Faced with such a situation, Ta Miao was also very desperate. After roaring unhappily to express her dissatisfaction, she adopted the most correct response method, which was to hide like a huntress——

The wind is tight, pull!

Then use the cover of darkness, wait until others reveal their weaknesses, and then take the opportunity to attack, killing them with one strike.

Tonight, Ta Miao will join the hunt to hunt down those loving dogs who are stuck in the darkness and still give out dog food!

No matter what, in the eyes of Hero Emiya, Ta Miao was just a fertilized cat who roared bluffingly and then hid.

Hero Emiya: "..."

What about the three hundred rounds of the promised battle?

My wife helped me get the buffs and was just waiting for you to deliver them to me. You actually ran away like this. Don’t you have any pride in being an archer?

Does stealth work? Does rejection from a distance work?

In the end, you don't have to rush in front of the enemy with the Noble Phantasm, and you have to hit the Noble Phantasm head-on to win!

————The dividing line in the Kingdom of Shadows————

"In the Kingdom of Shadows, which is isolated from the outside of the world, your magic power supply has been cut off."

Scathach struck with two spears in his hand as fiercely as a tiger, knocking Achilles backwards and said:

"Achilles, is there nothing we can do?"

Purple-haired BBA: Here, you will only become weaker and weaker, but my power will indeed become stronger and stronger!

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Achilles naturally knew that he would definitely not be able to defeat him if this continued, but what could he do?

With my own invincibility, the opponent has the ability to break defenses; I have unlimited supply of magic power, and the other party cuts off my infinite magic power; and, my own noble phantom 'Spear Point of the Soaring Star' cannot liberate my true name because the other party is a woman. , pull the opponent into the world of guns and have a hand-to-hand battle!

Of course, he was not sure whether he could beat the opponent in hand-to-hand combat. After all, the opponent was obviously a caster, but he was more powerful than anyone else with his two guns. Anyway, among the many heroes he had seen, no one used his guns. I can play better than her.

Now, he finally understood one thing, that is, real mages will not die in close combat, and the mages he met before were just rubbish mages.

A first-class mage is simply unable to sneak away. He can bombard with spells from a distance, control various spells, and fight with guns at close range. Under various buffs, with a sudden stroke, the so-called how to lose when riding a dragon on the face is probably like this. .


Shaka sighed. He was too demanding. He had clearly weakened the other party to a pulp, but he still expected the other party to hide some secrets, burn the small universe, and give himself a surprise. It was indeed a bit demanding.

After all, not everyone can burn the small universe for Atheya, perform a Pegasus Meteor Fist, or ignore someone just because they recall the voice and smile of their companions, play the BGM, and shout "Because we are Fairy Tail" At first, the opponent's health was reduced, and then he jumped up and used a big move to kill the opponent's full-health monster in seconds.

In a sense, the combat rules of the Xingyue World are quite complete and scientific. If you can't defeat someone based on the setting, you just can't defeat it, unless you have a cheat hidden in your body that you don't know about.

ten minutes later--


Achilles, who was shot through the heart by Scathach, spit out a mouthful of blood and sighed:

"Among all the heroes who wield spears, Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, you are the strongest I have ever seen——"

"As far as spear skills are concerned, I, Achilles, would like to call you the strongest!"

Scathach: "..."

Although the other party's words sounded full of déjà vu, the other party was almost confused. As a professional master craftsman, he still had to acknowledge Achilles' efforts.

"Achilles, you are one of the warriors I have seen who is perfect in skill and will."

"One of them?"

Achilles smiled mockingly to himself and did not look at the purple-haired BBA again. Although the imperial sister was good, Achilles liked the cat-eared girl.


Achilles thought about Atalanta, who ignored him and looked at him in the distance. Then, with a full sense of satisfaction, he turned into magic particles and disappeared.



Scathach used another gun and shot Achilles, who had turned into magic particles, again!

Damn Aqua!

Achilles, you are blind, how can I be the eldest sister?

This queen is obviously only seventeen years old, can she speak?

Of course, Scathach, who was so angry, did not realize that the person Achilles had better praise and miss was not her.

————The dividing line between All-A Cavaliers——————

"There's a fight ahead, Archer!"

Being held by Red A, she told Miss Tosaka Rin who was moving in Fuyuki City, which was almost completely bombed, when she suddenly noticed an explosion in the distance.

"It's Saber fighting the opponent's servant."

In fact, Red A had already discovered Artoria's battle. You know, even Tohsaka Rin had discovered it. How could he have discovered the battle ahead with his passive skill 'clairvoyance'?

No, it should be said that it was precisely because Red A discovered the fact that Artoria was fighting that Miss Tohsaka Rin was able to discover that Saber was fighting.

Could it be that Red A would block his ectopic wife from the parallel world and tell her——

Rin, my other wife Saber is fighting. I am very anxious now. The Heroic Spirit Emiya requests to fight. Is this what you say?


Although she knew that this was a parallel world, Red A, who had been tortured in another world, still subconsciously concealed her true thoughts and allowed herself to take the initiative to help Artoria. Miss Tohsaka Rin took the initiative. He goes to help the other person.

I have to say that men who have girlfriends are very cunning!

No matter how much of a teacher he was before, Big Pig Hoof evolved into an old fritter under the control and oppression of his girlfriend.

This is a good proof of Darwin's theory of evolution, natural selection, survival of the fittest, and the strong always adapt to the environment and evolve new postures.

"Then let's go to the saber round quickly!"

Although Tohsaka Rin-sama and Yukimya have different personalities, it may be due to the compatibility issue between the real eldest lady and the fake eldest lady. They thought they noticed that the other party was hiding the same target as themselves.

However, she still likes cute creatures like Saber, and the other party is still the Saber class she dreams of. If possible, she really wants to interact with the other party's Pokemon and change her servant to Saber.

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