All the heroic spirits were instantly shocked by Amakusa's words. He was simply a lunatic, but if he thought about it carefully, it seemed that it was really feasible!

"if it is like this--"

Atalanta, the woman covered in pigskin, referred to as Pigpitata, gradually became more alert after hearing Amakusa's crazy plan.

What if the other party successfully saves all mankind?

So, isn’t it equivalent to saving children all over the world?

Thinking of this, Pigpitata looked back at Amakusa and said:

"I hope you do as you say."

After seeing Pigpeta finally come back to life from pretending to be dead, Achilles was filled with joy. As for whether Amakusa can do something bragging like saving all mankind, who cares?

In this Holy Grail War, in addition to finding a master to have a good fight, the only thing he cares about is using the heroic spirits captured from the red side camp to summon the berserker Pigpit Meow.

Looking at the servants in front of him, Amakusa laughed with relief. Except that he couldn't control it. Shaka, who was sent by her to accompany the infinitely cute dragon Ophis to entangle Grandpa Mo Yi, finally brought these unruly heroic spirits to justice. Temporarily convinced.

As for Arjuna and his berserker Lancelot, they are both obedient servants. Since the command spell is in his hand, he will not question too much.

Looking at Fuyuki City getting closer and closer in the dark night, Amakusa thought that there was nothing to excite her. Her heart started beating more and more fiercely. Her long-cherished wish and plan for seventy years was finally coming true!

Of course, no matter how much he ignored it, there was still a trace of uneasiness deep in his heart. Looking at the quiet Fuyuki City, the unattractive but invisible face of that man (Grandpa Mo Yi) would always appear in his mind. middle.

Don't panic, hold on tight, you can win this one, Amakusa!

Amakusa took out a sword-like gem from her arms and felt the magic hands pouring into her body, and the uneasiness in her heart was suppressed again.

Yes, the quantity and quality of our followers are higher than those of the other side, and there is also Jin Pika, who is hiding in the dark and is bent on revenge on Grandpa Mo Yi. Moreover, with the infinite magic support of the gem sword given by the gem man, our servants You can enlarge your moves at will, but can the other party do it?

As for the incomprehensible man, with the leader of the Bilibili Empire, the Infinite Cute Dragon, to restrain him, and the Gemstone Man's plundering formation, no matter how strong the opponent was, he could only open his eyes and watch him take action.

Finally, when it comes to equipment, Howl’s moving castle (sky garden), which can fly, has 12 magic cannons with curry-stick-level firepower outside, countless magic spells inside, and the magical fish born by Tima.

The opponent's Fuyuki City, which is like a war fortress, will also be transferred to the mirror world by the power of the second method when the hot man is restrained by the infinite cute dragon Ophis.

In the mirror world, Fuyuki City's original magic formula will naturally not be transferred, and the opponent's defense will naturally be broken without attacking!

I asked, if it is so stable, even more stable than a flying dragon riding on the face, how can I, Amakusa, lose? !

——————The dividing line in the flag——————

"According to God's revelation, Fuyuki City is ahead!"

Joan of Arc, the rule of this Holy Grail War, was running in the direction of Fuyuki City while thinking about the matter of this Holy Grail War.

Logically speaking, since he will appear in this Holy Grail War, it means that this Holy Grail War has factors that affect the normal operation of the Holy Grail War.

But, theoretically, shouldn't the place where he was summoned be the location of the Great Holy Grail?

Even if it's not near the Great Holy Grail, it should be in Fuyuki City.

But why was he delayed and the place where he was summoned was still in France? !

You know, I have been worrying about it for a long time. Is it better to cross the Atlantic Ocean, pass through the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean, or run directly from France, run across Asia from Europe, and finally sneak from China to District 11? Woolen cloth?

In the end, Zheng Pingping chose the land route. With the magical support of the Great Holy Grail, he ran all the way from Europe to Area 11. After three days of long-distance running, he finally almost reached his destination.

After logging in this afternoon, under the guidance of Joan's passive skill 'Revelation', she ran all the way to the direction of the Emiya family in Fuyuki City.

I felt that Black's followers were moving quickly towards Fuyuki City. It seemed that the real battle was about to begin. When I thought that the battle was taking place in a densely populated city, Joan of Arc, who was in the Order and Good camp, felt even more excited. He became nervous and worried and muttered:

"I hope I can catch up--"

After that, the running speed of the two long legs accelerated again, raising waves of smoke.

There was even a period of time when a new strange story about the Akina Yamadashi was circulating around the world.

Chapter 308: Lolita are very good at fighting!

As a dignified pornographic master, how could I, Mo, be threatened by mere fans?

If you want me to update, I will update. How can I hang out in Tsim Sha Tsui in the future?

Of course, there are some secrets that cannot be told, because many of Grandpa Mo Yi's works are magically modified from the works of the previous life through memories. Therefore, many of the original works were originally written by eunuchs, like "My Youth" There is indeed something wrong with "Love Story" and "Dark Loli" when Mo Yi traveled through time.

Moreover, many of Grandpa Mo Yi's original works were created when inspiration came. When new inspiration appeared, new pits were opened. The original pit was naturally suspended indefinitely.

However, these countless pitfalls only account for about 95% of Grandpa Mo Yi's massive works. Looking at it this way, who can deny Master Mo Yi's conscience?

Moreover, appropriate eunuch works can also give those big guys in the fandom a field to play, thus allowing the Yakumo House to form a good attitude cycle.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi explained these principles to Ophis. It was quite easy to use at first, but after using it more than ten times, the other party stopped listening.

"Don't listen, don't listen, Mo Yi chants sutras——"

Ophis stared at Mo Yi and said expressionlessly:

"Anyway, I just want a hundred consecutive updates, otherwise I will take you back."

Mo Yi: "..."

This master is very busy. He also has to make games, write novels, draw books, and encourage and guide various heroines. Can't you give me a little more tolerance in the conscience of the industry?

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was becoming more and more tense, everyone who had not yet completely relaxed became alert again, ready to respond to attacks from Ophis and Shaka, who had been standing aside silently.


Ophis has visited many times, and Illya naturally knows him. However, every time she and Mo Yi get into arguments over the update issue, so their concern has not deepened and they can only be described as ordinary friends.

At this time, Illya walked to Ophis, pulled him and said:

"We are eating dumplings, how about we talk while eating?"


Ophis had a very high initial impression of a cute lolita like Illya. After hearing the other party’s suggestion and smelling the fragrance, he made up his mind and accepted Illya’s offer. Past the serving of dumplings.

Of course, we sat down to eat dumplings together with Scathach, who was always making soy sauce.

————The dividing line where the warm dinner begins again——————

"That's probably what happened."

During the dinner, Ophis was like a gluttonous child, busy grabbing dumplings with King Da Mao to eat, while Scathach told Mo Yi and others the information he knew.

For example, Black's camp will launch a general attack tonight.

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