Yuuki Asuna instantly grasped the key point.

Mo Yi: "..."

"Ikki, you have never invited me to a concert!"

Stella pulled Kuroyuki Ikki beside her and complained:

"Look at other people, you know how to invite them to a concert just after you meet them."


Kuroyuki Ikki was about to say that he wanted to go home to play with his sister. After being glanced at by Stella with a resentful and dangerous look, he quickly nodded and looked at Mo Yi and said:

"Mo Yijun, then I'll trouble Mo Yijun."

——————The dividing line of Did you invite girls to the concert today——————

Because today is the 100-school exchange day, every venue in Otonogizaka was used for competitions, and the auditorium where Muse and others looked at them had just completed the exchange competition for the last piano competition.

"I'm really sorry. We didn't plan it well."

Honoka Takasaka looked at the hundreds of melon-eating people being dragged away by Mo Yi with great emotion, and said apologetically:

“I didn’t expect that the last game would end at this time——”

"It doesn't matter--"

As the people's representative, Mo Yi waved his hand and said:

"Let us help you organize the stage together, and leave the rest of the work to me."

"You go ahead and prepare things like costumes and makeup. If anything happens, rehearse and relax."

Honoka Takasaka and the others wanted to refuse, but after the unanimous request of Mo Yi and his friends, they obeyed.

"Then I'll leave it to you all."

Fortunately, he had asked An Yilun to bring the staff from Yakumo House who could go out to support the show. As the boss, he should ask them to help, isn't it right?

Who doesn't want to, there won't be Yuanyue's special chicken drumstick tonight.

As the saying goes, you don’t have to pay for your salary, but you can’t stop taking the medicine!

Having become accustomed to Yuanyue's good work meals, Grandpa Mo Yi has never been afraid of them switching jobs to other companies. Can other companies provide such good work meals?

No, they can't!

"Mo Yijun, let's help too!"

Tongzi was very excited and jumped a little and said:

"I am so excited to think that I can participate in a love live in person."

Mo Yi: "..."

Seeing Mo Yi's speechless look, Asuna beside Tongzi happily explained:

"I'm sorry, Mo Yijun."

"Tongzi is an idol fan. She has always wanted to participate in the LoveLive competition, but she has never been able to do so because she could not find suitable teammates."

"So that's the case--"

How could Grandpa Mo Yi have imagined that after Grandpa Kirito's sex change, he became much more attracted to female attributes like idols.

"Let's help too."

Xue Miao, who has been in love with Teacher Dirty Shizi, also brought Pink Tuanzi and Teacher Da to help.

With everyone's help, the venue was quickly organized and changed before your eyes.

"Miss Sesshōin——"

After arranging everyone, Mo Yi also noticed the only panda hiding in a certain seat, eating snacks leisurely.

How many days has it been since he became a national treasure?

He has become so lazy and doesn't want to think about such interesting things as destroying the world and saving all mankind. He is not even active in helping. As a master, Mo Yi naturally cannot sit idly by.

He walked over and confiscated the other party's potato chips and said:

"Everyone else is helping, why do you have the nerve to sit here and watch others busy?"

"How can you become a useful person to society if you continue like this?"

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

If you want to steal this lady's snacks, just say so, but you have to act so upright.

Miss Sesshōin glanced at Mo Yi, took out a pack of pickled bamboo shoots from somewhere, continued to enjoy a happy and leisurely life, and complained:

"Master, I am not a human, but a panda."

"I have learned from TV that for pandas, eating well, sleeping well, and being cute and cute is my job."

"I'll give you the potato chips, but it's absolutely not allowed to marinate the bamboo shoots. Even if you are the master, you can't share them. This is the honor of being a panda, and the bamboo shoots are where you are."

Mo Yi: "..."

Just when Mo Yi was about to use violent means to make Miss Sesshōin understand the meaning of 'your sword is my sword, and your bamboo shoots are also my bamboo shoots', he suddenly found that there were several dangerous eyes staring at him.

One of them was the second young lady from the family of the cat-loving madman Yukinoshita. In the end, she had no choice but to run away with the potato chips she got.

Hum hum——

Miss Sesshōin, I am in a good mood, so I will let you go first. When you want to sleep with me tonight, you will know——

Your uncle will always be your uncle!

————Prepared dividing line——————

"Xiaotiao, Haiwei, are you nervous?"

Kousaka Honoka looked at her good friends around her, each held one person's hand tightly and said:

"I'm very, very nervous right now!"

"I don't know how many spectators came."

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