"It seems like your dreams will definitely come true this year."


Hearing Illya's envious words, Erina felt as if she had eaten Haagen-Dazs, feeling extremely comfortable and said:

"Luck is a fickle thing. In the final analysis, you still have to rely on yourself."

After hearing this, Illya nodded in understanding and said:

"Erina, you know a lot."

Under Illya's share, Erina was simply extremely high. While maintaining the grace and modesty of a goddess, she was really happy at the same time.

Everyone present looked at the interaction between Erina and Illya with embarrassment.

Xue Miao and Tohsaka Rin: It’s so cute!

It turns out that the most adorable person in the Emiya family is Illya, a cute loli.

However, they didn't know that all of this was Grandpa Mo Yi's plan. It was Grandpa Mo Yi's credit for protecting Erina from eating the dumpling with coins.

And Illya, who understands Mo Yi best, also knows that Mo Yi wants to make Erina happy. Even though they have not exchanged any ideas, Illya is uncharacteristically abandoning her usual confrontation with Erina and taking the initiative to be Mo Yi's friend. Assist, cooperate with Mo Yi to coax sister Jiang.

Of course, the people here who know Mo Yi's temper best, besides Ilia, are also my sister Jiang who was coaxed like a child. As for whether the other party is aware of Mo Yi's plan, it's really hard to say.

In other words, it is because one is aware but deliberately ignores the past. If a person is too shrewd, he often leads an unhappy life, so he has the motto of being confused.

In the eyes of Xue Miao and Tohsaka Rin, it was Erina who was coaxed like a child by Illya, while in Erina's eyes, it was herself who was very happy to see Mo Yi and Illya please themselves.

Therefore, young girls like Xue Miao and Tohsaka Rin are still too naive and do not realize how dangerous the outside world is.

————‘Dingle bell’, the dividing line where the doorbell rings————

After hearing the doorbell ringing, Hero Emiya, as the head butler of the Emiya family, subconsciously stood up and opened the door, but in the next second, he was stopped by Medea.

Shirou-sama, none of the warning magic around Emiya's residence has been touched. The person who came here has a very strong magic ability, at least it is not inferior to mine. "

Following Medea's words, everyone present except Erina and Mo Yi became nervous. The happy atmosphere suddenly disappeared and became serious and tense.

Even though everything has been peaceful for a few days, no one has forgotten that they are still in the Holy Grail War.

Before the storm comes, it is often the calmest time. After realizing that we have a situation like Mo Yi's combat power that can tear apart followers, the other party dares to visit us, which shows that the other party is very confident. It seems that the real battle is about to begin. .


Shredded Harrow, who had been silently enjoying the warm dinner, stood up and prepared for Karna to open the door.

"Don't be nervous, he's my old friend."

But he was interrupted by Mo Yi.

In fact, not only was Medea's magic ignored, but even Mo Yi didn't notice anyone coming to the gate of Emiya's house.

The one who can do this knows Mo Yi, and the one who likes this way of doing things is her - the leader of the Bilibili Army, the Infinitely Cute Dragon Ophis.

However, what is the purpose of the other party's sudden visit?

Everyone has been in a peaceful state all this time. Mo Yi thought it was impossible for him to visit at such a special time and come over to play because he was bored.

Thinking of this, Mo Yi naturally stopped Little Sun from opening the door. If the other party came to the door with malicious intentions, Little Sun might be killed if he went up. Coupled with the natural law of the lucky E of the spearman since ancient times, the other party might be killed if he opened the door. Sexuality is greatly increased, it is better not to let the other party open the door.

The best candidate is naturally the Miss Sesshōin. As the Emperor of Cuteness, Ophis's love for cute things is a brand that is engraved deep into the opponent's Reimu and cannot be changed at all.

Even if the other party still comes looking for trouble, he will definitely not take action after seeing that the person who opens the door is the most powerful and cute animal on earth, the Iron-eating Beast.

"Gungun, go and open the door."

Miss Shanshengin: "..."

There is no need to think that I am just a bear. As a saint, she has an IQ that can crush 99% of humans. She actually entrusts such a dangerous thing to herself. She is really a ruthless master.

Don’t pets have human rights?

Other people's iron-eating beasts eat and sleep. They even have someone to take care of them when they take a bath. Why is he so miserable? No one is there to take care of him. He still has to do housework. Humans who take care of Yuchun now want to do it themselves. Go and step on thunder!

Do you still have animal rights? Kouya? !

When she was first captured by Mo Yi, Miss Sesshōin felt that it would be a good idea to die early and be reborn early. After all, there were so many parallel worlds in Xingyue, and there would always be a Holy Grail War that would summon her.

But after a few days of corrupt life, she felt reluctant to let go of this short-lived life.

Mo Yi looked at the Sesshōin lady who was about to act cute and show off, and complained:

"I heard that bear paws are very delicious ingredients. It's a shame that I never had the chance to taste them."

"I wonder what the taste is like between the iron-eating beast's bear paws and bear paws?"

After hearing Mo Yi's sigh, Miss Sesshōin trembled and hurriedly ran over to open the door.

Her master, Grandpa Mo Yi, was definitely a devil. Miss Sesshōin had never doubted whether he would do such a shocking thing.

After all, how many of the people who drew the book are good people? A compassionate saint like himself, with this ability, is not a beast judged by the world to threaten the comfort of all mankind.

With her heart beating constantly, Miss Sesshōin opened the door of Emiya's house, prepared to be killed at any time, and then flew back to pretend to be dead by relying on her thick-skinned and thick-toned defense.

In this way, Grandpa Mo Yi can't find a reason to cook himself and eat it.

However, what disappointed her was that when she opened the door, she did not face the expected murder. Instead, she saw beauties, big and small, standing there, waiting to open the door.

"Hello, does Mo Yi live here?"

Although Scathach was a little surprised when he saw a black and white bear that he didn't recognize opening the door, he didn't show any dissatisfaction or surprise, and spoke angrily to the Sesshōin lady in a cold tone.

"It's you?"

Miss Sesshōin instantly recognized the opponent's identity. Miss Sesshōin, who had been the boss of many parallel worlds, had naturally been pushed down by countless people. Among them, one of them brought Scathach, a dual-gun BBA, to clear his copy.

The opponent's two guns were enough to stab him, so how could Miss Sesshōin forget about the opponent?


Scathach originally thought that the other person was just a strange house pet. Isn't it normal to have a pet these days?

She has also seen gods keep dragons as pets, a strange black and white bear, what's the big deal?

However, the fact that the other party seemed to know him made Shaka interested.

"you know me?"

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