"I have to be serious."

Having said that, he immediately activated the second method, disrupting the space near the two of them. Countless spatial turbulences prevented the other party from having the chance to pull him into the world of holy light again. At the same time, he also blocked the space for the other party to avoid. This When it comes to space blockade, he doesn't want to use it too lightly.

"Dimensional Slash——"

After blocking the opponent's attack, naturally use all your strength to output it. As for whether it will kill the opponent, no magician will delve into it. If you can kill the opponent with your own skills, why should you feel guilty?

Being beaten to death can only mean that the other party is too weak and cannot blame others.

Of course, no matter how weak Sister-chan's fighting power is, she will not be able to defeat the other party. You must know that Erina is the cherished person of Mo Yi's sister and wife, and she will not let her take any risks.

After all, Sister-chan was once the final boss of a certain world. How could she dare to jump out and destroy the world without two hands?

"Holy Light Immunity——"

Under Erina's order, the space within three meters of her was transformed into the realm of holy light, like a large ball of light, immune to all interference from energy and laws.

After seeing this extra large light bulb, Gem Onzelrich's eyes that were still red and could not be opened burst into tears again, and he roared in his heart——

Despicable guy, he spends all day doing fancy special effects to dazzle the old man's eyes. If he has the ability, he will have sex with me, my magic cannon, against the old man.

No matter how unhappy Gemstone Weng was, his dimensional slash, which could theoretically cut through anything attached to space, was absorbed like water drops into the sea without any ripples.

This idea is really tricky——

Gemstone Weng felt a little scared when he saw that even the attack of Dimensional Slash had no consequences at all. You must know that even a perverted powerhouse like Zhu Yue would not take this move forcefully, but would avoid it. Or use moves to offset it, while the opponent turns on that big light bulb that seems to use little power, and there is no sign of consumption at all.

This opponent is rushing towards me with such a big light bulb and hammering me. Wouldn't he, an orthodox magician, be blasted by the opponent?

Gem Onzelrich, who wanted to give up, raised the gem sword in his hand and activated the second method with all his strength, absorbing magic power from countless parallel worlds and preparing a big move. Even if he could not kill the opponent, he could still divert the opponent's attention. force, and then take the opportunity to slip away.

An old fox is an old fox, and his fighting wisdom far exceeds that of young people who are unparalleled in their wisdom.

Feeling the endless magic power gathered in the gem sword in his hand, even the space blockade he arranged was crushed and out of control by the magic power borrowed from the endless parallel world, causing the surrounding space turbulence to become more violent.

In a sense, Gemstone's ultimate move R also has a control effect, blocking the enemy's dodge space.


Of course, Erina also felt that the gem sword in the opponent's hand was condensing magic power like crazy. Although she didn't know the specific principle, she probably felt that the gem sword was like a lightning rod, attracting the violent magic power from different parallel worlds.

It is unrealistic to use such violent magic to release magic. Then the opponent's next attack will only be to blast away the magic group in Area 11 and hit him.

What a brutal way of attacking!

However, this head-on fighting style is exactly what Erina wants, because she recently started watching shounen manga, and also likes hot-blooded comics, and she also learned a secret from it. In the past, she had no chance to fight, so she could only fight with Mo Yi. Fisting on the bed and fighting on the ground, now I finally have the opportunity to experiment with my imagination.

"Infinite Aether Cannon!"

The fully charged gem Onzelrich pointed the gem sword in his hand at Erina, and then directed the magic power of countless parallel worlds to eject.

As the saying goes, magic cannons are the romance of magical girls. As one of the deepest fans of magical girls, Gemstone Ong is deeply aware of this and has developed such a trick that uses countless parallel worlds as firepower forts and supplies. The largest magic cannon move in the moon world.

Zhu Yue's feat of making dreams come true and smashing the moon onto the earth was defeated by his magic cannon, which shows how powerful this move is.

However, looking at the magic cannon that struck violently like a tsunami, Sister-chan did not show the slightest fear, but was full of fighting spirit. This level of attack was in line with the wave-fighting scene she imagined, otherwise how could she become a legend? ?

The opponent can use the world's magic source, but Erina can also control all light elements in the world.

