"I still know a thing or two about magic."

Mo Yi looked at Jeanne and said:

"Let me take you to the mirror space."

Joan of Arc thanked:

"Thank you, Mr. Mo Yi."

"I didn't expect you to be an unexpectedly good person. I thought..."

At this point, Joan of Arc finally realized that she had said the wrong thing again.

Mo Yi: "..."

Zhen Gongping, you're done. I just wanted to send your MT over to help Xuemiao and the others block the damage.

Now that you have offended this abbot, you still want to leave?

After fighting the Holy Grail War, don't even think about leaving!

Yakumo House welcomes you——

Chapter 317: Heizhen’s pregnancy and married life

No matter how much Grandpa Mo Yi wants to send Miss Jeanne to the Yakumo House for good training, let the other party realize that Jeanne who will not dislike France is not the essence of a good Jeanne, and even the other party's plan (Hei Jean's pregnancy and marriage) Life) have been thought about one by one, but all of this needs to wait until the Holy Grail War is over.

As the saying goes, first unite all the forces that can be united to fight against external enemies, and then engage in internal struggles. This is the truth. The famous example is the first and second cooperation between Rabbit and Bald Man to purchase, rescue and plant flowers. Home history.

Mo Yi extended his right hand with a warm smile on his face and said, "Miss Joan of Arc, can you extend your right hand?"


Is this a popular handshake in modern society?

After shaking hands, we are friends?

Grandpa Mo Yi's ability has exceeded the detection range of Joan of Arc's passive skill 'Revelation', so she can't feel the full malice hidden in Grandpa Mo Yi's heart at this moment.

Joan of Arc, who had a great heart, stretched out her right hand and held Grandpa Mo Yi's right hand. Then a powerful and strange magic power was transferred from the other person's hand to her own hand, and then quickly spread from the palm of her right hand to her whole body, Jeanne trembled in comfort, feeling a strange pleasure like being given a shot of chicken blood. She had the urge to find someone to fight for 300 rounds.

Feeling something inappropriate, Joan immediately retracted her right hand, stepped back two meters cautiously, and looked at Grandpa Mo Yi. After seeing that the other party did not behave strangely, she opened the palm of her right hand and looked at it, and found a big heart on it. black spot and asked vigilantly:

"Mr. Mo Yi, what exactly did you do to me?"

The revelation skill was not activated, which meant that the other party had no malice in his heart, but the feeling just now was that the other party must have done something to him that he didn't know about.

"Miss Joan of Arc, please don't misunderstand——"

Grandpa Mo Yi explained aggrievedly:

"I just used magic to help you strengthen your spirit base and magic power supply. I hope this will be of some help to you. And when you are in deep crisis, you can also take the initiative to recite the four words 'Seal Release' in your heart. Then keep it in the palm of your hand. The magic will trigger and help you get through the crisis.”

Joan of Arc: "Huh?"

The skill 'Revelation' was not activated, and the silly Joan of Arc naturally believed in Grandpa Mo Yi's thoughts. At this moment, she couldn't help but feel ashamed. She should not have doubted a good person who helped her!

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood, please forgive me——"

Joan of Arc, who knows her mistakes and can correct them, walked back to Mo Yi, bowed and apologized:

"And thank you very much, Mr. Mo Yi."

Seeing the other person's appearance of not raising his head up if he didn't forgive her, Mo Yi naturally chose to forgive the other person!

In fact, what Mo Yi did just now was the same thing as what he said. It was indeed to help Joan add a strengthening and infinite magic buff. If the opponent was casually sacrificed in the battle later, then he would still How to sincerely invite someone to join Yakumo House and become an idol?

And when the opponent chooses to self-destruct, the membrane method injected into the opponent's body will also be triggered, summoning the legendary sister-in-law Hei Zhen.

As the saying goes, if there is a saint of light, there must be a witch of darkness. This is the royal match, double the happiness.

Thinking of Jeanne's bewildered expression when she saw a black Jeanne who despised her being separated from her body, Grandpa Mo Yi suddenly felt that today was another happy day.

When the time comes, when you invite the other party to Yakumo's house, you can also let the readers enjoy the double happiness of black and white Joan of Arc. I, Master Yakumo, am indeed a conscientious book painter.

"It doesn't matter--"

Mo Yi looked like the world is ignorant and had long been accustomed to the sad look of being misunderstood. He smiled understandingly and said:

"I wish I could help you."

If this was a beautiful girl's game, Jeanne's head would definitely have this data displayed - Favorability 100%♂.

The more Grandpa Mo Yi looked at him, the more ashamed Joan felt, so she had no choice but to bow and thank her again:

"Mr. Mo Yi, you are a truly good person. May the Lord bless you!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Could it be that this is the legendary good guy card?

Moreover, I don’t believe in the Lord because I have passed the stage of being deceived by others and have reached the age of deceiving others.

"Time is running out, Big Orange is the most important thing——"

After Mo Yi gained favor with Joan of Arc, he opened the space passage to the mirror world again and said:

"You can go to the battlefield through here. I'll leave the rest to you, Miss Jeanne."

Mo Yi originally wanted to go with Joan of Arc, but as soon as he showed such thoughts, Ophis, who had been sitting on the sofa and being a good boy, snorted and nudged him.

What the other party clearly means is that we haven’t finished our work yet, so don’t even think about leaving, otherwise don’t blame me for wreaking havoc at the same time!

Finally, Mo Yi opened a passage and let the other party pass through first.

"It is my responsibility to maintain the order of this Holy Grail War——"

Joan of Arc walked into the space passage, and when she was about to pass through it, she turned back to Grandpa Mo Yi and said firmly:

"So, leave it to me, Mr. Mo Yi!"

After taking one last look at Mo Yi with a warm smile on his face, Joan couldn't help but feel touched. There are indeed many good people in this world!

If given the chance, I must repay the other person well.

"Is this the battlefield?"

Joan of Arc, who finally reached the battlefield, couldn't help but be shocked by the scene in front of her. She could see that this was Fuyuki City originally, but at this moment, it had become a ruin. What a tragic battle this was!

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