A confused Kurogane Ikki said: "..."

What the hell? !

I seem to be the captain. Before today, Asuna-senpai, didn’t you still respect me? You actually dare to yell at me, well, I can’t offend an angry woman, so I’ll endure it this time.

Hum——, I, Kuroyuki Ikki, am not afraid of you, but just because a good man doesn’t fight with women.

Yes, that’s it, meow!

"Ha ha--"

Stella gave a suppressed smile, but when she noticed Asuna's angry look, she had to hold back her smile and said to Kurogane Ikki next to her:

"I'll talk to you in detail when I get back."

Asuna: "..."

What kind of teammates are they? !

Aren't you nervous at all?

The last game is about to begin. If you still have the mind to do these shameless things, won't your conscience hurt?


It seems that no one dares to flirt with Asuna, who is showing off her feminine power at the moment, except her good friend, Kiriko.

"What's the matter?"

Asuna sighed inwardly, knowing that Tongzi would never let her go easily. She looked helplessly at Tongzi who was laughing.

"Do you still remember that you promised me that to celebrate our becoming good friends forever, you would marry the same person in the future?"

Asuna: "..."

Yuki Asuna's brain started to work quickly, and she finally remembered that when she and Kiriko celebrated his birthday two months ago, the other party was moved to tears by the birthday gift she carefully prepared, and then said her birthday wish in a joking tone. , that is to always be with yourself and be a good friend for life, which contains such a sentence.

At that time, I was just treating the other party as a daily friend, so I agreed "very well".

I never expected that the other party would actually remember such a thing?

I didn’t expect you to be like this Tongzi. I regard you as a good friend. In addition to wanting to have sex with me, you don’t even want to let go of my husband? !

————The dividing line of angles in the auditorium——————

Because they went together to visit Grandpa Mo Yi, Illya and others sat together with Muse and others in the end.

I didn't pay attention to the so-called unlimited kendo competition before, but I didn't know until today that there are students hidden in my home school who can blow up the school at any time.

Ahem, of course this is not the point.

The reason why they stayed to watch the game was naturally that Grandpa Mo Yi and others might be on the field and needed their cheers.

"Yukikinoshita Yunya——"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu poked Yukinoshita Yukino sitting next to her with her finger. Compared with Muse and others who were more unfamiliar around her, Teacher Zhenshizi still chose. Although she was not on the right track with him, in Mo Yi's mouth, it was already determined. Xuemiao, who was one of the people on the competition list, asked:

"This game is so dangerous, does the front desk gentleman really have nothing to do with it?"

Although Mo Yi had already told his story to Teacher Zhen Shizi, from just a few words, Teacher Zhen Shizi only knew that the other party had lived for two lifetimes and knew how to use the magic membrane technique, but he actually didn’t know much about it. But we can't talk about it.

You know, even between magic and membrane magic, there is a big difference. For example, take an orange——

The magic in the world of Harry Potter is as different as the magic in the world of Azeroth, just like the difference between primitives and Trisolarans.

After all, Voldemort, the strongest man in the Harry Potter world, is so powerful that he cannot even blow up a street, while the magician in Azeroth accidentally blew up the continent into several pieces.

You can see how exaggerated the gap between magic and magic is.

The magic in Teacher Zhen Shizi's mind is probably at the level of the Harry Potter world. After all, according to logical analysis, if the mysterious power of this world is the kind of magic that can level a city at every turn, so what? What about the wise masses of the people who might be spared?

Could it be that a lame excuse like a natural gas explosion could fool him?

Teacher Zhen Shizi naturally didn't believe it.

Then, just in the competition just now, Teacher Zhen Shizi was suddenly opened to a new door by the so-called unlimited kendo competition. She could barely accept the storm.

But cutting out flames and thunder and lightning is too much!

It turns out that the world I live in is really so dangerous.

You know, this is still a student-level competitive sport, so how terrible is it that there is something hidden and mysterious that cannot be recognized by the world?

Mother Earth will not be blown up in the next second.

Or, in the next second, an environmentalist director of the Women's Federation will snap his fingers at all mankind, and half of mankind will be led by dogs to achieve the goal of successfully reducing the pressure on Mother Earth.

Of course, when we were doing happy things with each other in the woods, we also asked each other if he was awesome and how awesome he was.

Facing the suspicious gaze of Teacher Zhen Shizi, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally could not weaken his majesty. He told Zhen that he could blow up the moon with one punch, rub nuclear bombs with his bare hands, hit 100 million first, etc. Teacher Shizi listens.

However, women often don't believe men when they tell the truth. Even the clever teacher Zhen Shizi cannot avoid this strange phenomenon.

If the other party is really so scary, we should just teach mathematics, physics and chemistry, and everyone should learn the film method.

At that time, Teacher Zhen Shizi just rolled his eyes and complained:

"Front Desk Master, if you are really that good, why don't you draw notebooks and write about little butter? You can just rob and rob all mankind. If the country doesn't pay ransom, just poke a little sun to neutralize them."

Facing the teacher Zushizi who made a lot of sense, Grandpa Mo Yi didn't know how to reason. In the end, he had to use the words "Wait until night, I will know how powerful I am" to stop the teacher Zushizi's complaints.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Sitting in Mo Yi's arms, Teacher Shizizi complained:

"If you have the ability, let me see how powerful you are now."

As a result, Grandpa Mo Yi retreated.

Now, after watching the duel between Mianyue Yiji and Yae Ying full of special effects, I naturally know how terrifying the opponent Mo Yi is about to face is, and he can turn ordinary people into scum with just one swing.

It would be a lie to say that you are not worried about Mo Yi.

Especially, when Mo Yi introduced himself, he said that he knew magic.

The one who uses magic is naturally a magician!

As the teacher of the Invisible Mansion, Zhen Shizi, of course, knows how the magician fights. He points out dodge, various buffs, and runes. He gives himself hundreds of buffs and shields as soon as he fights, and then flies into the world. After a long period of time, After chanting, various magics such as 'Scate of the Undead', 'Eternal Blazing Sun', 'Light of Creation', and 'Doomsday Meteor' were released to hit the opponent.

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