Therefore, Mo Yi naturally refused decisively:

"Two classmates, as high school students, your first priority is to study hard, make progress every day, and don't aim too high all day long."

In fact, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't teach him even if he wanted to.

"Let's talk about this after you finish first in the school in your final exam."

"After all, the law cannot be taught lightly. This is my test for you."

"Okay, Master Mo Yi."

"I will definitely complete your test on us, Coach Mo Yi."

When they heard about the drama, Musashi and Kojiro nodded quickly. They had never had such a strong urge to study in their hearts. No one can stop me from studying. Learning makes me happy——

I will go home and study hard now, and study until dawn!

"Musashi-senpai, Kojiro-senpai——"

Senior sister Mei kindly reminded:

"Senior Mo Yi is in the same class as you."

Musashi, Kojiro: "..."

At this time, they finally remembered the horror of the scumbags who were once dominated by the great devil Mo Yi.

They used to be good students, until they met Yae Sakura and were deceived into the Kendo Club. They thought they would never have to endure the pain of being a scumbag. Now they can't understand how the top student racked the brains of Zhang He and others to force themselves to do it. The pain of passing the test paper and getting perfect marks emerged from the depths of my heart again.

Because the person they want to become their disciple is Hun Dan, who ranks first in every exam.

"I want to learn-"

Unlike Musashi and Kojiro who seemed to have missed 100 million and had no hope in this life, Yae Sakura walked up to Mo Yi calmly, gave Grandpa Mo Yi a confirming look and said:

"I ranked first in the monthly exam last time."

Mo Yi: "..."

Chapter 300: Asuna, let’s go to the concert together!

I haven’t played Disciple for many years.

It was hard for Mo Yi to refuse Ying Yingguai's sudden request. This was what he said. As long as he got the first place in the whole class once, he would teach them the special skill of "releasing the sword of the heart with the eyes".

Since he is a sophomore in high school and Yae Sakura is a senior in high school, the other party will naturally have a chance to get first place in the exam.

I just didn’t expect that a female high school student as capable of fighting and beautiful as Yae Ying could study so well. This is not in line with the generally applicable rule that beauty and intelligence cannot go hand in hand. In real society, such female heroes often find No girlfriend.

After all, it is not the case that there is such an outstanding and philanthropic young man as Master Mo Yi in that world.

"What should I do now?"

Although the other party's tone was very light, Mo Yi confirmed from Yae Ying's eyes that this was the other party's lifelong request. This made Grandpa Mo Yi a little embarrassed. He was really not very good at swordsmanship, melee mage, After all, he is still a mage, not a swordsman.

After a few seconds, Mo Yi finally thought of a reliable training method - swinging the sword ten thousand times in gratitude to nature.

The specific plan is to have the patient climb a high place and look far into the distance every day, where he can take in the heaven and earth in his eyes, and then swing the sword into the air with the grace of nature in his heart. Each time he completes 10,000 full-power swings of the sword, a course of treatment is considered completed. .

Until the opponent can complete 10,000 sword swings containing the sincerity within an hour, the opponent will not be far away from being bald and invincible.

But if it were Yae Sakura, it might be more likely to grow a pair of cute and strange rabbit ears. After all, after the fifth break, she should become cuter, otherwise how can she cheat Krypton?

Grandpa Mo Yi originally wanted to give her a pair of detachable rabbit ear headdresses like Lingxian's on the day the other person was born.

"Excuse me, please prepare the students from the Kendo Club to take a group photo to receive the award——"

Just when Mo Yi was about to agree to Yae Sakura, the referee, who was always playing soy sauce and running fast, came in and informed them to go out to receive the award.


After hearing the referee's voice, Grandpa Mo Yi said wittily:

"Senior Yae Sakura, let's go take a group photo to receive the award first—"

"We'll talk about learning the sword later."


As a minister, Yae Sakura still focused on the overall situation. She agreed without thinking too much and organized everyone to go out and take a group photo.

We all go to the same school, can the other party escape?

When the time comes, just go to the other party and invite the other party to join the Kendo Club in a "very sincere" way.

In Fuyuki High School, Yae Sakura's '嘤♂Invitation' move was really a one-stop trick. After the opponent entered the dojo, didn't he have the final say?

Don't look at Yae Sakura's always very cold appearance, and think that others are just three-nos, with high IQ and low EQ. In fact, the inner world of people who are cold-blooded and three-nos on the outside is often much more delicate and richer than those who appear warm on the outside.

Many people with high emotional intelligence are aloof and indifferent, but because others know too much, they appear to be relatively cold towards interpersonal communication. Just like everyone's enthusiasm for their wives can only last three months. I can't be cute after a few months, and when the new show comes out, I will find a new wife immediately. When everything becomes routine and boring, I will naturally not be like a child, retaining curiosity and enthusiasm for everything.

"Let's talk about learning the sword later."

After that, Yae Sakura led everyone out.

Mo Yi: "..."

Damn it, I'm a serious person, I won't do anything unspoken, Kou Ya!

Could it be that the other party really couldn't hear his ridicule?

Or do you understand it and deliberately emphasize it again in an attempt to corrupt the principles in my heart?

"Classmate Mo Yi is awesome!"


Musashi and Kojiro walked up to Mo Yi very clumsily, laughed meaningfully, and whispered:

"So Mo Yijun is interested in the minister?"

"Tell me earlier!"

Musashi and Kojiro laughed more and more obscenely, and said with a smile:

"With the help of the two of us, it will be fine!"

"As long as Coach Mo Yi teaches us how to do it afterwards."

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