"The situation is not right. Let's move separately first to avoid the other party's attack."

Seeing Achilles pushing the shield full of love towards them, he thought in just one second that since the opponent's move could block their total attack, it showed that the defense was strong and the effect of continuing the attack was It's hard to tell, and judging from the opponent's posture, they want to use a shield as broad as a city wall to crush them and kill them.

Coupled with the opponent's forward speed, if they are still standing together at this time, they will turn to catch up with the opponent. The final method is to separate and act separately. It depends on who the opponent can chase with such a big shield!

Moreover, a gem of this level must consume a very large amount of mana, and it is impossible to only use it to chase one person.

Therefore, Shred Rake, who has sharp fighting skills and mature thinking, found the most suitable response method in an instant.

As for everyone in the middle school, in addition to being heroes with full combat experience, they are also good kids and will not act like middle school youths. I just don’t listen. I only believe in myself and then do all kinds of tricks.

So, everyone followed Kiritsugu's reminder and formed a team of three or two people to quickly avoid it in different directions.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

After Achilles saw the red heroes escaping in different directions, he said unhappily:

"Cunning guy."

If you're a hero, just fight me, make tactical moves, etc. It's the most boring thing.

No matter how much Achilles complained in his heart, he could only stop the liberation of the Noble Phantasm of the 'Small World Surrounding the Sky' as Shredded Rake expected. Although the magic power was provided by Amakusa, it couldn't be wasted.

The friends in the Sky Garden couldn't help but praise Achilles after seeing him displaying his great power, perfectly resisting the attacks of various Noble Phantasms from the red side, and even counterattacking.

Anyway, if you let them do it, you won't be able to beat him. It seems that there is no false warrior under the famous reputation. He is worthy of being a great hero with a reputation comparable to Uncle B. The monster always stares at a picture saying, "I am strong, and there are still people who can beat me." ?'s HD face.

Amakusa breathed a sigh of relief, and almost fell down because too much magic power was taken away in a short period of time. Fortunately, it finally stopped.

"The Great Holy Grail has been successfully accepted——"

Amakusa looked at the heroic spirits sitting down, and excitedly opened his hands, making a gesture of embracing the new world, and said:

"Now I need to ask you to deal with the pursuers of the red heroes."

"The fateful war has officially begun!"

"Ha ha--"

Mordred, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, laughed and said:

"It's finally started, but we must first agree that King Arthur has been booked by me, and no one should compete with me!"

That's right, dear father, your Mo Zai is here, let's fight for three hundred rounds!

I will prove that this is a generation of young people. Old antiques like you should abdicate and give way to others. I am the person most qualified to continue the throne of Great Britain!

My broadsword is already hungry and thirsty. Let's have a good battle to see which one is sharper, your spear that penetrates my son, or my son's sword that pierces my father's emperor!

After saying that, Mordred was as excited as if she had won 10 million, and then jumped out to have an imaginary fateful battle with her father, King Da Mao, who had long forgotten her.

Of course, Mordred was not the only one who was extremely excited. Arjuna, who had been hiding in the corner looking for that one with a humble smile on his face, was also so excited that he was almost trembling. Even though his face was dark, but in his heart The performance is no worse than everyone here, after all, he is a man with two personalities.

When he thought that he would soon be able to fight Karna, the dark personality in Zhou Heiya's heart kept roaring -

"Karna, you are the only one I must defeat!"

"Arthur! Arthur!"

The same thing happened to his father-in-law Lancelot. Lancelot, who was wearing an armor that looked like a villain with a cloud of black air, could not help but rush to the battlefield, and let his king Al Tolia hacked him to death again. Only in this way could she alleviate the guilt in his heart about King N.T.R. and the collapse of Great Britain.

Seeing the heroic spirits in the audience who were ready to move and had no patience to listen to his bragging anymore, Amakusa was also in despair!

He thought about it for a long time before he came up with some words to encourage his employees to work hard and make bread and wives. But his employees didn't seem to want to listen to his nonsense. They just wanted to airborne quickly and fight with the enemies below. Hundred rounds.

People's hearts are broken and it's hard to lead the team!

In this case, Amakusa didn't say anything more to encourage everyone, but directly asked them to go out to stop the red team's pursuit.

As for him and Semiramis, they naturally carried out the plan seriously in the Hanging Garden. Amakusa was responsible for cracking the Great Holy Grail, and Empress Semiramis was responsible for guarding the Frozen Throne.

"We're the only ones left, Master."

The empress was still very decadent and bored, sitting on the throne, looking at the empty palace, and said meaningfully:

"Can our long-cherished wish really come true?"

Amakusa didn't seem to notice the meaningfulness in the other person's eyes, and continued to maintain a confident smile and said:

"Of course, everything is under control!"

"Soon, mankind will usher in salvation, and you, Assassin, will become the king of the new world as you wish."

After hearing Amakusa's assurance again, Semiramis seemed to have heard something happy and laughed heartily, but she didn't know whether it was funny or really happy, but no matter what, hearing the other party's assurance was enough. .

Seeing the man in front of her, whom even she had to admire, heading towards the established path, she was satisfied with his appearance this time.

After smiling enough, the empress stretched out her right hand towards Amakusa, as if she wanted to hold it tightly, and said with a smile:

"I'm looking forward to it very much, Master."

Amakusa smiled and said:

"Then stay tuned, assassin."

After saying that, Amakusa walked deep into the place where the Great Holy Grail was placed, preparing to forcefully open the Great Holy Grail and activate the power of the third method.

After watching Amakusa leave, Empress Semiramis chuckled softly for some reason, raised her right hand high, countless magic spells were activated in her hand, and muttered:

"It's rare for me to be full of energy——"

As the inner magic of the Sky Garden was activated, countless Dragon Tooth Soldiers parachuted down to the ground from the Sky Garden to serve as cannon fodder to delay the enemy.

The Sky Garden, on the other hand, burst out with unimaginable speed and flew away thinking about moving far away.

————The dividing line on the battlefield————————

"I found you, Father!"

Snow Mew, who was riding the Sesshōin lady, was blocked by a guy wearing strange red heavy armor, and the other person spoke words he didn't understand as soon as he appeared.

"Come and fight, King Arthur!"

After saying that, he rushed towards the stupid king next to Xuemiao.

"It's you, Mordred!"

Suddenly a monster jumped out and attacked her by name. As the stupid king, Artoria definitely couldn't back down. Moreover, the opponent was still her son, so she should teach the opponent a lesson and let the other party understand——

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