If you don't wait for success at this time and show your sense of existence, how can you continue to hang out in the future?

In short, jealousy exists in everyone, regardless of gender or age.

However, when she came with Erina, it was her sister-chan who made the decision. Whatever she did, Emi-sensei had no choice but to follow. She chose to come slowly but only listened to the performance outside the door before leaving, so Emi-sensei had no choice but to follow.

"no need--"

If it were her younger sister-chan who was still in the Ilyas period, she wouldn't have answered Emi-sensei's questions.

How does the goddess do it? Why do I need to explain it to my subordinates?

However, after falling into the mortal world, Sister Jiang changed a lot under the guidance of Mo Yi and answered:

"We are going to Emiya's house in the afternoon, so why don't you come too, Emi?"

Regarding Grandpa Mo Yi's always doing inexplicable things, Sister Jiang naturally knew that he was 'charging' his godhead, so she complained about him at most, but never hindered him from doing things.

Coupled with my own unique pride, I left directly after listening to the performance.

Moreover, she knew that Mo Yi must know that she was outside, which was enough. Anyway, she had made an appointment to visit her at night.

"Okay, Erina-sama."

Teacher Huimei was really not prepared for the fact that her sister Jiang would ask her to go with Mo Yi, but since the other party proposed it, there was no reason to refuse.

Visiting with Erina is also a good opportunity to officially show up in Mo Yi's life.

How can he be someone who does big things when he has always been sneaky?

————Almighty dividing line——————

After returning home, Mo Yi told everyone about Erina coming back to eat dumplings tonight.

As the hidden boss of the Emiya family, there will naturally be no objections or objections.

Mo Yi was planning to go out to buy some ingredients for making dumplings. Erina was extremely persistent about the ingredients, so she couldn't help but check them carefully.

However, this matter was soon taken over by Hero Emiya, who felt something was wrong with the atmosphere. After repeated insistence, the job was still snatched away by him and Medea.

Then, the two happily walked out holding hands.

Mo Yi found that he had nothing to do, so he had to go back to his room to sort out the materials for today's muse. After some processing and special effects, he uploaded them to the backstage of Yakumo House.

After finishing this matter, Mo Yi realized that it was getting late and he didn't even know if his sister Jiang was here?

"Bah, bah, bah—"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in--"

Mo Yi was a little surprised. Is it already dinner time?

Didn’t you agree to wait for everyone to make dumplings together?


Illya opened the door, walked in and asked:

"Are you still busy?"

"Busy working."

Seeing the cutest Ilia in the world, Master Mo Yi was naturally in a good mood. Even if he had nothing to do, seeing Ilia, this cutie, would make Grandpa Mo Yi happy.

After all, everyone likes a loli who looks cute and knows how to act cute!

"What's the matter, Illya-chan?"

Illya looked a little strange today. She didn't sit in Mo Yi's arms immediately after coming in. This was not at all in line with the daily pattern of two people being alone.

Looking at the other person's eyes, which were a little erratic and hesitant to speak, Mo Yi knew that this little guy had something on his mind.

After hearing Mo Yi's words, Ilia, who was standing next to Mo Yi, did not continue to stand. Instead, she pulled a chair next to her and sat in front of Mo Yi at an angle of 45 degrees.

This angle is very particular. It is not only face-to-face, but also a way to express one's own emotions.

"Can't I come to you, Onii-chan, if I have nothing to do?"

"Of course not -"

At this moment, Mo Yi immediately confirmed that Illya was losing her temper. At this time, as a qualified Onii-chan, she must coax the other party well.

Grandpa Mo Yi was very experienced in this regard, and he skillfully pulled Illiya over who was sitting next to him, letting her sit on his lap as usual, and said with a smile:

"Illya, is there anything unhappy?"

"Just tell Onii-chan——"


There are so many unhappy things!

There used to be a school girl named Matou Sakura who came and went freely in her house, so she didn't care.

This week, there were suddenly two more unknown guys - Yukinoshita Yukino and Tohsaka Rin. They not only regard their home as their home, they can come and leave whenever they want, but live directly there. Come in.

Well, for Onii-chan's sake and the extenuating circumstances, Illya chose to forgive her.

But today, Illya discovered a beautiful gray-haired girl among the muses. She glanced at Onii-chan many times with her evasive eyes.

Even though Illya is a lolita, she is actually nineteen years old, and as a magician, how can she have a low IQ?

She could tell at a glance that there must be some ulterior secret between Nan Xiaoniao and Mo Yi.

Of course, the above-mentioned things are not the most important things. The most important thing is that Erina will come over to have dinner together later.

This is a very dangerous signal!

Mo Yi can reconcile with Erina, and Illya is naturally happy for Mo Yi. Even though she just teased Erina this morning, she has been fighting openly and secretly with her, but she also knows that Mo Yi has always liked to be with Erina. The other party reconciles.

However, what Illya is afraid of is that after Mo Yi and Erina reconcile, they will be taken away by the other party. Well, let the other party take back the Nakiri house.

In this way, they would no longer be able to get along day and night. Thinking of this, Illya became very frightened and worried.

It's not that she doesn't believe in the relationship between herself and Onii-chan, it's just that as a girl who is about to turn 20, she deeply understands that the biggest enemy of love is not all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, but the seemingly ordinary things that happen every day. Every boy and girl believes that they can overcome distance and time.

In this world, every day, every hour, every minute, there will be such a couple who vow to each other. I believe that the relationship between them is unique and eternal.

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