Honoka: "Sorry, I really can't do it. I lost!"

Sonoda Umi: "If this is an idol, I choose to give up treatment."


Finally, Nan Xiaoniao woke up from the silent shock, applauded with a forced smile on his face:

"Senior Nicole, you are so awesome."

————The dividing line between Yazawa Nico’s entry into the sea————

Although Yazawa Nico was a little off-kilter, in the atmosphere where everyone was a good person, her smooth-haired cat was quickly comforted and soon started chatting with everyone.

Then, Grandpa Mo Yi, who was about to hide his merit and fame, was pulled out by Honoka.

"Mo Yijun, can you come out with me for a moment?"

Although he didn't understand why Honoko asked him to go out, Grandpa Mo Yi still followed him to a deserted corner.

Anyway, with your own fighting power, even if you want to do something strange, the other party can't be stronger than you.

"Thank you, Mo Yijun!"

After arriving at a deserted corner, Honoka made a ninety-degree bow as soon as she disagreed.

Fortunately, Grandpa Mo Yi is a man with principles and professional ethics. He will definitely not look at the other party and the depth of the other party's clothes openly just because the other party bows at 90 degrees.

While Mo Yi turned his gaze, he saw Nan Xiaoniao and others hiding aside.

Mo Yi: "..."

Girls, can you have some professional qualities and hide yourself so casually? Except for a careless guy like Honoka, no one can spot you? !

"There are so many viewers here today, I know it's all thanks to Mo Yijun——"

Honoka, who was bowing at ninety degrees, said in a low tone:

"I know that our efforts alone are far from achieving such results."


Honoka raised her head, looked at Mo Yi, clenched her fists, and said in a small but firm voice:

"One day, we will definitely, absolutely rely on our own strength to fill this place with seats!"

Minami Kotori and Sonoda Umi were very moved and covered their mouths to prevent themselves from making any noise. Their eyes looked at Honoka and Mo Yi with the same determination.


Mo Yi showed a pleased smile and said:

"I have always believed in you, you have such potential!"

"Besides, isn't it natural for friends to help each other?"


Feeling Grandpa Mo Yi's sincere gaze, Honoka also changed from her serious state back to her daily carefree and silly state, and said with a smile:

"Mo Yijun, you are wrong."

Mo Yi: "?"

Honoka stared at Mo Yi and emphasized:

"It's not you, it's us—"

"Because you are also an essential member of the Muse!"

Mo Yi: "..."

The other party is so serious, how should I refuse?

I always feel that after confirming the other party's statement, one day I will put on women's clothes and sing and dance with them on the stage.

Women's clothing?

It’s impossible for me to dress up as a woman in this life!


At this time, the peeping girls finally fell out of the corner because there were too many people and too little space.

"Little bird, Haiwei?"

The startled Honoka looked at the people who fell to the ground and said:

"Why are you all here?"

For a moment, the silence subsided. How should the girls who were caught peeping respond?

Could it be that you wanted to know what Honoko wanted to do when you secretly dragged Mo Yi out?


In the end, the witty Minami Kotori was the first to react, ignoring Honoka's question, and enthusiastically agreed with Honoka's previous words:

"Yes, Mo Yijun is also an indispensable member of the Muse!"

Everyone who reacted came to Honoka and Mo Yi and said:

"From now on, I will continue to rely on you, Mo Yijun!"

(The plot of the Hundred School Exchange Day is over, and the following is the second chapter of the Holy Grail War.)

Chapter 303: Jealous Illya

"Let's go back."

Erina, who was leaning on the door of Otonogizaka Auditorium, listened to Muse's performance, said something to Yusa Emi who was standing next to her, and turned around to go home.

"Master Erina, why don't you go in and say hello to Mo Yi before leaving?"

Although the other person is her nominal mother, Yusa Emi has never understood the other person's thoughts. She couldn't understand it a thousand years ago, and she still can't figure it out today, a thousand years later.

In fact, if she hadn't come with Erina, she would have walked into the auditorium.

Even though she is no longer the reckless and fledgling female warrior she was a thousand years ago, she still has all the thoughts that a girl should have.

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