Miss Sesshōin: “…”

The clever little demon Sesshōin-san instantly realized from the other party's rhetorical question that the other party seemed unable to see through her true identity as a heroic spirit.

Even though he couldn't use his powers after turning into a gun, it didn't seem to be without benefits. Who would have thought that he was a saint, Sesshōin Kiara, who was determined to save all mankind?

Naturally, you can't tell the other person your true identity. If the other person remembers the memory of being so happy by the other person in another world, he might just shoot his head off.

The Sesshōin lady nodded very cutely and innocently and said:

"I saw you in Yakumo House's notebook."

Scathach: "..."

Scathach didn't understand what a notebook was, but it didn't matter. Under the influence of the passive skill 'Wisdom from the Demonic Realm', she knew what a notebook was, and there were many new works drawn by Master Yakumo himself.

Fortunately, the mystery of Grandpa Mo Yi was far greater than hers, and Scathach only knew that there was a person named Master Yakumo who drew many of his own notebooks in the Yakumo House.

The corners of Kendo Scathach's mouth trembled slightly, and the Sesshōin lady couldn't stop laughing in her heart.

"Mo Yi, are you there?"

The infinitely cute dragon Ophis had to endure it with all her strength, so she didn't pounce on her and keep rubbing herself against the Sesshōin lady. She had more important things to do tonight, and petting the cat would be discussed later.

However, Miss Sesshōin saw Ophis coveting her eyes from the very beginning. His eyes were the same as that of the fish-lipped human named Yukinoshita Yukino.


Yuchuan humans actually want to take advantage of themselves. How could they have such intentions? Their advantages are very expensive. Without a box of braised bamboo shoots, there is no way they can take advantage of themselves.

Miss Sesshōin turned around directly. Ophis' fiery gaze made her feel a little uncomfortable. She felt that if she didn't run away, she would be caught and used as a hot weapon.

Miss Sesshōin thought:

"How is that possible? The other person is just a harmless loli. I can slap the opponent so hard that he goes home crying."

"Ophis, long time no see."

Mo Yi looked at the infinitely cute dragon Ophis, whose eyes were fixed on Miss Sesshōin, and said:

"What do you want to see me for?"

Of course, after noticing Scathach, Mo Yi probably knew that Ophis might be getting involved with people from the Magicians Association to cause trouble for him.

After hearing Mo Yi's words, Ophis finally turned his attention from Miss Sesshōin to Mo Yi, and said expressionlessly:

"I, Ophis, remind me -"

"Pigeons, take them back, put them in the basement, and code them, or you won't have anything to eat!"

Mo Yi: "..."

This was not the first time that the other party came to remind me of updates. Unexpectedly, only three months later, the other party came to visit me again.

Ten years ago, I should not have seen Hui Hui go up and strike up a conversation with her, and then she would not have discovered my great career.

It's not like Mo Yi has never tried to be contacted by readers to urge him to update. Anyway, the other party has come to visit him many times, and hasn't he been repelled by his witty self every time?


However, the scene still has to be said.

"How can the author's affairs be called pigeons?"

"You must know that inspiration is like love. It always appears inadvertently and playfully, and then disappears in the chase."

The more Mo Yi talked, the more he felt that he made sense, and complained:

"So, young people should not be so impatient, and should give more care and understanding to the vulnerable groups of authors, otherwise it will only lead to fewer and fewer excellent works in the world."

"You know, it's not that I don't want to update, it's just that I really don't have the inspiration and time."

"How about you go back to Station B to review the classics and wait patiently?"

After saying that, Mo Yi looked at Ophis with sincere eyes, not feeling guilty at all.

However, Ophis, who has been deceived by Mo Yi with similar words countless times, how could he be fooled every time.

Ophis was not moved by Mo Yi's sincere gaze at all, and moved his little mouth slightly, saying:

"It's all excuses——"

"Eunuchs, all must die!"

Mo Yi: "..."

At this time, the onlookers woke up from their confusion. At first, they thought it was some kind of enemy. The Nuclear Bomb Sword Fairy Red A had already taken out his two swords, and the All-A Knight Da Mao Wang also put down his sword very heavily and with difficulty. Bowl and curry sticks were taken out to deal with the powerful enemy that was about to walk in.

After seeing Ophis coming in and chatting with Mo Yi in such a familiar manner, he finally felt relieved. It turned out that he was really the friend Mo Yi said.

However, one cannot completely take it lightly. Scathach did not hide the fact that he was a Heroic Spirit. After seeing the other party, he naturally knew that the other party must be related to the Holy Grail War.

Probably, they are a pair of participants in the Holy Grail War.

Facing Ophis, who was cute and talkative, Mo Yi did not choose to be weak. He was a master.

What is a master?

The so-called master is, I will update when I am happy, abandon the pit when I am happy, and be willful if you have money!

Although he knew that the other party came to the house with Scathach today, he definitely didn't come to his house to act cute like in the past. Maybe Ophis was really serious this time and wanted to take him back to update.

But how could I, Mo, succumb to evil forces like Bilibili?

As a painter, why should I be afraid of a battle?

Chapter 307: Joan of Arc runs away and is about to rush to the battlefield

"Rumble, rumble—"

In a remote suburb of Fuyuki City, the earth suddenly shook violently, and the uninhabited area covered by countless magic spells finally revealed its true face——

The seven wonders of the world built by humans, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon!

"This is--"

Black's followers didn't know at first what their new master, Kotomine Shirou, wanted to do by gathering them in such a wild area far away from Fuyuki City. !

Seeing that the earth under their feet was separated from the vast ground, they finally understood that they were going to drive the aerial fortress and launch a general attack!

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