"When I think about having to perform in front of countless people later, I get so nervous that my whole body starts to tremble."

"I'm afraid that my performance will not meet the expectations of the audience who came to see our performance!"

"We're nervous too!"

Minami Kotori also held her friend's hand firmly. She was soft on the outside and strong on the inside. She was acting more brave at this moment, but she was not as hesitant as before. She comforted Honoka Takasaka and said:

"Because the three of us are together, as long as we all work together, we can definitely do it!"

"Yes, I think so too!"

Sonoda Umi nodded in agreement, but after two seconds his eyes became a little wandering and he asked:

"There will be so many people, can I not wear a skirt?"

"I think pants are also good, and unisex styles are quite popular recently."


After feeling the trust and strength coming from the hands of her good friends, Honoka Takasaka showed an optimistic smile again and said:

"Campus idols must wear skirts!"

"Who stipulated this?"

Honoka Takasaka grabbed Sonoda Umi's hand and chuckled:

"This is the law I summarized from Yakumo's house!"

"Just thinking about how a girl as strict as Umi looks shy because she puts on a skirt makes me like her, not to mention the boys who come to watch the show."


Sonoda Umi also thought about being tricked by the other party into going to Yakumo House together, and said with a blushing face:

“I can’t even say that I can’t access websites like Yakumo House!”

Looking at Honoka Takasaka who seemed so unconcerned, Umi Sonoda had no choice but to look at Minami Kotori and asked her for help:

"Little Bird, please hurry up and judge Honoka."


When he heard about Yakumo House, Nan Xiaotiao thought of Mo Yi's smiling face and quickly shook his head. This was not the time to think about this.

"Actually, Yakumo House has been revamped and has been developed towards all ages."

Yakumo House is Mo Yi's property, so Minami Kotori naturally wants to help his friends eliminate unnecessary prejudices.

"That's right!"

Honoka nodded and said:

"In recent days, Yakumo House has been undergoing reforms and it has become more and more interesting."

"Moreover, Mo Yijun is the talker of Yakumo House, and he will also help us promote it in Yakumo House."


Sonoda Kaimo finally remembered such a thing. A few days ago, Nan Xiaotiao said that he had met a friend who was a website platform and could help them with publicity and so on.

At that time, I also heard Minami Kotori talking about the website Yakumo House, but I didn't remember that Yakumo House was that website at the time. I just felt it was familiar.

Until now, she finally reacted and objected loudly:

"No, this alone won't work!"

Sonoda Umi couldn't help but think of the scene when he and others appeared from Yakumo's house, and his face was about to turn red and he was puffing out smoke.


Nan Xiaoniao saw that his family had such a big reaction and quickly comforted him:

"Hai Wei, do you think Mo Yijun is a bad person?"

"That's right——"

Takasaka Honoka responded:

"Existence is reasonable!"

"Hai Wei, your one-size-fits-all attitude towards unknown things is wrong."

"As long as there is no violation of the law and there is no immoral behavior that harms others, it is worth understanding it with a correct attitude."

Sonoda Umi: "..."

What happened?

Little bird, you have changed!

Which side have you been on with me before? Why is it like this?

Could it be that love really changes people beyond recognition? Can you stick to your principles, Kou Ya!

However, Sonoda Umi really couldn't refute the words of Minami Kotori and Kousaka Honoka.

Even though she had only known Mo Yijun for a day, she could feel that he was a very good person. Not to mention very talented, his behavior in helping them for free and with all his heart was worthy of her respect.

As for Mo Yi, she really couldn't stand it.

It's just that Yakumo House has been somewhat accepted by her. Every time she criticizes it alone, she can't last ten minutes.

The House of Yakumo is so powerful!

When he thought of himself appearing on the Yakumo House, Sonoda Umi felt ashamed of being publicly executed.

"A real man——"

Seeing that Sonoda Kaimo was silent, Takasaka Honoka quickly said:

"everything will get better."

Sonoda Umi: "..."

I won’t drink this bowl of poisonous chicken soup!

However, she doesn't have to drink chicken soup if she doesn't want to.

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