That's right, as long as the other party's target is not Mei-senpai, after letting the other party fall in love with the cold and ruthless minister, the minister will definitely not have time to 'train' them every day.

It’s simply the best of both worlds!

"You are thinking too much——"

Mo Yi looked at the two of them with disdain. What the master wants to get, why does he need help from others? What he wants can be obtained with his own efforts. Moreover, he has no interest and is not a canine. How can he get it with others? What if you fell in love with the other person when you met him for the first time and spoke no more than ten sentences?

My dopamine is very busy, dealing with hundreds of millions of platelets and red blood cells every day.

"I'm not interested in ordinary girls. Only if they have fox ears, snake tails or angel wings are they worth getting to know, that's all!"

Having said that, Mo Yi ignored Musashi and Kojiro, who had increasingly admiring eyes, and followed the team in front.

"It's so awesome!"

Musashi and Kojiro originally thought that Grandpa Mo Yi only suppressed them in terms of IQ and force. They didn't expect that where they were most confident, he was far more powerful than them. Just from the above words, they could tell that the other party was stronger than Yakumo. Jiahe Xinyue’s membership level is definitely not lower than theirs!

————The dividing line between taking photos and receiving awards————

I thought that taking photos and receiving awards was a formality, but what I never expected was that I took photos with people from the High School Affiliated to Dongda University. According to Jing Keai, this was to show that 'friendship comes first, competition comes second'. Two' competitive spirit.

However, Master Mo Yi felt that this was clearly the act of whipping a corpse, and the person who thought of it was too wicked.

Seeing the unhappy look on Yagyu Jubei's face, and the reluctant gesture of shaking hands with Musashi, you can see how reluctant he is.

Of course, the person shaking hands is not random, it is arranged according to the previous game.

Then, according to the previous game situation, the person Mo Yi shook hands with should be Mianyue Yiji.

However, the other party was shocked and frightened. It seemed that he had done something terrible to her. He knew at a glance that he was not willing to have a 'Seal of Reconciliation' with her. After all, he was not the one who fucked a lot, and the other party was not the second pillar, even if they were mutually exclusive. After chopping, they are also very good friends.

Therefore, Yae Sakura shook hands with the other party in the end.

"Mo Yijun, although I knew your swordsmanship was extraordinary that day in the cafe, I didn't expect you to be able to defeat Mianyue classmate——"

Asuna held Mo Yi's rough hand, which was unexpectedly not that of anyone playing with swords. She was graceful, except for a little blush, and congratulated:



Asuna is worthy of being a real girl. She is completely different from the coquettish people outside. Even if she loses to herself and others, she can still behave so perfectly and unrestrainedly. She is completely different from those girls who think about weird things in their hearts but are always very shy. It's different. You take action when it's time to take action, cleanly and neatly.

"It's just a pity that I didn't fight Mo Yijun once."

Asuna said regretfully immediately.

"It doesn't matter--"

Mo Yi smiled and said:

"If it's you, Asuna, you can come to me for discussion at any time."

"Mo Yijun, just don't find me annoying when the time comes."

Asuna teased happily.

Grandpa Mo Yi:

"of course not--"

After Mianyue Yiji, who was standing next to Asuna, heard the conversation between Mo Yi and Asuna, she looked at Mo Yi with contempt and cursed secretly - pervert!


The relevant personnel quickly completed taking photos and said:

"That's it."

Now that the final group photo was completed, there was no reason for the friends from Dongda High School to stay. Under Tongzi's pull, Asuna looked at Mo Yi, thought for a while, and seemed to have nothing to say, so she was ready to leave. .


Mo Yi thought of Muse's performance later, stopped him, and asked:

"Will you be free later?"


Asuna looked back at Mo Yi, curious about what else the other party wanted to ask her, and asked curiously:

"I won't have any games later, what's the matter?"

"My friend, there will be a lovelive held in Otonogizaka when I was a child——"

Mo Yi invited:

"I wonder if you are interested?"

"Campus idol show?"

Before Asuna could answer, Kiriko beside her showed an interested look and asked:

"We also want to go and see it, is that okay, Mo Yijun?"

Asuna: "..."

Of course, Asuna knew what campus idol performances were. Their Dongda High School also had campus idols, and Kiriko had tried to get her to form a campus idol duo to participate in this year's LoveLive competition countless times. Of course, she was ruthlessly rejected. .

As the eldest daughter of the Yuki family, how could she become a school idol?

If you let your parents know about Hu, they will definitely be severely punished.

Moreover, although she likes to watch other people perform, she is very reluctant to do it herself.

Asuna thought that she had no talent in acting, but Kiriko had an obsessive confidence and love for this aspect of acting, which gave her a headache.

Every time Kiriko sang, Asuna felt like the world was going to end again, which eventually led to her habit of carrying earplugs with her everywhere.


Mo Yi smiled and said:

"The more people, the better. I'm still worried about where to find people."

"After all, my friends are still newly established school idols and have no reputation."


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