However, now is not the time to sigh. Under the influence of the passive skill 'Revelation', Joan of Arc looked up in the direction of the Sky Garden, held the holy flag in her hand, and said to herself:

"Is this the origin of all heresies?"

After thinking of Mo Yi's warm smile again in her mind, Joan felt that the expectations on her shoulders were even heavier at this moment. She was not only fighting because of the responsibility given by the Holy Grail, but also holding on to Mr. Mo Yi and all those who longed for peace. Fight with anticipation!

"Let me solve everything!"

Joan of Arc, who had been beaten to death by Mo Yi, held the holy flag and entered the 'Chastity Run' mode again, running towards the sky garden where small soldiers and dragon tooth soldiers were constantly being dropped and light cannons were fired!

————The dividing line on the battlefield————

"Shirou, don't go too far away. If you are separated by the other party, you will be in trouble."

Kiritsugu looked at the hero Emiya who was holding a pair of black and white swords and driving the unparalleled swords to harvest the Dragon Fang Soldiers and reminded:

"Leave the south to me!"

After that, he put away his usual pistol and took out the artifact that Mo Yi had given to his father-in-law - the "Vulcan Gatling Cannon with unlimited bullet supply"!

Under the enhanced magic that Medea helped them with, Shred Rake easily took the Vulcan Gatling Cannon, which theoretically could not withstand the recoil of a single person, and fired at the Dragon Tooth Soldiers who kept coming from a distance.

"Bang, bang, bang--"

Under the powerful fire suppression, swarms of dragon tooth soldiers fell to the ground.

"As expected of dad——"

Seeing such efficient harvesting methods as shredding and raking, Hero Emiya couldn't help but sigh, and the speed of wielding the two swords increased a lot.

After all, every son has the urge to prove his ability in front of his father, and Hero Emiya is no exception.

"You guys are really giving me a hard time—"

Holding a pink wand in her hand, Illya has transformed into a magical girl. The wand in her hand is like a machine gun, firing magic bullets continuously, bombarding the incoming dragon tooth soldiers, while complaining:

"Our goal is the Great Holy Grail, don't waste too much energy dealing with these cannon fodder."

Emiya Shirou: "..."

Sister, do you think everyone has unlimited magic power like you?

How can you sneak into local positions without using Wushuang!


Suddenly, there was another huge explosion not far away, and even the ground shook.

"What an exaggerated battle!"

Medea, who was paddling frantically while focusing on protecting her master, Hero Emiya, raised her head to look at the explosion scene, which had more than a thousand faces. A mushroom rose from the ground and spiraled into the sky. Light up the dark sky like day.

Medea patted her heart with lingering fear and complained:

"A battle of this level, even in the Age of Gods, would be enough to be engraved in an epic."

It was only because he thought this was a good opportunity to go back in time, change history, and kill Jason that he responded to the call of the Holy Grail.

I thought that my level of magic was comparable to that of a magician, enough to fool everyone in the Holy Grail War in modern society, and easily win the Holy Grail War. What I never expected was that this world was much more dangerous than I imagined.

In a battle of the level between Karna and Arjuna in the distance, even if you were to watch the battle from the side, let alone fight it, you would probably be instantly evaporated by the aftermath.

However, Medea did not regret responding to the call of the Holy Grail, because she had found a new goal, something far more meaningful than going back to change history and seek revenge on Jason.

Thinking of this, Medea couldn't help but look tenderly at Hero Emiya, who was sneaking in a Musou under her enhanced magic.

"Master Shirou, we'd better leave here quickly. If the battle between Lancer and Archer spreads here, we'll be in trouble."

Yes, any possibility that might jeopardize her Medea's pursuit of a happy life must be eliminated.

Shredded Harrow, who also felt the sound of the battle in the distance, roared after defeating the last dragon fang soldier, took out a cigarette from his pocket, took a comfortable puff, and then spit it out in the direction of Karna's battle.

The scene from more than ten minutes ago came to mind. He had just escaped the attack of Achilles, and was about to find his friends nearby. When they attacked together again, Zhou Heiya, who looked like he was not a chief, but was actually a European emperor. Came out from somewhere.

"It's really a fateful encounter, Karna."

In fact, he sensed the direction of Karna's magic power and deliberately illuminated it. However, religious people like them can relate to gods and fate in everything they do, which is a very superstitious reason. , not to mention that Arjuna was originally the son of Indra, the main god of Hinduism.

Only by speaking in this way that sounds like a god, can you show your second-generation godliness.

"I didn't expect to meet you in this Holy Grail War!"

When saying this, Arjuna remained humble, with a smile that made people feel good at first sight. If one did not know the details, one would really think that Arjuna was seeing his half-father reunited after a long separation. He was very happy to be his half-brother.

"This is indeed a fateful encounter, Arjuna."

Karna took a step forward, looked at Arjuna in front of him, and spoke calmly, but the flames burning all over his body in his hands showed that his heart was not as calm as it sounded.

Arjuna and Karna were both heroes in ancient India, and they were also old rivals who fell in love and killed each other. In myths and legends, Karna was killed by Arjuna in a duel.

However, this is not because of Karna's poor strength. In fact, his luck is too bad. The degree of unlucky is definitely enough for him to become a Lancer. His lucky E is not because of his luck and Brother Brush. The same as Wang Jiang, but because the worst luck value is only Lucky E.

Anyway, it was the kind of thing where the whole world was against him, and he managed to survive and get a duel with his destined enemy, the Emperor of Europe, Arjuna. However, on the night before the duel, Arjuna's father Indra took advantage of him and said If so, forcefully defraud him of his golden armor.

Then during the duel, he was cursed by his master. He forgot all his good skills and couldn't use the magic weapon in his hand. What was even worse was that the chariot he was driving actually fell into a puddle and could not move.

In the end, I could only hate being killed by Arjuna, who was born a hero and needed gods, but fate used various ways to send him gods.

However, Arjuna did not let Karna go because of this. Instead, he held a grudge. No, it should be said to be a more complicated emotion than grudge. In short, the moment he saw Karna, he knew that the other person was him. The old enemy must be killed.

As for the reason, of course I can't stand the counterattack of diaosi!

He felt very unhappy when he saw that the other party had such a poor background and could actually reach this level, as if the existence of the other party was telling him——

That's right, you rely on your father, your background, and your luck to succeed in the European Imperial Party.

Even if it were not you Arjuna, someone else could have done what you did.

As a princeling, Comrade Zhou Heiya, how could he endure such ridicule?

He realized that as long as Karna still exists, such ridicule will exist. Only when the other party no longer exists, he will be a perfect hero.

To him, only the dead Karna was his good brother.

From a more fundamental perspective, the opposition between Arjuna and Karna is inevitable. One represents the exploiting class and the other represents the exploited class. Arjuna, as the exploiting class, naturally cannot tolerate Karna, the exploited class. It’s a great success!

If you let the other side get ahead, then who will these exploiting classes exploit in the future to enjoy a beautiful and happy life?

This is the so-called irreconcilable class conflict between European emperors and non-Emirates.

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