The real reason is that Erina's expression when she was tasting Mo Yi's bowl of dumplings was different from her usual look where her face would be red and unable to stop after eating delicious food. Of course, it did not trigger the Nakiri family's anger. Family blood line boundary - breaking clothes.

The bloodline of the Nakiri family has the ability to explode when eating delicious food. This kind of cute can absorb enough delicious factors in the food, and it can also be upgraded to prevent itself from bursting. Detonate the clothes of people around you.

At first glance, this is a funny ability, but in fact it is extremely terrifying, enough to allow the Nakiri family to inherit a powerful bloodline in District 11 for hundreds of years.

As we all know, after everyone reaches the full level, their combat effectiveness is almost the same. At this time, what determines various combat effectiveness is krypton gold and equipment.

But when the krypton gold boss meets a strong man from the Nakiri family, the other party will directly use a law-level clothes-exploding stunt to explode all your equipment and start running naked.

So the question is, can a hero without equipment beat a hero with Liushen equipment? !

The answer is, of course, self-evident.

Of course, as a teacher and student of Totsuki, one would not think that the other party's cooking is not good just because Miss Erina does not uncontrollably strip off the clothes of those around her.

Because the look on Erina's face while eating dumplings is so happy!

Just looking at each other's expressions, they felt full of happiness, feeling like they could finish three bowls of rice later.

This just shows that the other party's cuisine has transcended the material level, but affects the spiritual level of consciousness. This is a true legend, a cuisine that people think is a myth.

As for whether Erina would cover her conscience and act, no one present had ever doubted this.

In their minds, Erina's evaluation is an undoubted conclusion. Among the teachers and students present at Totsuki, who has not seen Erina's expression when eating?/

No flaw can escape the perception of God's Tongue. Erina will never hide whether it tastes good or not. Let the eldest lady look happy because of the cooking, which is the greatest wish of teachers and students in Totsuki. Target!

I never expected that this tragic wish that I thought was impossible to come true would actually come true here!

"Are you full?"

Mo Yi's voice woke Erina out of her memories, and only then did she feel the coolness on her face, well, the coolness of the cold water tears.

"about there."

In front of Totsuki's teachers and students, Erina still wanted to maintain her image as a eldest lady, and was embarrassed to show the true nature of the god's stomach.

Of course, Sister-chan's stomach wasn't full yet, but her heart was fed by the sudden burst of ancient memories and the throbbing emotions that made her fall in love with the other person.

This is probably the reason why people drink enough water to satisfy their emotions.

Erina looked at Mo Yi's face that was the same as before, and couldn't help but think of the tangled self a long time ago. She was afraid that if she turned around, she would never see the other person again, or see the other person's face that was already full of wrinkles.

Fortunately, although she experienced many unexpected and unhappy things in the process, until the end, she finally ate the dumplings made by the other party again, and the face that seemed to have not changed.

"However, I want to eat the dumplings you made tonight, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow."

Erina stood up, with her previous happy smile and two wet tears still on her face. She walked to Mo Yi, took the other person's hand again, and said arrogantly:

"The all-you-can-eat kind."

"If you eat dumplings every day, you'll get epiglottis."

Mo Yi smiled and said:

"let's go."

"would not--"

Erina acquiesced in Mo Yi's words, and under the gazes of teachers and students in Yuanyue, she was gradually pulled away by Mo Yi, and continued her work of patrolling and refereeing today. However, she probably almost forgot about this incident.

"Then you come over to my house tonight—"

Mo Yi continued:

"The more people there are, the more lively it will be."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Naturally, Erina would not be easily tricked by Mo Yi and muttered:

"This is not your home."

The fish-lipped Oni-chan started daydreaming about the Crystal Palace again.

“Wherever you are, that’s my home——”

Mo Yi said matter-of-factly:

"Goddess, you are here, this is my home."


It's rare to think of some happy memories. My sister-in-law decided not to be too busy with Mo Yi's guy today. I want to make you happy for one night and let him understand what reality is in the future. She said:

"Then you may not be able to handle it alone—"

Mo Yi smiled and did not say that the Emiya family has many cooking experts, so there is no need to worry about such things.

Erina then said reluctantly:

"This goddess will reluctantly make dumplings with you!"

Chapter 258: Ayase Eri

After Mo Yi led his sister Jiang away, the atmosphere at the scene did not cool down because of their absence. Instead, it became more and more heated. Everyone was excited to express their opinions on various details of the competition just now.

For a time, all kinds of opinions burst out in the scene, and the exchange competition seemed to no longer be important.

"It's really exciting!"

Xing Ping Soma looked at the two figures that had disappeared, clenched his fists, quickly cheered up from the loss, and said to himself:

"Next time, I will never lose again."


After seeing Xin Ping Soma regaining his composure, Tadokoro took a deep breath, walked to his side, and said with the same vigorous expression:

"let's work hard together!"


When Souma Yukihira saw Tadokoroe like this, he was not surprised by the other person's unusually energetic appearance. Instead, he thought that Mo Yi was already so powerful, so Erina Nakiri, who was rumored to be the strongest in Totsuki, would definitely be good. If the other party brings up a question like doubles next time, wouldn't I be as confused as this time and can only fight in a hurry?

Therefore, I should also find a girl, no, she should be a good partner, and train well in mixed doubles, so that I won't beat others to a mess without any preparation in the future.

Yukihira Soma's eyes blazed with flames, he grabbed Tazoe's hand with one hand and said loudly:

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