After the aperture disappeared, only Mo Yi and Ophis were left on the scene.

Of course, the awkward chat didn't happen between the two of them.

"What do you want to do tonight?"

After Mo Yi snapped his fingers, the cutlery and chopsticks on the table flew up automatically, like several pairs of invisible hands cleaning up the messy living room.

"Tower of knives, primary school student alliance, three hundred heroes, king of pesticides, or chicken?"

Mo Yi mentioned several ways that the two of them usually resolve conflicts.

"If you don't want these, you will pull out the network cable."

Ophis shook his head and said:

"I want to play some games where you can't unplug the network cable, so you can't cheat."

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Grandpa Mo Yi said with an insulted look:

"We all said it was a network line problem. Even in international competitions, we have never had such a problem."

"Ophis, how can you accuse someone of his innocence with empty words?"

That's right, that's it. This master will not admit this kind of shameless thing. Who allows you to lie at home every day to catch up and play games, how can you be as hard-working as me, who have to go to school every day and save all kinds of mistakes? Young girl, after coming back, she has to support her family and work until dawn.

This is not fair at all, so isn’t it reasonable for God to help me unplug the network cable occasionally?

"Let's do this-"

After that, Ophis took out a stack of game cards from nowhere and said expressionlessly:

"This way, I won't have to worry about someone pulling out the Internet cable more than ten times a night."

Mo Yi: "..."

Ophis, you are such a clever little kid. Where did you take out these cards? Your clothes don’t even have pockets!

"All right--"

Mo Yi could probably guess that the other party used his full hacking skills to sneak into the database of Yakumo House. Otherwise, how would he know about the game 'Yu-Gi-Oh!'? This project is obviously still in the preparation stage, waiting for Oriental Fantasy Town and It is a project that will be launched only after the progress of the implementation of Type Moon World has stabilized.

But this is okay, because the Yu-Gi-Oh project is still in the preliminary stage, and Kaku still has the cards and rules of the first generation of Yu-Gi-Oh. In this era of nonsense, I don’t believe that I, a high-end player who once dominated the Flower City No. 2 Middle School, can still talk nonsense. Fez.


Naive Ophis, choosing to use Yu-Gi-Oh to compete with me is your biggest mistake tonight. Prepare to bow down to my master's magic and tongue!

Grandpa Mo Yi felt that he was stable. After showing a charming smile, he took out a stack of personal decks from the storage space. Grandpa Mo Yi would not tell the other party that there were ten tenths of them in his deck. One's card is a whiteboard. As long as you recite it silently in your mind, you can print the card on the spot. This is the creator's privilege of the author.

After hearing Mo Yi's agreement, Ophis's face showed a rare small smile.

Although she is the head of the Bilibili Empire, the monsters in Bilibili are originally born from human obsessions. To a certain extent, they are all snakes. In addition, because she is the leader, in the In the Bilibili empire, there are no real friends to play with.

It wasn't until one day when Mo Yi, who had been reincarnated as a flying immortal in Mo Yi Continent and wandered in the void, passed by her door that she met her first friend.

"Mo Yi, my best friend, my enemy in this life——"

Ophis sat in front of Mo Yi, put the Yu-Gi-Oh card away, then drew the card and said:

"If you lose, come home with me!"

That's right, this way you'll have someone to play with, as well as novels and books to read.

Mo Yi: "..."

This requirement is not unfamiliar to Mo Yi. Every time the other party came to trouble him, he always used similar lines. However, with God pulling out the network cable and his own superb skills, the other party never succeeded, thus preventing the invasion of the Bilibili Empire. After all, the process of this world is a two-way bet. After the opponent loses, they will restrain their subordinates and reduce the extent of their invasion of this world.

Of course, Mo Yi could also see that Ophis, a three-dimensional lolita, was innocent on the surface, but very sinister on the inside. There were so many earths in the multiverse, and there were countless parallel worlds in the Moon World alone. Why did she Are you so obsessed with the world that Mo Yi lives in? What about placing the headquarters of the Bilibili Empire on the moon of this world?

Naturally, he threatened himself to play with her!

Despicable and cunning foreigner!

"I'll attack first and draw the card!"

Ophis looked like an old lady and pulled out a card from the deck. Just by looking at it, one could tell that she had finished watching the entire game of Yu-Gi-Oh!, and was still doing all sorts of cruel things in Station B.

Ophis showed a sly smile and put a card from his hand on the table.

Immediately, the environment within the object began to change, just like peeling off an egg shell, seemingly little by little but then instantly transforming into a vast universe.

"I summoned the chestnut ball to show the defensive status."

"Activate the magic card, Angel's Alms, draw three cards from the deck, and then put two cards into the graveyard."

"Lastly ambush two cards to end the round."

After watching the magic cards in his hand multiply and the dead come to life, and then thinking about the monster card Sun God's Winged Dragon that he just put in the graveyard, Ophis felt that he was sure.

Just get to the next round. She can activate the Resurrection of the Dead to summon the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, and then activate its special effect ability to sacrifice countless chestnut balls that have been incarnated due to reproduction. The avatar's attack power is infinite, and she can kill Grandpa Mo Yi in one round.

Hee hee, Mo Yi, you only have one last chance to struggle now, watch carefully, this is the power of all the monsters in King Land, the strongest god among the three illusory gods, the Sun God!

Thinking of this, Ophis once again laughed like a child about to succeed in his prank.

Mo Yi: "..."

Ophis, you smile so evilly. I just want to say one thing to you. You started shuffling the cards before shuffling them. This is obviously a foul act. Can you not be like President Kaiba and be so rogue by not shuffling the cards?

If it were someone else, Mo Yi could see through the opponent's card with his clairvoyance, but Ophis, who had already been pulled out of the network cable countless times by Grandpa Mo Yi, obviously wouldn't be so careless.

Of course, the other person was already smiling like a child, so he knew without thinking that nothing good was going to happen.

However, Ophis, you are too proud too early.

I have already drawn three white cards in my hand. As long as I draw two more white cards, I can directly print the five white cards into the sealed dark archmage. Player Tianhu, I ask you how to lose?

Of course, even if you hit a chain kill in the next round, with the three white cards in my hand, I can still let this master do whatever he wants with the seal cards and mouth!

Let me ask you, how do game developer players lose? !

——————The dividing line between battles of wits and courage——————

When Tohsaka Rin and others came to Fuyuki City in the mirror world, they saw a huge fortress floating in the air. It is not very accurate to call it a fortress. Perhaps it should be called an ancient city floating in the air.

"What on earth is this?"

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