"Let's work hard together, Megumi!"


Tadokoro was confused by the other party's sudden action, and in the end she could only nod shyly and said:


However, the other party didn't seem to be on the same radio channel as hers. Yukihira Soma took out a jar of honey-made squid shreds from there, put it on Tazoe's hand and said:

"Hui, in order to celebrate the establishment of our alliance, we decided to give you a new special shredded squid. Don't worry, this time it will taste absolutely great and it's also elastic!"

Tian Suo Hui: "..."

At this time, shouldn't the boy take out a bouquet of flowers or a ring?

Who wants your shredded squid?

Seeing the squid tentacles that seemed to be still squirming in the bottle, Tazoe quickly retracted her hand, her face turned pale, she was angry and lamented her misfortune, and shouted:

"Soma, you idiot!"

After that, he turned around and ran away!

King of Medicine Xingping Chuangzhen: "..."

He just wanted to share the happiness of the newly specially made squid shreds with his friends, turning one happiness into two equal happiness. In his expectation, the two superimposed happiness should be a dreamlike time, but... Why does this happen?

Hui, can you tell yourself what you did wrong before running away?


After Dojima Gin saw the behavior of the steely man imitated by Yakuoh Yukihei Soma, he couldn't help but think of his own figure running under the sunset. That was his lost youth!

Once upon a time, I was also such a straight man, so I became a fragrant single dog, until now.

But what Wanwan imagined was that the son of the heartthrob and flirtatious king was actually the same as himself——

At this moment, Dojima Gin felt a certain emotion in his heart, maybe it was joy?

Dojima Gin handed a piece of paper in his hand to Yukihira Soma and said:

"This is the note left for you by Mo Yi."

"Welcome to the Yakumo House Cooking Class (Totsuki Branch) where strength is paramount. For details, please contact Dojima Gin."

Xingping Soma handed the note in his hand to the other party and asked:

"What is the Yakumo House cooking class, Mr. Dojima?"

"I see. It seems that your strength has been recognized by him."

Seeing this, Dojima Gin sighed and looked at the somewhat immature face of Medicine King Yukihei Soma, and showed a meaningful smile and said:

"Soma, you should know about the Yakumo House group, right?"


I was a little caught off guard, why did it suddenly turn into a night chat in the boys' dormitory? Moreover, looking at me like an old driver, the person who said such things to me is still a good friend of my father! This car drives a little too fast, and a young man like me can't keep up with the experienced driver.

"I heard a little bit——"

"I understand, young man—"

Dojima Gin couldn't help but laugh when he saw the other party's embarrassed look. He once again lamented the lost youth in his heart, and soon became serious again and said:

"As we all know, Yakumo House and Totsuki Group are important partners, and the close cooperative relationship between them is much closer than outside speculation."

"However, you don't need to know these things yet. As the note said, the Yakumo House's cooking class, as the name suggests, is the kitchen responsible for the daily meals of all the Yakumo House."

Hearing this, Medicine King Xing Ping Soma asked with some confusion:

"Is there anything special about the Yakumo House cooking class?"

"You're on to the point."

Dojima Gin smiled and said:

"Actually, all the members of the Yakumo House Cooking Class are teachers and students of Totsuki led by Miss Erina. Only the best ones are qualified to enter and learn and practice more profound cooking skills."

"In the eyes of insiders, the cooking class of Yakumo House is where the fourth graders of Totsuki Academy stay. Of course, more teachers and students of Totsuki are willing to call it the 'real purgatory'!"

"Only the truly strong can enter it, and those who successfully come out of it are no longer limited to Totsuki Academy, but are truly strong in the world of cooking!"

"There are only a few successful people who have been able to come out of it so far. The vast majority of people have been eliminated. Even the eliminated people, each one's strength is comparable to or even far better than the strength of the top ten. "

"What? There is actually a place like this?!"

Yao Wang Yukihei Soma was stunned for a moment. He thought that the bosses in the Totsuki Academy dungeon were the top ten. He never expected that this was just a junior dungeon. Only after clearing the level can you reach the ascension dungeon and reach the so-called The real challenge of 'Graduates are not as good as dogs, and scholars are everywhere'!

"It's really, really good!"

Seeing that Medicine King Yukihei Soma was not depressed because of these inside stories, but instead became more and more motivated, Dojima Ginya was finally relieved and continued:

"What Mo Yi means is that if you want, you can join the Yakumo House cooking class as an exception."

"But, you have to think carefully! It's a real hell inside!"

"In there, you are not only as tired as a dog and angry as early as a chicken, but you also have to face all kinds of weird and even unreasonable demands. The most shocking thing is that you have to face huge psychological pressure and conscience. Blame!”

"Are you really ready now?"

Hearing Dojima Gin's increasingly serious look, Yao Wang Yukihei Souma also felt that the other party was really not joking, and subconsciously he was still trying to persuade him to give up this opportunity. This was not a dungeon that he could complete at his current level.

However, I, Medicine King Chuangzhen, want to become a legend of a generation, a man who will be titled Medicine Saint, and even teach a generation of fighting emperors in the future. How can I stop moving forward just because of a mere predicament?

"How specific? Can Mr. Dojima be more specific?"

"Hey, it seems you have made up your mind."

Dojima Gin knew that his persuasion had failed when he saw the other person trembling with excitement and wanting to cum.

But that's right. The other person is the son of his lifelong friend and old enemy. How could he be a coward?

"Let me simply give you a real example!"

Dojima Gin recalled sadly:

"There was once a staff member of the Yakumo House who ordered the Gensokyo set meal for dinner - the Ochazuke rice that Reimu Hakurei eats every day, the grilled hager eel with crispy bones, Marisa Kirisame's poisonous mushroom soup, and Offal soup!”

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