help but stop again and complained:

"Why am I the second in charge and you obviously can't even beat me?"

What makes the goddess even more unbearable is——

"Furthermore, where is the man who was promised to be the bandit king? Why are all the companions who join the bandit a female character? And why are the women who are bandits all beautiful girls according to your description!"

"This is not reasonable at all!"

In addition to these reasonable reasons, what makes Lady Ilyas even more dissatisfied is why there are only beautiful girls in her team, and she feels inexplicably unhappy.

"I've said it from the beginning. If the stories are similar, it's just a coincidence. The names of the characters are just the same as ours."

Mo Yi ignored the dissatisfied goddess and forcefully explained:

"Young man, don't let the wind be the rain. Such rash ideas are unacceptable."

Lady Goddess: "..."

You may not believe it, but I am more than ten thousand times your age, and now I really want to punch you in the face to make you understand what it means to be broken.

Lady Ilyas, the goddess in distress, gritted her teeth, but was afraid of beating herself and would have no stories to listen to or dumplings to eat, so she could only hold it in, which made Mo Yi, who was secretly observing, extremely happy.

"Besides, I said it from the beginning, the hero's dream is - I want to be the bandit king."

"If the Bandit King is not a woman, how can he become the Bandit King's man?"

"Could it be——"

Mo Yi continued to mock:

"Do you have such strong taste?"

"Shut up! Shameless brave——"

Lady Ilyas was very angry, and the consequences were very serious, so she crushed the dumplings in her hands and exploded.

He obviously wanted to remind the other party of the horror of the first days when he was dominated by him, but he was also afraid that the other party would use the shameless trick of running away from home, so tonight he didn't have the dumplings, which he said were the most delicious foods.

My favorite thing is to watch you want to fuck me, but you can't help but not.

However, the goddess is not someone to be trifled with, and she quickly thought of a way to fight against the shameless hero.

She put down the dumplings in her hands and walked towards the husky Pipiha who was lying on the ground watching the show. She grabbed and lifted it neatly and walked to the chopping board.


The smile on Mo Yi's face gradually disappeared——

Soulless! What do you want to do to man's best friend, Pipiha?

Quickly let go of the Pipiha——

"Lily, don't be impulsive, let go of Pipiha quickly!"

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