Mo Yi: "..."

Seeing her sister's appearance, Mianyue Toyuki's eyes started to look strange when she looked at Mo Yi.

I have never seen my sister look like this before. I don't know what happened in the game just now.

"Classmate Miyuki Yoshiki——"

Naturally, Mo Yi couldn't bear it when others slandered him like this, so he said righteously:

"How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air?"

"Even if I win the game, I will win based on my strength."


After feeling the curious gaze of her sister, Mianyue Yiji once again thought of those interesting stories about her experience as a heroine. She was angry and ashamed. She didn't know how to explain to her sister what the other party had done to her. Evil deeds, in the end I can only say loudly:

"shut up--"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"Sister, let's go -"

After that, she pulled Mianyue Fengji off the stage and stayed away from Mo Yi, this shameless guy.

"Don't be so hasty——"

Mianyue Fengji finally had no choice but to wave her hand to Mo Yi and said:

"See you next time, Mo Yijun."

The way to return home might lie with Mo Yi, so Mianyue Toyohime would not let him go.

Chapter 299: Ying Ying Ying, you are very talented, learn swordsmanship from me.

After returning to the rest area, looking at the happy but disbelieving looks of his teammates, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally would not be secretly happy. After all, he had already had a calm look on his face, but he was secretly enjoying the fact that others were pretending to be him. The shocked look on the face of a pig after eating a tiger.

Master Mo Yi is someone who wants to do great things, and has long since outgrown this low-level taste.

Therefore, he calmly accepted the adoring gazes of his teammates, and Jing Keai obviously wanted to praise himself, but was unable to speak out. In the end, he only praised himself with the words "You are worthy of being my student."

"Senior Mo Yi, how did you win in the end?"

Schoolgirl Mei lived up to expectations and asked what everyone wanted to know the most.

Mo Yi: "..."

Mei-senpai, didn’t you see that no one else asked?

Being curious about a handsome guy is a very dangerous thing. It can cause you to lose your heart or even your virginity.

However, this question is really hard to answer. Do you want to tell the other person that I just locked the world for more than a minute, and then put about 100 G of educational dramas into the other person's mind, and then fucked the other person? body of.

If you didn't do this yourself, Master Mo Yi wouldn't believe it. Since you are so awesome that you can even imprison the world, you don't do this or that to them anytime and anywhere.

This kind of plot has long been drawn badly by Mo Yi himself in the books of the Time Pause series.

So, whether you believe it or not, it is a big problem.

"I wonder, Mei-senpai, have you ever heard of the three realms of Kendo?"

Everyone pricked up their ears curiously, ready to hear what grandpa Mo Yi had to say.

Naturally, Mo Yi didn't pay attention to the public's expectations, and started talking nonsense seriously:

"There are three realms of swordsmanship. The first realm is that there is a sword in the hand but no sword in the heart. Ordinary swordsmanship enthusiasts, or most people, are in this realm. When they use the sword in their hands, they use it based on other people's opinions. Teaching and experience, no ideas of my own.”


Even Yae Sakura couldn't help but nod her head in praise. How could good students like them have ever heard of such an explanation of the Internet routine? Not to mention, this is a specialty of flower growers. It seems that these things are not very popular in this other world. Even if they are, they are the works that Mo Yi occasionally published in Yakumo House, and they are not as popular as in the other world.

So even Jing Keai, a quasi-sword master level teacher, was attracted by Mo Yi's words and looked forward to what Mo Yi would say next.

"In the second realm, there is a sword in the hand and a sword in the heart——"

Mo Yi then said:

"Players who have reached this level can already control the sword in their hands at will, and can combine their own strength with the way of the sword. Sister Yae Sakura is in this state."

"What about the third realm?"

Teenagers like Musashi and Kojiro, who were in their late second year of high school, naturally couldn't resist this kind of martial arts-style and unclear theory, so they asked impatiently:

"The minister is the second realm, so what about the third realm?"

"The third realm is that there is no sword in the hand, but there is a sword in the heart——"

Grandpa Mo Yi said with an enigmatic face:

"After reaching this realm, it no longer matters whether you have a sword in your hand, because swordsmen who have reached this realm have already understood their own swordsmanship, and have sublimated it to the extreme and integrated it into their own spirit."

"Every move you make is the way of the sword. Often with just one look, you can release your own way of the sword, your sword intention, and your sword energy, and defeat the enemy invisibly."

Having said this, Mo Yi's eyes sharpened, looking at Musashi and Kojiro who took a breath, and said calmly:

"I just used the 'Heart Sword'. At the moment of eye contact, I used my own swordsmanship to hit the opponent's spiritual world, thus knocking him out."

"Although I don't understand it, it feels so powerful, Senior Mo Yi."

Lei Dian Meiyi praised with a vague understanding, coupled with the admiring look in his eyes, which made Mo Yi very happy. It seemed that the majesty he had lost before had finally been regained.

"As expected of Senior Mo Yi!"

"Master Mo Yi, please bow to me as a disciple——"

"Mo Yi teaches the company, I want to learn this trick——"

Musashi and Kojiro, two high school sophomores with advanced disease, immediately got off their seats and hugged Mo Yi's thighs. At the same time, they couldn't help but fantasize in their hearts. If they learned such a stunt, wouldn't they be able to knock down the moaning monster pressing on them? After looking at each other, it didn't matter whether they asked her to pour tea or warm the bed.

Not to mention winning the heart of Mei-senpai, maybe you can even reach the World Series with such a unique skill, and directly reach the pinnacle of your life, right?

Therefore, this trick must be learned!

Mo Yi: "..."

You guys are too ungrateful. If you don't agree with me, you will ask the coach to teach you. Do you know that you want to learn everything but can't learn anything well? It's just teenagers like you who are in the late stage of high school disease.

The coach is very busy. He not only has to teach beautiful apprentices, but also often takes time to save the world. How can the world care about you happy teenagers?

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