How could Grandpa Mo Yi, who was a magician, be a match for the girl on the field who was holding a samurai sword and could cut Mo Yi sixteen times in one second.

After all, Master Mo Yi has not yet had time to spread to the world the story of the white-robed swordsman Gandalf, who holds two mad battle axes, carries four mad battle axes, and rides on a white horse.

Otherwise, she would not doubt Mo Yi's melee combat ability. After all, if a mage can't even defeat a warrior in melee combat, how can he be considered an excellent mage?

What's the use of a protective shield? Instead of attaching all kinds of cuts to the warrior, it's better to just go up and fight the opponent with full buffs. When the opponent is knocked to the ground, isn't it possible to recite the curse and cast the forbidden curse as much as you want?

Therefore, magicians who cannot fight in close combat will only die!

Xue Miao, who was not worried at all, was about to see how Grandpa Mo Yi beat up the female high school student when Teacher Shizizi hit her like this and couldn't help but shudder.

I didn’t expect that you, a cow spirit, would be begging me one day, but——

Xue Miao, who has cat-like reflexes, immediately found the point. The other party called him 'Yukishita Xue Miao'?

What the hell?

Where did your cow essence provide nutrients? This girl’s name is Yukinoshita Yukino, not some ‘Yukikinoshita Yukino’, Kouga!

Moreover, I didn’t know who the ‘front desk gentleman’ was!

"Please call me Yukinoshita Yukino, or Yukinoshita-san, Kasumigaoka-san."

Xue Miao, whose heart was very complicated and had a cold expression on her face, stared at Teacher Zhen Shizi and said venomously:

"However, it is understandable to me. It is understandable that Kasumigaoka-san's brain is not functioning properly because his nutrition goes to unnecessary places. After all, the brain does not develop normally. Everyone can do things like being unable to remember other people's names. Forgiven.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "···"

I have always been venomous at others, but I didn't expect that if I teased the other person a little, I would be attacked by such a bitter and venomous tongue. How can I bear this?

However, Teacher Dirty Shizi finally resisted the urge to retaliate with venomous words. On the one hand, he was still watching Mo Yi's game. It would be ungrateful to argue in a fair situation, especially when surrounded by such powerful enemies.

Teacher Zhen Shizi looked at Illya, Matou Sakura, Minami Kotori and others sitting next to her, how could she destroy her perfect image of a literary girl.

On the other hand, she was indeed a little worried about Mo Yi. Although she knew that the other person had the kind of character that would not do something if he was not sure, but worrying about the person she cared about was something that every girl could not control herself.

Xue Miao glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiyu who didn't fight back immediately, nor did she continue to speak venomously, but instead said:

"Don't worry about Mo Yi."

"Even if he is almost hopeless in some aspects, in terms of force, it is definitely beyond your imagination."

Xue Miao couldn't help but think of the scene where Mo Yi held the curry stick with his bare hands, punched each servant, and beat Kiara, the world-destroying boss, into a panda that loved labor and enjoyment. He couldn't help but think of it. complained:

"You'd better worry about the other person."

Although she doesn't like Yukinoshita Yukino, after all, except for 'self-confidence', their attributes are too similar, but Teacher Zushiko is still very willing to believe Yukinoshita Yukino's words.

"I'm sorry for what happened before, Yukinoshita-san——"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Teacher Zhen Shizi was in the mood to play with Xue Miao and said:

"It's all Mo Yijun's fault. When I heard him call you, he used 'Xue Miao', so I thought you would like this title."

Snow Meow, gnashing his teeth: "..."

It turns out it was you who did another good deed. In the dead of night, you call me Xiao Tiantian, and everyone calls me Mrs. Niu?

However, after Xue Miao glanced at Teacher Zhen Shizi, whose eyes flashed with a hint of pride, she thought that this might be the other person's words deliberately said to make her angry, and also meant to sow discord between herself and Mo Yi. Xue Miao tried her best to let her go. Keep your cool and don't fall for the other party's deception.

Others want to make me angry, but I cannot let them succeed. This is the best counterattack.

However, when he thought that Mo Yi would actually mention himself in front of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and use 'Xue Miao' which is so ridiculous, it should be used only when she and the other person are alone. When he mentioned her, Xue Miao still couldn't help but get angry. .

Could it be that the relationship between the other party has reached this point?

How would Mo Yi describe himself in front of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu? Why didn't he mention Kasumigaoka Shiyu in front of him?

All kinds of strange thoughts were noisy in the mind of the second young lady of the Yukinoshita family, and she couldn't control her trembling brain at all.

In addition to the battle of wits and wits between Xue Miao and Teacher Zhen Shizi, Muse and others are also ordinary people who are also extremely worried about Mo Yi on the stage.

In their image, Grandpa Mo Yi is an intellectual who is excellent at ventriloquism and plays the piano superbly. He is just an ordinary high school student like them.

How could high school students like them compete with non-human beings who even broke the ring?

Isn't this asking for death?

"Little bird——"

Sonoda Umi, who has practiced archery since childhood and knows how scary it is to play with people like Saber and Archer, took Minami Kotori's somewhat cold hand and asked:

"It's impossible for ordinary people to compete with trained people."

"How about we find a way to stop this game?"


Honoka Takasaka next to her was very confused, and nodded in agreement after a few seconds. After all, she had also been to Sonoda Kaisue's dojo, and had seen with her own eyes the destructive power of non-human beings. If ordinary people encountered it, they would really Taking the dog away also saves the time of going to the hospital.

"Man (it doesn't matter)——"

Nan Xiaoniao looked at Mo Yi who walked onto the temporary arena, and remembered the magic trick that his opponent used to remove the scar on his left knee not long ago.

"Little bird, do you believe me?"

Mo Yi's voice still echoed freshly in her heart.

She chose to trust the other person then, and she does the same now.

As her mother, the chairman of Nanda Bird, said, the best way to support a man is to trust him and give him a warm haven to rest when he is tired.

Although rationally, she knew what Sonoda Umi said was right. Mo Yijun was only temporarily hired as a substitute. How dangerous it was for someone without professional training to step into the ring.


"Little bird, do you believe me?"

Such words rang in Nan Xiaoniao's heart again, making her believe in Mo Yi without any reason!

No matter what the reasons are for the other party to make the choice to step into the ring, the most important thing you should do is to believe and support the other party.

So, Nan Xiaoniao showed a bright smile and explained:

"I believe in Mo Yijun."

Hearing Minami Kotori's answer, Sonoda Kaisue wanted to say something else, but when Kousaka Honoka held her hand, with the same bright smile, he did not persist and said:

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