Of course, the modern knowledge given by the Holy Grail obviously does not include knowledge about 'magical girls', otherwise Mo Zai would not make a fuss.

As the saying goes, any beautiful girl who cannot transform is not an excellent magical girl!

And Artoria would not stop and explain to her what happened in the wave and what her ability was before continuing the combo.

After all, only the villain would do something like this, showing off to the protagonist while revealing his abilities.

After King Da Mao punched Mo Zai until he retched, he grabbed one of the opponent's hands, and then used the power of the leverage theorem to throw Mo Zai over his back and hit Mo Zai hard on the ground, causing the cement floor to explode. .

But the attack did not stop because of this. You must know that wrestling is a sacred sport. You cannot stop beating and banging until the opponent is knocked to the ground and his face is exposed.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang bang bang -"

Every 'bang' sound means that Mo Zai was hit on the concrete floor once by the stupid king possessed by Quetzalcoatl.

Mo Zai, who had been beaten so much that he was beaten all the time, just wanted to shout out loudly - Arthur, if you have the ability, just kill me with one sword! What kind of skill can you throw me around?

However, under the spinning and various impacts, Mo Zai couldn't even speak. The only reaction of his body was to vomit.

Seeing Mo Zai's hesitant expression (wanting to vomit), King Da Mao naturally thought that the other party was still dissatisfied and wanted to continue to resist his father's dignity.

Artoria, who always wanted to throw something, had no choice but to use Quetzalcoatl’s ultimate wrestling ♂ secret——

"The flaming snake burned the gods together!"

He vaguely saw Artoria suddenly bursting into flames, and an ominous premonition flashed in Mo Zai's heart. But because of the pain all over his body and the debuff that made him unable to vomit, Mordred couldn't say "No, I surrender." declaration.


Mo Zai, who was lying on the ground, was pulled by King Da Mao, and then he was kicked out with a rising dragon kick. Then Artoria, whose whole body was covered in flames, jumped into the sky.

The followers whose attention was drawn in the distance saw a flaming dragon snake flying in the sky a thousand meters high.

"Wake up, Mordred!"

Arturia, who finally caught up with Mordred in the sky, shouted loudly:

“Ultimo Tope Patada!”

Then he kicked Mordred in the abdomen, who was fortunately wearing armor. The huge impact made Mo Zai turn into a meteorite and hit the place. Because of his speed, it even brought up circles of sonic boom clouds.


Then, the copied Fuyuki City was damaged by one percent under the impact of Mordred's impact on the ground and rebirth.


Returning to the ground, he came into contact with King Da Mao after his dream transformation. He looked at Mordred in the crater with some embarrassment. He seemed to have gone too far.

Of course, Mordred was also successfully beaten to the ground by her. He couldn't even say the last words of the scene. He lay directly in the pit, and his body began to glow, and he looked like he was about to return to the Hall of Valor.

Fortunately, Master Mo Yi has already thought of a way to deal with it——

"Seal lifted - Master Ball."

Then a metal ball that was generally white and a hundred red appeared in Artoria's hand, and King Da Mao followed the instructions and threw it towards Mordred, who couldn't afford it.

After the Master Ball hit Mordred, it automatically opened and sprayed out a burst of red light that sucked Mordred in.

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong——"

After the button on the master ball flashed for a few times, it finally calmed down and then disappeared automatically.

"Finally solved-"

King Daimao looked at the disappearing master ball and exhaled. A lot of his worries were finally solved.

According to the description, the metal ball just now had a healing effect. Now it is just back in the hands of Grandpa Mo Yi. When he returns, he can just take it to Mo Yi.

You can go help Yukino now.

King Da Mao looked at the sky garden in the distance where the shadow was almost disappearing, and said to himself.


King Da Mao: "Meow meow meow?"

Why are people still calling me?

At this time, the stupid hair on his head was shaking crazily, and his passive skill Intuition was activated. The stupid hair king turned sideways to avoid a light pole that was attacking from behind.


"Arthur, Arthur..."

All right--

Looking back, King Da Mao finally saw clearly that it was the despicable guy who had sneaked up on him.

"Why is it you again, Sir Lancelot!"

Didn’t we just go solo during the last Holy Grail War?

Why were you summoned again, and in this Shi Lezhi state again!

Do you know that it was very difficult for me to defeat you last time?

No matter how much Prince Da Mao complained in his heart, the Yangtze River Knight would not know that the only thought in his mind at the moment was to fight to the death with Artoria. (With the blessing of Amakusa's command spell, he fell into madness again. He only knew how to find King Dumao and fight with him for 300 rounds.)

"Sir Lancelot, please wake up!"

When King Da Mao saw Lancelot losing his mind, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable again. He had just solved the traitor who stabbed him to death. Will he face his friend who cheated on him this time?

However, after the last Holy Grail War, she already knew Lancelot's true thoughts. All he wanted was his own sanctions.

Coupled with the enlightenment of Grandpa Mo Yi, King Da Mao, who gradually understands people's hearts, also began to understand the thoughts of Lancelot with the long sword. Perhaps holding hands and stabbing him to death is the best redemption for him.

That's right, no matter what the reason was, he killed himself, killed Gawain, and caused the collapse of Great Britain. These were all things Lancelot did wrong!

Lancelot, who fell into madness, naturally ignored the shouts of King Da Mao. After all, this is not a Korean drama. As long as the loved one shouts a few words, he can defeat everything.

Before King Da Mao could attack, Lancelot couldn't wait any longer. He grabbed another street lamp next to him, and then activated the Noble Phantasm 'A Knight Will Not Die with His Unarmed Hands', directly transforming what he thought was a weapon into a Noble Phantasm. Turn it into your own weapon.

Obviously, in Lancelot's eyes, street lights are weapons.

Now that the opponent had launched an attack, Arturia did not hesitate to pull up the curry stick on the ground to welcome Lancelot's reunion.

But a streetlight is still a streetlight and can easily be chopped off by a curry stick.

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