Then...let me embrace the spiral of contradiction until destruction...

——Neo Avilux (Touhou Fantasyland work)

(I really didn’t expect that someone would come to me, this Buddhist salted fish, to recommend a book. When I saw it was Dongfang, I said “Okay”. I think about how glorious our Great Eastern was back then. As soon as I opened a certain point and looked at it, it was Che Wan. I'm a fan, but now I can't find one or two that I can read. When I saw my wife on the cover, I was so excited. I'll pretend to be a cheater for 100 million before I talk about it.)

Chapter 313: The flaming snake burned up even the gods

The firmly convinced Daimao King was not afraid of Mo Zaina's previous kills, but now he restrained his own Noble Phantasm, put all his magic power into the curry version, and shouted:


The same is true for Mordred. Although he always said that his only purpose was to defeat King Arthur, in fact, when he found out that he actually saw his father in this Holy Grail War, he felt so happy and expectant.

Looking forward to reaching an understanding with the other party, getting the other party's recognition, and hearing the other party praise me——

He is indeed the proudest son of Arturia.

However, the facts did not develop like this, and the two still fought to the death again just like in their previous life.

The grief and anger in my heart at this moment is my dissatisfaction with King Daimao. How can it not be the anger towards my cowardice?

"Arthur, King!"


The confrontation between the two light cannon Noble Phantasms, coupled with the fact that both of them did not care about the magic output, finally triggered a new nuclear explosion storm in this replica of Fuyuki City.

"Damn it!"

Mordred used his sword to support the ground to support his body, which was somewhat exhausted due to the desperate use of all his magic power. However, with the magic power provided by Amakusa, the magic power could be replenished in a few minutes.

"Is it a tie?"

Although he was unwilling to give in, Mo Zai also understood that based on strength alone, he was indeed no match for the King of Du Mao who had conquered many battles and won many battles. It was already a good thing to be able to tie the opponent in the battle. Well, this is only possible because my treasure has the bonus of forcing the other party to do so.

It doesn't matter, I can return to the devil quickly, but my father doesn't treat her like this. After I return to the devil queen, why don't I just beat the other party how I want to?

"Sniff, sip, sip—"

While she was thinking about countermeasures, the sound of footsteps becoming increasingly clear approached Mordred.

And she woke up in an instant. No matter why King Daimao didn't need to pause for a while to take a breath, the opponent was attacking now.

Sure enough, after the haze was broken, it was the stupid king holding a curry stick.

"Damn, this is like defeating me——"

Mordred forcefully extracted the magic power from her exhausted body, and then endless red thunder and lightning emerged from her sword, making a confused face towards Artoria who was coming towards her.

"Thinking too much, Arthur!"

"It's you who thinks too much, Mordred!"

Under Mo Zai's disbelieving gaze, all the red lightning was bounced away by the colored light film covering Artoria's body, unable to even hinder the opponent's progress.

"I see--"

Even though it was unbelievable, Mordred also realized why the other party had such strong recovery power and ignored his own magic power.

"So you have found the lost scabbard?!"

Mordred once again remembered that Merlin, the magic stick of Shenlong, had said that as long as the scabbard is in hand, King Arthur will never fail.

In fact, when he first launched his rebellion, the other party's sword scabbard happened to be lost.


No matter how she resisted, there would be no hesitation or stagnation in King Da Mao's attack. In the end, the magic sword in her hand was knocked away by King Da Mao's curry stick in a few rounds.

"Oh no--"

As a knight, Mo Zai naturally knew what losing his weapon meant in this kind of duel. It seemed that he had lost again.

After losing the magic sword, Mordred knew that her failure was inevitable, but she was still waiting to be captured. She was unwilling to show her cowardly side in front of King Da Mao. She would rather die standing than live on her knees. !


After Mo Zai roared, he advanced instead of retreating, preparing to hit King Da Mao directly in the chest with his small fists.

Just let yourself die on the way to reunion - Mo Zai thought honestly.

However, Artoria never thought about falling in love with each other and repeating the past practice from the beginning.

After being enlightened by Grandpa Mo Yi, she has made a new decision!

After knocking away Mozai's demon sword, Artoria stuck the golden sword in her hand on the ground, then took out two cards from the armor and crushed them.

Mordred was surprised at first, and then became angry. Did he mean to look down on himself and let himself go?

Don't you even have the qualifications to be killed by her with your own hands?

In anger, Mo Zai hit King Da Mao on the chest with all his strength. The defense of the all-A knight could not be broken by a saber with fists, and Artoria was using a sword at the moment. The sheath is protected by the 'ideal land far away from the world', even if it is connected to EA in the face, there will be no problem!

As a result, Mo Zai's angry iron fist was like hitting a steel barrier, and the only pain was the bleeding little fist.

"The seal is lifted - Quetzalcoatl!"

"The seal is lifted - the glory of the King of Knights!"

After using the card given to them, they can briefly borrow the power inside it. At this moment, Artoria is using the ability of Quetzalcoatl, who has the strongest wrestling skills among many heroic spirits and even gods.

Since you don't want to kill the opponent, then beating the opponent until he loses his fighting ability is the best option.

However, Artoria is good at swordsmanship. The curry stick is so sharp that it can kill Mo Zai if not careful. Therefore, after Artoria knocked away the opponent's sword, she also abandoned the holy sword and fought hand-to-hand with the opponent. stand up.

I am using the invincible skill at the moment, can the other party still beat me?

As the saying goes, in my BGM, no one can beat myself!

The card in the other chapter is the buff card handed to her by Grandpa Mo Yi. After using this card, the BGM "Glory of the Knight King" will automatically sound within a radius of 100 meters, and it can also use Artoria's potential. Stimulate it and exert more than 100% combat effectiveness.

When the BGM started playing, King Da Mao, who was wearing Quetzalcoatl's South American tropical-style dress, leaned over and punched Mo Zai in the lower abdomen.


Mordred: What the hell is this?

When will my father transform?

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