"This is Assassin's Noble Phantasm, the Hanging Garden of Vanity——"

Kotomine Shirou came out of the darkness, wearing the priest's attire of the Holy Cathedral Church, holding an old Bible in his hand, walked out slowly, and explained to the confused followers:

"Tonight is the final battle of the Holy Grail War."

In fact, Semiramis has no connection with the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. However, it was established as a Noble Phantasm by taking advantage of the faith of numerous misunderstandings.

Because it was not Semiramis who built the Hanging Gardens in history. Therefore it is named "Vanity". Therefore, the activation conditions for the Noble Phantasm are very strict and cannot be manifested through magic power. A certain amount of wood, stone, minerals, plants and water must be collected from the place where Semiramis lived (the ruins near Baghdad, the capital of Iraq) and then combined, and then Semiramis will hold a long ceremony to let the fantasy This Noble Phantasm can only be completed by becoming real.

Feeling the high-altitude evening wind blowing in his face, Cu Chulainn Wang-chan said in disbelief:

"How can a mere assassin perform such a level of magic?"

Wang Jiang considers himself to be a well-known teacher. Although he likes to play with guns the most, he is also a man qualified to appear as a caster. In the black camp, apart from his master, he should have the strongest magic ability. it's him.

Now, how could he understand that the Assassin who always sat proudly on the throne and didn't know how to sneak at all actually used such great magic that even he, as a caster, couldn't use?

Are you saying that Caster Employment Agency is the weakest among the seven major employment agencies?

Did you say that the archers should hide in the distance and shoot black guns?

Damn it, only the Lancer's lucky E is real now!

When they were first summoned, the knowledge the Holy Grail instilled in them was just a handful. It seemed that something was really wrong with the Holy Grail.

However, Wang Jiang now finally understands the reason why a mere assassin dares to be so arrogant. It seems that the other party is not only because his master is the commander-in-chief, but also has two brushes. No wonder he dares to talk back to his master Jiang.


Assassin Semiramis, who was sitting on the throne, nodded with his hands on his face and said:

"I still know a thing or two about magic."

After seeing other heroic spirits being restrained by Semiramis's Noble Phantasm, Kotomine Shirou became more confident and explained:

"Assassin is a servant with the rare trait of 'dual summoning'. In addition to being an assassin, she also has the ability of being a caster."

You must know that Kotomine Shirou was not the master of the heroic spirits at the beginning, but through the cooperation of all parties and the support of the gem Onzel Rich, he guessed the overall command and the command authority of all the heroic spirits.

As a heroic spirit, he naturally knew that a great hero who could become a heroic spirit would not be able to accept this kind of transfer behavior so easily, which was like a sale and was almost an insult. Dissatisfaction was inevitable, so the Hanging Garden of Semiramis was a very good place. An opportunity to shock them and win their hearts.

You know, Kotomine Shirou, the man whose true identity is Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, has been fighting for this Holy Grail War for seventy years since he survived the Third Holy Grail War.

A local hero like Semiramis is simply not something that non-Emirati players can afford. In order to collect the materials to use this treasure, he has been picking up rags from the ruins of the Assyrian Empire for seventy years. , In addition, he also used the power of the church staff to intercept various corrupt practices, and finally collected the materials needed for the "hanging garden of vanity".

He even didn't participate in the last Holy Grail War due to lack of materials, so he had to hide aside and watch Jin Shining's various "hahaha"s.

However, fortunately, I didn’t participate in the Holy Grail War last time, because the plastic surgery last time was too powerful, with all kinds of cheating and perversion, Lancelot standing upside down and grabbing the earth; the shredded rake that exploded the Holy Grail in the origin; one shot to lock the blood, Breaking the demon with one grab, Diarmuid's two brushes at the root within seconds.

There is still one more 'two rituals that will kill even the gods for you' before you can gather the legendary Four Moon-shaped Kings.

Of course, in addition to the King of Heaven, the Fourth Broken Quilt War also included the father of all the heroic spirits, the local tycoon King Gilgamesh, who stood at the top of the krypton gold players; and the famous King Arthur, as well as her master who was quite cheating and refused to give up. Return the invincible scabbard to her, otherwise the outcome will be really hard to say.

However, this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is the marshal who summoned Mr. Ke’s younger brother!

Fortunately, the marshal pronounced as caster and spelled as berserker was already crazy with love. Otherwise, if he really made him summon those despicable foreigners and other big bosses like Mr. Ke, he wouldn't be fighting a cup war, and nuclear ping Fuyuki City would be so leisurely. The story is about human beings fighting against the old rulers.

Think about it, Kotomine Shirou is actually extremely lucky to be able to survive on his own. His true luck value is probably EX.

"I don't care what this poisonous woman is capable of!"

Mordred, or Xiao Mo for short, just wants to fly to Fuyuki City as soon as possible, and have a solo with his father, King Da Mao, to prove to him that he is the best mid laner in the world!

Moreover, he hates his father the most, but he likes it very much in his heart. Mordred, who regards the stupid king as his roadmap in life, just can't stand this guy Semiramis, probably because he is also a king, but His style is completely opposite to that of King Da Mao, who is almost a noble saint. To put it simply, Semiramis is a negative example in Xiao Mo's eyes.

"Now I just want to have a battle with King Arthur!"


After being ridiculed, the empress wanted to use the mechanism in the sky garden to teach the other party a lesson, but after seeing the slightly pleading look in her master Kotomine Shirou's eyes, she put down her raised left hand unhappily, and in the end she just sneered.

Poor little Mo, she still thinks that her father Artoria is under the same sky, with the same longing as her, looking forward to falling in love and killing her daughter like fate!

However, the reality is far from what she missed——

Under the charisma of Xue Miao's righteous messenger, and the corruption of the Emiya family's cuisine that surpassed Great Britain's cooking standards for thousands of years, King Da Mao had long forgotten about Comrade Xiao Mo.

Falling in love and killing the traitor, how could it be as interesting as chatting with Xue Miao, accepting sacrifices from Hero Emiya, and taking care of Illya, the daughter of his last lover, Irisviel/

Xiao Mo or something?

Can it be eaten?

Of course, just because Xiao Mo didn't care about Kotomine Shirou's air raids didn't mean that other servants didn't care.

Black rider Achilles was very concerned about this matter and asked seriously:

"Kotomine Shirou, what is your purpose?"

"Do you already have the confidence to face that unknown man (Grandpa Mo Yi)?"

"That man, I have found allies to delay him."

Amakusa, who had a look on his face that said, "Everything is going according to plan," said calmly:

"It's just that I don't know if the purpose you ask refers to the purpose of our raid, or my fundamental purpose?"

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

In fact, Achilles didn't have a good impression of Amakusa. He suddenly became his master and always looked like a good guy with a smile. He was most disgusted with Achilles, a heroic hero who advocated force.

Just like, civil servants in the administrative system and military attachés in the military system often dislike each other.

Seeing Achilles' displeasure with him, Amakusa didn't show any strange expression. He was a man determined to save all mankind and do great things. How could he care about Achilles' view of him as a prop?

However, he still smiled and continued to explain:

"With the help of our allies, that man and the terrifying magic defenses in Fuyuki City are no longer obstacles. Our next goal is to fly directly to the location of the Great Holy Grail, and then remove the Great Holy Grail hidden underground. Grab the Holy Grail."

"What's next?"

Wang Jiang asked very understandingly.

Hearing this, Amakusa closed her eyes, made a gesture of embracing the whole world, and said:

"The next step is to use the Great Holy Grail to activate the third method of 'soul materialization' to achieve the salvation of all mankind!"


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