Sister-chan, who was essentially born from the will of the light element, tried her best to mobilize the light element in the world at this moment, causing light particles like fireflies to appear everywhere in the world, whether on the earth or in the sky, everywhere Diffuse this beautiful light.

The two elements of light and darkness are one of the two basic elements that make up the world. Light serves as the projection source and darkness serves as the background color to outline all things in the world, just like the yin and yang in Eastern mythology constitute the basic theory of all things in the world.

Erina, who has mobilized all the power of light elements at this moment, may not be less powerful than the gem man who mobilizes the magic sources of countless parallel worlds.

Infinite clouds of light elements surrounded Erina, and then turned into countless wings of holy light, covering half of the sky in Fuyuki City. Then Erina faced the direction of the gem man, and used the gathered light elements like the other party, It is restrained and shot out in the form of a magic cannon.

However, the way she fired it was different from that of Gemstone Man. Gemstone Man fired it with the gem sword in his hand, while Erina shouted loudly.

As the saying goes, the output depends entirely on roaring, and it is the same in the hot-blooded comics. Whoever roars louder and stands on the right can win the victory against the waves. Specific examples-Fate's Dragon Lady and the Hunter's Guild Leader.

Now, Erina has embodied this theory into a new meaning——

The Mercy of the Goddess (Roar)!

As a result, the violent magic cannon and the hot light cannon collided in the high sky of Fuyuki City, and Fuyuki City once again ushered in the day of nuclear neutrality.

————The dividing line between nuclear and nuclear weapons——————

Under the guidance of the passive skill "Revelation", Jeanne Arc, who had just entered Fuyuki City and was running towards Emiya's house, suddenly felt the trembling magic of high school.

"If this level of magic breaks out, it will completely destroy this city!"

Jeanne looked up at the sky worriedly and muttered.

Of course, although she felt the various magic spells arranged in Fuyuki City, she didn't know that these magic spells were enough to block the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.

Moreover, under the influence of Fuyuki City's Great Barrier, the citizens of Fuyuki City did not notice the abnormality in Sky Mountain and that they were about to usher in another day of nuclear neutrality.

After thinking for a few seconds, Jeanne gave up moving towards Fuyuki City, and instead chose to protect the safety of Fuyuki City. So she quickly went to the highest point in Fuyuki City, and then at the moment of the nuclear explosion, she released all the magic power in her body. , the Noble Phantasm that liberates oneself:

"My god is here!"

Then he planted the battle flag in his hand on the ground and turned it into a huge defensive shield, preparing to resist the nuclear explosion shock wave that destroyed the Great Barrier of Fuyuki City.

However——(You can probably imagine the scenario.)

Chapter 311: Mo Zai: Where is Dad?

"I hope I can resist it——"

Joan of Arc, who cares about her country and her people, is ready to run out of magic power and be sent back to the Hall of Valor by a shock wave from the sky. Joan of Arc has never been afraid of such a thing as sacrifice!


Joan of Arc: "Meow meow meow?"

A wave of energy riot comparable to that of a nuclear explosion was blocked by Fuyuki City's barrier, which she perceived to be ordinary and thinner than Sophie. What was most incomprehensible to her, a scumbag, was that she could withstand such a terrifying force. The Great Barrier of Fuyuki City didn't even have any shaking vision. If she hadn't had the perception that is beyond ordinary heroic spirits, the terror would be the same as that of the stupid citizens living in Fuyuki City. What kind of horror is happening above their heads. Things are unclear.

However, it cannot be said that others do not know it. You must know that the citizens living in Fuyuki City have never seen any big scenes. With the blessing of countless stories from parallel worlds, the citizens of Fuyuki City can say that they are facing various kinds of things every day. In the nuclear explosion crisis, how can we live happily and healthily if we make a fuss about everything?

In any case, Miss Joan of Arc successfully saved another Waiguo man who was living in dire straits.

Although the scene was a bit embarrassing, Miss Joan of Arc quickly came out of the mood of sacrificing her life to save others. At this moment, she became more and more curious about the owner of Fuyuki City, and according to her revelation ability, the place she went to was the real Fuyuki. The center of the city's great barrier, in other words, is the residence of the master of Fuyuki City.

Jeanne regained her composure, put away her battle flag, and continued running towards the Emiya family.

——————The dividing line in the mirror world————

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