
Lady Elias proudly looked at Mo Yi who stretched out his right hand with a healthy expression and said matter-of-factly:

"I would say that dog meat is the most delicious meat in the world."

"It's rare to celebrate the New Year, so of course we have to have a good meal. I believe Pipiha will forgive us."

"Woof, woof woof!"

Being lifted up in the air, Pipiha, who had a strong desire to survive, immediately screamed and asked for help from her master Mo Yi, almost crying.

Lily, I misjudged you!

I thought you were just a middle school girl who ran away from home, a little arrogant, ignorant and gluttonous at best, but I didn’t expect that you are now paying attention to my best friend.

Love is a ray of light, which made me panic at this moment.


In order to save his mount, Mo Yi finally shed tears of humiliation again on New Year's Eve and succumbed to the lustful power of the goddess.

After some fighting, Lady Elias finally placed the trembling Pipiha in her hands with satisfaction, looked at Mo Yi proudly, and said:

"This goddess reluctantly lets Pipiha go. As compensation, I want to hear other stories——"

"The story needs to be a little different. The villain must not be a god, and there shouldn't be so many beautiful girl stories."

Mo Yi: "..."

There are so many requirements. If I couldn't beat you, I would really like to throw my pen in front of you and ask you to compile it if I have the ability.

"Then I will come down and tell a story called "The Work of the Dragon King of Douluo Continent"."

Mo Yi thought for a while, since you don't allow me to tell a story about many beautiful girls, then let's just tell a story about many lolita!

After all, Lolita is not a beautiful girl, but the childhood stage of a beautiful girl, just like Digimon. Infant Digimon and mature Digimon are two different species. As you can never imagine, Why is it so amazing that a cactus can evolve into a fairy and a little monster can evolve into an angel?

"In a world called Douluo Continent, there is no such thing as the fancy and most lethal Fire Style Ninjutsu that can never burn anyone. There is no such nonsense as the Devil Fruit that says rubber can restrain thunder and lightning. He doesn't have the power to become a villain just by shouting "Fairy Tail". All the damage caused by others in the early stage is converted into output magic, and some of it is just the power of Douluo that has been developed and practiced to the extreme."

"In that world, everyone is born with the power called martial soul, and the martial soul is a cute lolita in the tasting state. Only when fighting, all kinds of cute lolita will The master likes the Loli's heart to turn into the power of Dou Loli, and use all kinds of extraordinary powers, or transform into weapons such as swords and blood droplets."

"In other words, the more you like lolita, the stronger your lolita fighting power will be."

"Of course, if you want to improve your own strength, in addition to continuously strengthening your love for Loli, there is another important way, and that is the soul ring!"

"The so-called soul ring is to conquer real lolita in the real world and absorb the purest lolita power from them, so that one's own martial soul can evolve and acquire new abilities."

Having said this, Mo Yiwu and Ilyas looked at the perverted expression, took a deep breath, and said enviously:

"In Douluo Continent, lolita is the most precious resource in the world. If you want to become a first-class strong person, you must be an admirable lolita control."

"People in that world call those strong people who have the purest love for lolita the title Douluo!"

"And Titled Douluo is not the end of the Douluo Continent. Among the thousands of Titled Douluo, there is still a supreme realm. Only Titled Douluo who understand the origin of Loli can reach the ultimate realm - Dou Di!"

"Because the power of the Dou Emperor is far beyond what humans can imagine. Creating or destroying the world is just a thought of the Dou Emperor. Therefore - there will only be one Dou Emperor in each era. After all, The world of Douluo Continent can support at most one such terrifying Dou Emperor."

"And the male protagonist of our story is a powerful Emperor Fighter of that era. He is also known as the Dragon King, Mr. Mo Yi, because he loves Loli from the dragon clan the most!"


The distressed goddess collapsed and stopped, complaining crazily:

"How can there be such a perverted world!"

"And if you like lolita, you are basically a pervert. In reality, you are a pervert who will be caught and burned by the church!"

Mo Yi: "..."

I just got excited about it, so I won’t say it anymore. Can you please respect the author’s basic human rights?

"Why didn't I know that the church still has such rules?"


Lady Elias stared at Mo Yi fiercely and said word by word:

"It will happen in the future, you perverted lolita control hero!"

Mo Yi: "..."

What's wrong with liking loli?

Why don't you target vulnerable groups like us like this!

Chapter 256: The only way to get rid of the pear is to lose the money.

Senior Sister Lili, who was riding a bicycle, could not catch up with the galloping horse in front of her no matter how much power she had in her body.

In the end, I could only watch the master Mo Yi and his disciple Loli Alice Wei who were riding horses gradually go away and finally disappear from sight.

Mo Yi's face was full of sighs, and he sighed seriously:

"I've tried all my methods, but I can't get any money..."

"As a drop of tear falls and the final brilliance blooms on the ground, "The Work of the Dragon King of Douluo Continent" officially ends."


"What the hell kind of ending is this?!"

Lady Ilyas, who was deeply involved in the plot, couldn't accept it and shouted:

"Why did we say that the most beautiful girl in Douluo Continent lost to a nine-year-old Loli in the end!"

"This is not scientific at all!"

After saying that, Sister Jiang grabbed Mo Yi's shoulders tightly, regardless of her hands being filled with flour, and said viciously:

"I, Lily, don't accept it. What do you mean by the raspberry method? You can't get rid of it even if you try it. This is obviously the unreasonable malice of you!"

"Mo Yi, if you don't explain it to me clearly, we won't be finished with what happened today, and no one will be able to make this year a success!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Could this be the 'whining of a defeated dog' that President Kaiba said in the legend?

Miss Li, you have to learn to accept the reality, after all, the days to come will be even more fucked up.

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