Then, washed by the two intangible things of distance and time, it finally lost to reality.

Thinking of the above things, Ilia, who had been sitting in the living room for more than half an hour, became more and more depressed. Finally, she knocked on Mo Yi's door with trepidation, wanting to see her beloved Ou. What is Ni-chan doing?

Feeling Mo Yi's warm and familiar embrace, Ilia subconsciously hugged him back, put her head on Mo Yi's right shoulder, and listened to the other person's "bang bang" heartbeat full of rhythm and power. The missing sense of security was finally fully filled.

The smell of Oni-chan is still so pleasant——

Illya quietly felt this accustomed hug, and after a moment she answered Mo Yi's question:

"Onii-chan, do you like idols very much?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, it turns out that Illya is jealous.

But that's right, rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry, let alone girls?

If you meet a girlfriend who is not jealous, please be careful to ensure that your head has not turned into the color of forgiveness. If it is not the color of forgiveness, you will become the color of forgiveness for others. Simply put, you are a backup man!

Licking a dog will result in nothing in the end!

"This is actually a mission——"

Mo Yi gently caressed the opponent's junior. As a master of Huang Man, Mo Yi not only has rich theoretical knowledge, but also has strong practical ability. This doctor's combat effectiveness is no worse than that of a professional killer for the same reason.

Ilia was obviously very much benefited from Mo Yi's hands caressing her, like a cat that had been petted very comfortably, her whole body relaxed.


Well, Illya remembered what Mo Yi told her last night, that there was a system in his body made from Erina's former godhead.

"Is this the system in your body?"


After successfully diverting Illya's attention, Mo Yi said in a low tone:

"Didn't Onii-chan tell you that those actions of mine that you can't understand are all about completing system tasks and collecting faith?"

"Actually, I am very satisfied with my current life and have no need to continue to pursue greater power. With you by my side, I am already very satisfied."


Owners of mysterious powers will try their best to conceal the mystery of their powers. You must know that the outcome of a battle depends not only on the level of strength, but intelligence is also very important. If the intelligence is known, even if the strength is stronger than the opponent, it will The possibility of someone being killed instantly with one move.

Therefore, when it comes to the source and mystery of one's own strength, no one will tell others. Even if the relationship is as close as father and son, master and apprentice, or husband and wife, they will not completely leak their secrets to others. This is considered The hidden rules and iron rules of the mysterious world.

Not to mention trusting that the other party will not leak it, you must know that there is nothing about the time on the mysterious side that others will not know if you don’t tell it. Memory retrieval, memory reading, time retrieval and other strange methods can all be used. A man who never opens his mouth learns the secrets he wants to know.

Therefore, the ultimate way to avoid leaking your information is to tell no one and bury it until the moment of death.

Hearing Mo Yi talk about her mysterious things, Illya gently hit Mo Yi's forehead with her head and muttered:

"Onii-chan, it doesn't matter if you don't tell Illya about this kind of thing."

"It doesn't matter--"

Mo Yi naturally thought of Ilia's worries, but in his own state, what is there to be afraid of?

Those who can compete with him almost all use Clairvoyance EX to fight against each other. In the final analysis, it depends on who has a deeper understanding of the rules and who has more combat experience.

Just like the Qin Shihuang Zheng Ge of the Immortal Qin Empire, everyone knows that the other party will launch rail guns, anti-matter cannons and even star-destroying cannons, and there are hundreds of millions of galactic fleets under his command, but who can resent him?

There once was a girl named Jing Ke who wielded a ship-cutting knife and fired a rail gun with one knife, and then several galactic fleets with another knife. In the end, wasn't she killed by Zheng Ge's galactic fleet flying a kite?

Therefore, when you are strong enough to a certain extent, the so-called intelligence war becomes unnecessary. After all, others are just standing there, using the abilities you know to beat you, but you just can't defeat them.

"Actually, I also have parents, but I don't know if they are still alive -"

"The hard work I have been doing is not to make myself stronger, but to go home."

Ilia has never heard Mo Yi talk about his parents. Today is the first time. Although the other party's tone is plain, Ilia can feel the heavy flavor from it.

Illya naturally understands this feeling——

Every time she saw her father, Kiritsugu, sitting alone in the courtyard, looking at the moon and meditating, she knew that he was thinking of her mother.

In fact, Illya also missed her mother who was very similar to her in her memory and was very gentle and doting on her.

However, in order not to arouse her father and worry Onii-chan and Shirou, she never expressed this pain that was equally heavy and seemed like she couldn't breathe when she thought about it.

It turns out that Onii-chan is just like me, maybe the other person is heavier than me. This has been missed for three worlds after a thousand years.

Illya hugged Mo Yi tightly, letting Mo Yi lean on her soft and small chest, patting Mo Yi's junior like a baby to comfort her, and gently said in Mo Yi's ear:

"Onii-chan, you will definitely meet again."

"Illya will always stay with you——"

"I think so--"

Mo Yi quietly felt the little embrace of Ilia. This matter was no longer uncomfortable for Mo Yi, because it had been done too many times and he could no longer feel the pain like in the first few years.

But, I never gave up on going back.

"Illya, my parents will definitely like you."

Mo Yi rubbed Ilia a few times and smiled:

"However, remember to change into an adult state when the time comes, otherwise I may be arrested by the police."


Illya couldn't help but imagine how Mo Yi's parents would react if they saw her looking like a lolita.

Anyway, if Shirou brings a loli home one day and tells her that this is his marriage partner, Illya will probably kill her outright?

However, after this incident was brought to her, Illya, who had long been accustomed to lolita's cute persona, couldn't help but blush and became angry, and said:

"It's all your fault, Onii-chan——"

If you weren't a lolicon, Illya would have chosen the mode of growing up. After all, when you grow up, your hands will be longer and your legs will be longer, and you will walk faster!

Mo Yi said innocently:

"I won't take the blame for this -"

Seeing Mo Yi teasing herself like this, Illya naturally started to fight with him, and laughter from the two of them could be heard in the room.

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