(The curry stick seems to be the strongest holy sword in the setting, but the author feels that my Xuanyuan Sword is not convinced. You must know that the Eastern Qin Dynasty has already launched a galaxy fleet to defeat the general. According to the convention that the longer the moon is, the more powerful the combat effectiveness will be. , how to calculate Huangdi's combat power? He probably has to fight Black Goat and Bubble.)

As a result, the thunder cannon and the holy light cannon tilted toward each other!



While outputting their magic power with all their strength, Mo Zai and King Da Mao naturally did not forget to roar as hard as they could. After all, the victory or defeat depended on who roared loudest.

After all, the time has come, and Artoria can’t help but think of what happened that day—

That day, she still tortured Hero Emiya and Xue Miao who wanted to practice their swordsmanship every day, and then met Grandpa Mo Yi who was passing by.

Then, naturally, the wooden knife in Grandpa Mo Yi's heart was knocked out by his interest.

"Artoria, your sword is messed up."

Mo Yi said unmotivated:

"How can you defeat Mordred like this?"


Artoria didn't expect that what she was worried about would be directly spoken out by the other party.

That's right, after meeting Mordred, King Da Mao was very confused. He couldn't help but think about it all day long, thinking that Great Britain failed to handle the matter of Mordred and Lancelot well. will perish.

After all, he is not suitable to be the king of Britain.

As a result, my desire to go back to the past and change history became stronger, but my mental state became worse and worse.

"You can't do this-"

Grandpa Mo Yi glanced at Xue Miao, who had worry written on his face.

Xue Miao was originally a problem child, and relying on her to comfort and convince Artoria was really difficult.

Therefore, Grandpa Mo Yi had no choice but to take action to resolve the matter himself. Who told him to miss Xue Miao?

"Come to my room when you have time, Artoria."


King Daimao remembered that the strongest person in Wei Gong's family was Grandpa Mo Yi, and that he was still a mage. Referring to the example of Merlin, people who are good mage are often smart people and are called sages. If you don't have enough IQ to learn how to do magic, you should switch to swordsmanship as soon as possible.

"I'm free now."

So, Artoria followed Grandpa Mo Yi into his room to answer the questions in her heart.

Xuemiao, who was very worried about his servant, followed him naturally. Of course, he was not afraid that Grandpa Mo Yi would do something strange, but just because he was worried about King Da Mao.

In just over an hour, Dai Mao Wang learned many things that he had never thought of before, such as——

It’s not that it’s the world that’s wrong; everything is a fucking arrangement of Steins;Gate, so it’s really not you who’s wrong; productivity determines production relations, and when production relations don’t adapt to productivity, revolution comes into being. From this It can be seen that the collapse of Britain is an inevitable choice of history and cannot be changed by mere manpower; it is impossible for one person to succeed if he acts recklessly. Only from the masses, from the masses, and suppressing all opposition forces with the iron fist of people's dictatorship can we The correct way to govern the country; the specific reason for the failure is that you were too tolerant. Things like N.T.R., no matter what the reasons are, are unforgivable. You should have killed them in the first place, otherwise people's hearts will be broken. Dispersed.

Anyway, after more than an hour of preaching, receiving karma and clarifying doubts, Artoria finally regained her confidence, and the worries that plagued her heart finally dissipated.

"This is a gift I give you. I hope you can learn from it the way to save Britain."

After saying that, Mo Yi took out two red booklets from the bookshelf and gave them to King Da Mao.

"This is--"

Xuemiao, who was watching Mo Yi deceive his followers speechlessly, couldn't help but take a breath after seeing "Mao···Summary···" and "Mao···Quotations". He didn't expect Mo Yi to actually Such a nuclear weapon will be given to Artoria.

After putting away the pamphlet solemnly, King Da Mao hesitated to speak, and finally asked:

"Master Mo Yi, after you have said that, if you meet Mordred in the next Holy Grail War, how should you treat her?"

The stupid king understands the principle, but he still doesn’t know how to deal with it in practice.

"Of course the naughty child should be caught and beaten first, and then he should be cared for——"

Grandpa Mo Yi said with great insight:

"If the other person causes trouble again, continue to catch him and beat him up, and finally show some concern for him, and so on. One day the other person will be influenced by you."

After that, Mo Yi took out a card with a red and white ball painted on it and the word 'Master Ball' from his arms and gave it to Artoria, saying:

"When you feel that you have finished teaching the opponent, use this card to put away the opponent. Then I will help you deal with the opponent's maintaining the status of a servant."


Altria took the master ball from Grandpa Mo Yi with great courage, bowed solemnly and said thanks:

"Thank you very much, Master Mo Yi, for your help."

I didn't say that I would thank you deeply in the future. If I didn't want to fool an upright person like King Mao, even if I wanted to express my gratitude, I would have to hide it in my heart and express my gratitude with actions.

Xue Miao on the side was immediately confused after hearing Mo Yi's education method. This is not educating children, this is clearly the way to educate pets!

Hit him with a stick and give him a bite of candy until the other person develops a good habit subconsciously. It is simple, violent and effective.


Xue Miao, who freely accepted elite education, naturally could not accept this traditional education method from a big flower family. She stared at Mo Yi with dissatisfaction. It was not until King Da Mao left that she said in a disgusting tone:

"I will never accept your inhumane education method."

"Don't even think about getting within one meter of my child in the future!"

Mo Yi: "..."

A loving mother with many failed children, how dare Xuemiao be so arrogant!

Naturally, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't bear it anymore and said righteously:

"My baby, why don't you let me get close to you?"

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The culture is serious and a breath of fresh air among dirty guests.

Nothing left...

But still can't get rid of it...

All that's left is hatred and anger...

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