Feeling everyone's gazes on her, Erina said nonchalantly:

"Leave that old man to me."

Seeing Erina's casual look as if she had been asked to buy a bottle of soy sauce, everyone finally realized that Erina was actually the most capable person besides Mo Yi and Ophis.

Most of the people here know the name of Gemstone Man. After all, he can be regarded as a celebrity who has saved the world. If you don't even know such a person, if you come out to be a mysterious person, wouldn't you die without knowing it?

"Onii-chan, let me help too!"

Illya walked up to Mo Yi, clenched her fists and said.


Looking at Illya who was full of fighting spirit, Grandpa Mo Yi nodded, looked at Xuemiao, Tohsaka Rin and others who looked puzzled and explained:

"Ilia can protect herself."

As Grandpa Mo Yi's beloved child, how could Mo Yi take less care of her?

Just because she is a magician of the third magic "soul materialization", Illya has unlocked infinite blood and infinite blue. After another hundred years of training, she alone can be a solo player with Gem Man.

Seeing everyone's puzzled looks, Hero Emiya remembered the painful scenes in which he was suppressed by Illya countless times. Even though Illya always looked cute and easy to bully, he had been taught a lesson by the other party because of his poor grades over the years. The memories are simply countless.

Hero Wei Gong took the initiative to stand up and explain:

"Don't worry, my sister is very strong."

Xuemiao, Tohsaka Rin, Da Mao Wang and Red A quickly accepted this setting after being cute for two seconds. Are there any normal people who are with Mo Yi?

Since Grandpa Mo Yi who draws books can destroy the world and tear apart servants with his hands, Sanwu Lolita Orpheus suppresses them with one glance, and Erina who cooks can fight against the gem man, then Illya as a cute lolita is very good. Being able to fight, isn’t it a very reasonable setting?

Rather, this setting is normal, otherwise why would Illya become Erina's biggest enemy in her life?

"The other party has already started to take action——"

Mo Yi's eyes seemed to be looking through the wall, looking at the scene in the distance, and turned back and said:

"Everyone, place your hands with command spells engraved on them in front of me."

Although they didn't know what Mo Yi wanted to do, everyone subconsciously obeyed his words at this moment and stretched out their hands in front of Mo Yi. Mo Yi also stretched out his right hand and pressed their command spells respectively.

"This is?"

Servants such as Red A felt the magic power surging in their bodies and said:

"I feel like I can show my original strength."

After helping everyone add buffs, Mo Yi explained:

"I have transplanted the magic power supply from the disciples into my body. Don't worry about the magic power, just fight to your heart's content."

At this moment, Red A once again felt the terror of Grandpa Mo Yi. He alone could provide the magic power of so many heroic spirits, and also strengthen their abilities to a level close to the original body.

"And here's it for you."

After buffing the heroic spirits, Mo Yi took out a stack of strange cards from his clothes, then gave them to them one by one, explaining:

"This is the magic card I made for you in order to cope with this Holy Grail War. The method of use is to hold it in your hand and chant - the key that hides the dark power. Please show your true power in front of me. , I made an agreement with you, add my name and say: The power of the card can be triggered when the seal is lifted."

"Of course, if the situation is urgent, just recite 'Seal Release' silently."

Yumeow, Tohsaka Rin, Emiya Daixia, Shredded Rake: "..."

Who could recite such a shameful and stupid curse?

What a nasty guy!


Illya took Mo Yi's magic card and complained:

"This is no time for joking."

Although they were complaining about Mo Yi's bad taste, after seeing the cards in their hands, everyone still wanted to say, "Even if I jumped from here today and was beaten to death outside, I would definitely not say such shameful words." Another perfect spell - it smells so good! ’

Shredded Raaker, who had been silent all the time, opened the card and saw cards such as 'Portable Tactical Hydrogen Bomb', 'Chun Ge's Defense Cover', 'Vulcan Cannon Machine Gun', 'Instant Blood Regeneration' and so on. He couldn't help but sigh, it's not too bad. Yi has a conscience and knows how to honor his father-in-law.

After Tosaka Rin saw the description on the first card called 'Ishtarin' in his hand, 'You can transform into a heroic spirit and become the goddess Ishtar', he quickly put these cards away.

If all these cards were as described, how much would they be worth!

I don’t know if it can be used multiple times, or is it a consumable?

At this moment, Miss Tohsaka Rin began to hesitate whether to use these cards later. If you sell these cards, you can always buy them for a lot of money!

"Everything is ready, it's almost time to set off."

Mo Yi clenched his fist and punched the air. Then the air cracked like a mirror, revealing a colorful entrance and said:

"You can go to Fuyuki City in the Mirror World through here."

Chapter 309: If you lose, come home with me

"Miss Sesshōin, Scathach, you all go—"

Mo Yi looked at Miss Sesshōin who was holding the whole pot, holding a spoon in her claws, and showing a happy expression every time she ate a dumpling, and said:

"Ophis and I have some things that we need to work out."


Sesshouin was still indulging in the dreamy time of enjoying all the dumplings independently, but he didn't expect that it had just begun and was about to end. As a woman, she couldn't bear it!

However, the moment she made contact with Mo Yi's kind eyes, she suddenly felt relieved. Grandpa Mo Yi was clearly telling her, if you don't leave, I will throw you over.

"Okay, Master."

After saying that, Miss Sesshōin took out an extra-large thermos from her back, and then put the dumplings in the nest into it at a speed of seventeen per second.

Although there was still a third of the dumplings left in the pot in the end, the thermos was already full and Grandpa Mo Yi was about to kick himself out if he didn't leave.

Miss Sesshōin regretfully put away the thermos, hid it in a secret corner, then returned to Mo Yi bravely and said:

"Master, I'm leaving."

After Mo Yi stuffed a few cards into her, he waved his hand and told her to get out of here.

After Sesshoin walked into the circle of light, Scathach also followed her in. Ophis did not stop her. Anyway, her target was only Mo Yi, and the others were just incidental.

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