————The dividing line where the curtain slowly opens——————

Because of Mo Yi's Amway at Yakumo House and other friends, although the auditorium was not full, it should have been one-third full.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, the venue has been set up a long time ago.

As the lights dimmed, the audience stopped talking and sat in their seats, waiting for Muse and others to start their performance.

"I say..."

The stage lights turned on, and along with Nishikino Maki's playing, the prelude sounded with a positive and optimistic emotion and color.

"Hey, hey, hey, START: DASH!!"

"Hey, hey, hey, START: DASH!!"

The voices of the three of them came from behind the curtain——

Nan Xiaoniao took the lead and started dancing and singing:

"【Innocent Birds】うぶ毛の小鸟たちも"

Then Honoka Takasaka took over, stretched out her right hand, made a touching dance gesture and said:

"【One day I will spread my wings to the sky】いつか空に飞ばたく"

Immediately, Sonoda Umi stepped forward, stretched out his hands in a hug, showed a soft smile and sang:

"【Fly with powerful wings】大きなstrongwingで飞ぶ"

Under Mo Yi's professional gaze, their dancing and singing still had many problems and seemed a bit amateurish. But at this moment, they were unintentionally exuding something extremely hot and dazzling - dreams, youth, courage, and pursuit. ···

Mo Yi looked around the venue and found that the audience present, whether they were brought here by Mo Yi or tap water, their eyes were focused on the somewhat immature figures of the three people on the stage.

Looking at the dancing figures of the three people under the light, Mo Yi said with emotion:

"At this moment, the world belongs to you, Muse!"

Chapter 301: Coach Mo Yi, we want to become idols

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."

After Honoka Takasaka sang the last note, the audience was silent for a few seconds until Honoka, Minami Kotori and Sonoda Umi tensed up, and beads of sweat condensed on their foreheads, dripping from their faces. After falling to the ground, I felt nothing.

"Little bird, Haiwei——"

Honoka was extremely panicked, but feeling the eyes from her two good friends, she took a deep breath, then held Minami Kotori on the left and Sonoda Umi on the right, and bowed.

At this time, applause gathered——

"Papa papa pa..."

It became more and more enthusiastic, and finally the whole auditorium shook.

At this moment, the three people who were bowing raised their heads and looked at each other. Listening to the applause of the audience, they felt the hard work they had put in during these days, taking time to train, dance, and choreograph during the stressful high school studies. The countless hardships such as singing songs, overcoming psychological pressure, etc. are all worth it.

"Are you envious, Kayo Koizumi-san?"

I don't know when, Mo Yi appeared next to Koizumi Hanayo, looking at the light and desire emanating from the other person's eyes, even if I have not read the original work, I can see that the other person also wants to be a member of the stage.

"I think you are suitable to be an idol."


"How can there be such a thing?"

Koizumi Hanayang recognized that the person talking to her was Mo Yi, who had a close relationship with Muse. She felt embarrassed and ashamed that her inner secret had been exposed, and she quickly waved her hand and said:

"How can an ordinary girl like me with no characteristics become an idol?"

"It will not happen--"

Although the other party denied it, Mo Yi felt that in addition to lack of confidence, there was also a deeply hidden desire in the other party's eyes.

That's right, this girl who is not very confident, in life and in school, is one of the many living beings. In her heart, she has always been longing for the recognition of others. Imagine those swans in the crowd who can easily attract everyone's attention and gain everyone's approval. Gaze.

So, Mo Yi looked at the other party very seriously. He only saw that the other party was getting more and more uneasy. After his face turned red and his ears turned green, he nodded cautiously and affirmed:

"Assured by my honor as an idol master, Mo Yi, classmate Koizumi Kayo, you are very cute. You are similar to Xiaojiabiyu that many boys like -"

"You definitely have the potential to become a top-notch idol!"

"Ah, this..."

How could a school girl like Koizumi Hanayo, who was similar to Xiao Jiabiyu, imagine Mo Yi's routine?

For a moment, I was confused by Grandpa Mo Yi's tricks, and I didn't know how to answer Mo Yi's direct words.

The girl's persistence made her subconsciously deny Mo Yi's evaluation, but she began to believe it more and more in her heart. After all, the idol master name fabricated by Grandpa Mo Yi was still very bluffing.

"That's right, Meow!"

Xingkong Rin, who had long noticed Mo Yi and her childhood sweetheart Koizumi Kayo, finally understood after eavesdropping for a while.

When Koizumi Hanayo first invited herself to watch the performance of Muse, which she was not very interested in, she refused at first and asked the other party why she came to see such a newly established campus idol.

The other person's initial answer was that he was bored to pass the time.

However, as her good friend, Hoshizora Rin's natural friend is an avid idol addict, but she did not expose the other person to avoid embarrassment.

After listening to Mo Yi's words, Xingzong Rin realized the true thoughts of Koizumi Hanayo. She would pay so much attention to the newly established muse because she also became a muse like the three senior sisters on the stage. Idol.

However, with her shy and quiet personality, she is not good at expressing herself and does not have the courage to do so.

In this case, let me, my friend, help you, Hua Yang.

When he saw Koizumi Hanayo being upset by what Grandpa Mo Yi said, Xingkong Rin quickly said:

"Hanayo, you are very cute, you will definitely become a popular idol, nya!"

When Hoshizora Rin said this, he clenched his fists and made a happy decision gesture and said:

"It's decided, let's ask Kosaka-senpai and the others to see if they can join Muse!"

"Rin, don't you just like sports and not interested in idols?"

Koizumi Hanayo was shocked by her friend's sudden words.

"Why so sudden?"

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