Girl, I didn't force you to answer, you just answered it yourself. You are really not a frank senior.

However, this is okay. If he meets a girl who is like a seasoned girl and even knows how to flirt with him, Mo Yi might just do a "goodbye" three times in the next second.

Sorry to bother you, I am from the Purity School.

"My name is Mo Yi, and I am Muse's coach and manager."

Facing Yazawa Nico's rhetorical question, Mo Yi said with a familiar face:

"I just saw you accidentally. From your eyes, I saw a fire."

"I knew you were the person I was looking for, a natural idol!"

"Ha ha--"

Yazawa Nico had never heard such words of praise for her before, and she ignored Mo Yi's obvious flattery and smiled happily. She finally met someone who knew how to appreciate her.

"How can I say it so well?"


Mo Yi nodded seriously and affirmed:

"Your talent is better than the limit that my words can describe."

"With the right guidance, you can definitely soar into the sky and become a top-notch idol!"


Nico Yazawa, who had been working hard and struggling alone all this time, finally burst out with the pressure and depression hidden in her heart after Mo Yi recognized her. She started to scream at the slightest disagreement, and said with sobs:



Grandpa Mo Yi felt a little pain in his conscience when Nico Yazawa asked for comfort with such pitiful eyes.

You shouldn’t be lying to the other person, right?

As one of the muses, the other party has the ability to become an idol. Isn’t it an exaggeration to say that?

Moreover, with my own help and training, I don't believe that I can't train the other party into a top-notch campus idol!

"Thank you!"

Happiness came so suddenly, and Nico Yazawa obviously didn't need a little time to adapt.

Master Mo Yi naturally took advantage of the fact that the other party was crying for joy and was affected by the intellectual effect, and put forward his bold idea.

"So, I sincerely ask you, Nico Yazawa, to join Muse——"

Mo Yi handed the other party a Qingfeng brand tissue and said:

"With your joining, Muse can go further!"

The depraved Nico Yazawa didn't notice a series of strange things about why Mo Yi knew her name, and immediately accepted Grandpa Mo Yi's invitation to go to sea.

Just as Mo Yi thought, after he brought Yazawa Nico to Honoka and others and roughly explained the situation, Honoka and others happily accepted the other party's joining.

After all, the other party was introduced by Mo Yi. If you can't trust the other party, how can you not trust Mo Yi who has helped them a lot?

However, after they talked for a while, a small problem arose.

"In my opinion, you are not idols at all——"

Nico Yazawa looked around at everyone here with confidence, as if "I'm not targeting anyone here, but everyone here is rubbish"!

"So, let me be the captain. Only I can lead everyone to become a super idol!"

Naturally, Fruit Emperor Honoka couldn't bear it and asked:

"Senior Nicole, according to your opinion, what does it take to become a top-notch school idol?!"

Nan Xiaoniao and others did not expect that they would suddenly start fighting, but looking at the two people confronting each other, they had no choice but to play it safe and not make the situation serious.

"The so-called idol is the persona in the eyes of fans!"

Nico Yazawa put her hands on her hips, but it couldn't hide the fact that she looked like the youngest. She said with a very impressive expression:

"And you guys haven't created your own idol persona at all, so I say you are not qualified idols."


What is being said on the other side?

I don’t understand why, but it feels amazing!

Honoka was confused by Yazawa Nico's confident look. Could it be that what she said was common sense about idols?

"Then, can Senior Nicole perform a show to show us what an idol's character is?"


The onlookers present were all frightened by Yazawa Nico's unclear and powerful theory. They all thought that the other party was a real guy, and naturally wanted to see the other party show off his skills and broaden their horizons.

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——"

Feeling the unclear and fierce gazes of everyone, Yazawa Nico's heart suddenly collided and said:

"Let me show you what the most real idol is."

After that, under the unblinking gaze of everyone, he took a deep breath, then made the orchid finger gesture with both hands, spinning and jumping on the spot at any disagreement, and waving his hands above his head, of course. The little mouth keeps making shameful and cute sounds——


As a result, everyone present was shocked. How could they ever say such malicious and cute things?

However, Yazawa Ni can tell everyone here that she was attracted by her performance, so she worked harder to 'Nico Nico Nico Nico Nico Ni'.

After repeating the cuteness several times, Yazawa Nico took back her orchid finger, made a heart-shaped cuteness gesture in front of her chest and said:

"Hello everyone, I'm Nico Yazawa!"

Not to mention Muse and others, even Illya who is used to eating the masses, Teacher Shiziko, Xue Miao and others were shocked by Yazawa Nico's malicious show of cuteness.

Illya thought to herself: "This person's cuteness skills are far superior to mine!"

Teacher Zhen Shizi: "Has Mr. Front Desk's taste become so heavy?!"

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