Ophis was used to delay Mo Yi's countermeasures. He was suspected and was sent to come with Ophis. On the other hand, Ophis was also used to monitor his existence.

In addition to finding Ophis as an ally, the black camp also has Gem Onzelrich, the boss of the Magicians Association, who will also take action to break the membrane barrier in Fuyuki City while Mo Yi is being restrained.

And, except for Mo Yi and others, the other red master and servants were defeated by the black camp.


After hearing that the other masters had been defeated, Xue Miao felt very worried and anxious, because the eldest lady of the Yukinoshita family was one of them. In other words, she had been defeated?

After thinking about the non-willful and moral behavior of the Magic Association, it is unusual for Xue Miao to be calm. Maybe her sister has been vaporized by various light cannons.

"Scathach, do you know the information about Berserker's master?"

"She is safe for now."

Scathach said:

"They also found out that Berserker's master was your sister, so they didn't kill her, but arrested her. I don't know more specific information."

"elder sister--"

Yukinoshita Yukino clenched her fists and bit her lips to calm herself down and did not run out immediately.

Although Xue Miao is a magician, she and Tohsaka Rin are both unqualified magicians in the eyes of traditional magicians.

Because the values ​​​​of magicians are different from universal concepts, to put it simply-

Magicians must not have feelings.

Although Xue Miao has always been dissatisfied with her sister, she always said to herself - my sister is the most annoying!

However, before meeting Grandpa Mo Yi, wasn't everything she did to prove that she could surpass the eldest lady of the Yukinoshita family?

Whether she is disgusted with the other person's way of doing things or wants to use her own way to change the world and become perfect and outstanding, the original source is to catch up with the excellent sister in her heart.

Without love, where would there be ruthlessness?

But her reason told her that the enemy's purpose was to coerce them and make them act impulsively, so that they would seize her sister as a hostage, and that there was absolutely no way she could rescue her, Yangno, on her own, and acting impulsively would even harm others. As a result, Xue Miao was able to hold back her heart that was about to collapse.

"We'll get her back—"

Feeling Xue Miao's expectant and fearful eyes towards him, Mo Yi comforted him with a calm voice:

"I promise."

There is nothing I can do. Although Yangonoko is not my type, can my sister-in-law not save her?

This is half of my brother-in-law's butt. Wouldn't it be a shame if someone fucked it off before I could enjoy it? Even if I don't like it, it's my own business. If it's fucked off by someone else, it just doesn't work.

Not to mention, for the sake of Xue Miao, even if Yang Nai was beaten to a pulp by the light cannon, he must bring him back intact. Whether it is to refine the human body, modify cause and effect, reverse time, and rewrite reality, there are many ways. Yes, it just depends on whether you are willing or not.


After feeling Mo Yi's affirmative gaze, Xue Miao began to calm down in her panic. Although Xue Miao hadn't realized yet, at this moment, the person she relied on the most in her heart was Mo Yi.

Mo Yi, who was alert, also noticed that some changes were taking place in Fuyuki City that ordinary people could not detect, and said to himself:

"Jewel man?"

With Mo Yi's open perception, he could sense that in the subspace of Fuyuki City, a complete Fuyuki City was being replicated, except that the Great Holy Grail buried deep underground was transferred to Fuyuki City in the mirror world. Inside and outside, there is no change.

Soon, Mo Yi felt that the gem Onzel Rich standing in the sky above Fuyuki City was obviously a good thing he had done.

Grandpa Mo Yi also had to praise the other party's idea of ​​using the coquettish trick of copying and transferring to break the membrane barrier that Mo Yi had set up over the years. It was such a good idea.

Not enough. Obviously not everyone can do such a cool operation.

In the Magic Association, only the so-called Magic Marshal Gem Man can do this.

Xingyue has five major magics, and Gemstone Weng is a magician who masters the second magic of "Parallel World Observation and Interference". He once fought against the world-destroying boss Zhu Yue for 300 rounds. After paying the price of being sucked by Zhu Yue, which caused his strength to be greatly reduced, After paying the price, he successfully defeated Zhu Yue. Even though his strength was greatly reduced, he was still one of the most powerful figures in the world of Xing Yue.

Unexpectedly, the Magic Association even dispatched him for this Holy Grail War.

However, according to Mo Yi's understanding, Gemstone Weng is a person with a strange personality and full of bad taste. Maybe he took the initiative to participate in this Holy Grail War. He can travel to countless parallel worlds, and he has Who can force him?

"This hateful old man——"

Mo Yi couldn't do anything to him except murmuring to him, because when Mo Yi radiated his perception, the black pupils of the infinitely cute dragon Ophis transformed into dragon pupils, staring at Mo Yi, obviously not The intention was to let Mo Yi take action.

Moreover, he also exuded a heavy aura, which suppressed others and made them unable to move.

At this time, Tohsaka Rin and others finally understood that a person with a bad taste like Mo Yi would tolerate such a Sanwu loli. You know, if Tohsaka Rin dared to talk to Mo Yi so arrogantly, he would have been killed by Mo Yi. Grandpa suppressed it in a playful way.

The stronger the strength, the more you can feel the charm of Ophis. Among them, Artoria, who has the blood of the red dragon, is even more miserable. In addition to being physically overwhelmed by the opponent's aura, she also has the power of blood. The absolute suppression on her body and the red dragon's blood in her body made her body tremble and surrender.

Mo Yi stopped inducing the Fuyuki City Great Barrier to attack the Jewel Man, stretched out his right hand, pressed it on Ophis' head, rubbed it hard and said:

"If you don't stop, I'll get angry."

"Believe it or not, I will cut off your WiFi at station B!"

"Oh (⊙o⊙)..."

After hearing Mo Yi's threat, Ophis immediately changed back to his harmless appearance. The threat of cutting off WiFi is really shocking!

Without WiFi, the Bilibili Empire is taking jujube pills.

Of course, she didn't doubt whether Grandpa Mo Yi could do this. After the two of them got up, it would only lead to a lose-lose outcome for both parties. Since the other party gave up taking action, she naturally gave up the act of releasing his momentum.


After Ophis transformed back into a harmless Sanwu Lolita, everyone could finally exhale. In just a few seconds, even the air was condensed by Ophis' aura, making them unable to breathe.

"It seems that tonight's affairs can only be left to you."

Mo Yi put down the bowl and chopsticks, spread his hands and smiled helplessly:

"Erina, I can only ask you for help."

"It's really troublesome——"

In fact, Erina was in a very bad mood. It was so rare for her to have dinner with Oni-chan. She had already prepared more than ten plans to attack Mo Yi. As long as she managed to stay overnight tonight, the other party would not be able to escape.

I never expected to encounter such a disturbing thing, how can I be happy when I call my sister-chan?

But since it was Mo Yi's request, he had no choice but to accept it. At this time, if he didn't help the other party, who else could help him?

This is okay, let these unknown women know their own strength and understand that they are Onii-chan's good wives.

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